Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Fibroids and Environmental Toxins

Fibroids and Environmental Toxins

There is often much concern about the levels of environmental toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis. They can be present in the foods we eat, our drinks, the atmosphere around us, drugs we might take and even in containers which our food comes in. Many experts believe that these toxins can lead to long and short term health problems, one of which could be uterine fibroids.
Many people believe that by taking herbal supplements and preparations and various over the counter treatments that we undo or counteract the effects and reliev fibroid symptoms. However, no amount of pills will do any good if you haven’t taken steps to cleanse your internal system, digestive tract and other vital internal organs. In many ways, not addressing the real problem is a little like continually pouring water into a leaky pail!
It is believed that the liver can become clogged with environmental toxins and this encourages fibroids to form and existing ones to enlarge. The liver is essential in maintaining the blood sugar level, keeping hormones in balance and helping remove insulin from the body, thereby preventing insulin resistance. When these functions are not performed correctly, this can cause fibroids.
Environmental toxins can mimick hormones and therefore disrupt the healthy working of our internal systems. As estrogen is one of the potential primary causes of fibroids, an excess of this hormone, whether natural or deriving from environmental toxins, can trigger fibroid growth.
Carrying out cleansing protocols and following a balanced, healthy diet can help to remove toxins from the body as a whole and, specifically, the liver. This can alleviate fibroid symptoms and be a major factor in helping fibroids to shrink.

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