Saturday, 18 August 2012

Is leadership, not management systems, what is important?

Is leadership, not management systems, what is important?
Actually,  BOTH leadership AND management are important.
Or as Peter Drucker put it –
Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.
Leadership is all about effectiveness – doing those things that will achieve the desired results.
Management is all about efficiency – designing and implementing procedures to achieve the desired results using the most efficient processes.
Or as Peter Drucker put it –
Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right thing.
Leadership focuses on what you do; management focuses on how you do it.
This is why management system standards, such as OHSAS 18001, have requirements for both leadership and management.
Organizations must identify the objectives needed to achieve their policy commitments, evaluate the risks associated with achieving those objectives and establish plans to accomplish their objectives.  In other words, identify those things that will achieve the desired results.
Organizations must also establish systematic processes to accomplish their policy commitments and achieve their objectives.  In other words, design and implement processes to achieve the desired results.
Neither leadership nor management is uniquely important.  Both are.

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