Tuesday, 13 November 2012

RSEP-304 Rajco Tensile Testing Machine

Tensile Testing Machine

Rajco Tensile Testing Machine are used for wide variety of materials for their tensile strength and elongation. The materials include wires, cable, plywood, conductors, ferrous and non- ferrous materials, cloth, fibres etc.

The machines are manufactured in various capacities and test appropriate traverse speed and using suitable grips in conformity with ASTM, DIN, BIS, BSS standards.

These machines are fitted with over-travel safety switches suitable for 230 V AC supply.

Cap. (Kgf) 250 500 1000 2500 5000
Ranges 0-50 kgf x
100 gms
0-100 kgf x
200 gms
1-1000 kgf x
2 kgf
0-2500 kgf x
5 kgf
0-5000 kgf x
10 kgf
0-1000 kgf x
200 gms
0-250 kgf x
500 gms
0-500 kgf x
1 kgf
0-1000 kgf x
2 kgf
0-2500 kgf x
5 kgf

0-250 kgf x
500 gms
0-500 kgf x
1 kg
0-250 kgf x
500 kgf
0-2500 kgf x
1 kgf
0-1000 kgf x
2 kgf
Traverse Speed(mm/min.) or as per specif 500 100 100 100 100 100
Grip Separation minimum Maximum 25mm 25mm 25mm 25mm 25mm
1000mm 1000mm 750mm 750mm 750mm
Power Requirement 3 ph 440V
50 c/s AC
3 ph 440V
50 c/s AC
3 ph 440V
50 c/s AC
3 ph 440V
50 c/s AC
3 ph 440V
50 c/s AC
Load Elongation Included Included Included Included Included
Recorder wherever
wherever necessary wherever necessary wherever necessary wherever necessary

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the information.TensileMill CNC offers small and large, high speed, machining centers designed to prepare the highest quality flat and round tensile specimens.
    Tensile Test Sample preparation equipment
