Raghavan R --- Four Million Safe Man-Hours for the man hours worked by Associates ---
Dear All,
I am very happy to inform that, we have completed Four Million safe man-hours as on 18.09.2013 for the man-hours worked by associates, which is equivalent to 855 accident-free days.
I congratulate all the associates for this remarkable achievement.
I wish that all of us should continue our efforts and strive to embark many more such landmarks in future.
Best Regards,
R. Raghavan
Vice President (Operations & Projects)

Raghavan R --- Four Million Safe Man-Hours for the man hours worked by Associates ---
Dear All,
I am very happy to inform that, we have completed Four Million safe man-hours as on 18.09.2013 for the man-hours worked by associates, which is equivalent to 855 accident-free days.
I congratulate all the associates for this remarkable achievement.
I wish that all of us should continue our efforts and strive to embark many more such landmarks in future.
Best Regards,
R. Raghavan
Vice President (Operations & Projects)
1. Industrial hygiene concerns itself only
with the control of occupational diseases. So its contribution to
accident prevention is nil.
2. Safety engineer should only be interested in the physical damage, broken bones and bloody injuries.
3. Safety engineer cannot be away from the control of occupational diseases.
4. It is the responsibility of the industrial hygienist to study an environment for the pollutants and defects and safety engineers come to the picture while implementing the recommendations of the industrial hygienist is taken up
5. The key concepts of industrial hygiene program are:
(Recognition, evaluation, controle, recommendation)
6. Evaluation and control of the environment can be purposeful and effective only if the recognition of the pollutant is perfect.
7. Evaluation of an environmental pollution does end with the measurement of concentration of that pollution.
8. A measure of the damage of the environmental pollution on the human being also forms of the evaluation.
9. Controlling an environment calls for much experience.
10. For controlling an environmental pollution that emanates from a process, it is not required to know the nature of the process that is going on.
11. Controle measures taken against taken against environmental pollution differ widely with operations.
12. Some of the chemicals sensitize the skin. Most of the epoxy resins have this quality of the following, Which are sensitizing agents?
(Araldite, Quick fix, synthetic rubber, tar)
13. Oil dermatitis can be caused by the contact with.
(Mineral oils)
14. Skin disease incidence depends on ..
(Age, Sex, Dietary habits, Heredity)
15. Women are more prone to skin disease than men because..
(Their skin is very tender)
16. Personal hygiene is more important to fight against Dermatitis.
17. Continuous contact with cloths soiled with an irritant also can cause dermatitis
18. While selecting a glove to guard against dermatitis, the following must be considered
(Whether the glove will dissolve in the oil against which it is used;
Whether it will allow any oil through it;
Whether it will interferes with material handling )
19. Barrier cream application interferes with material handling.
20. Barrier cream interfere with sweating.
21. Barrier cream is effective only for 2½ hrs. So, only repeated application is purposeful.
22. Barrier cream is effective only if the contact with irritant is going to be just occasional.
23. Barrier cream can also be used against corrosive materials.
24. Barrier cream is a failure against certain chemicals.
25. Aerosols are those that can keep floating in the air, Can you make them in the following?
(Gas, Mist, fume, Smoke, Vapor, Dust)
26. Aerosols get in to system only through inhalation.
27. Some of the aerosols enter the system through skin too.
28. Dusts are produced by size reduction of solids.
29. Dusts follow the gravitational law and they do settle down.
30. Their rate of settling depends on.
(Particle size, density)
31. Particle size of a dust is mentioned as the diameter of the sphere in which the dust could be accommodated.
32. Nasal hair filter particles whose size goes beyond 10 microns. So, particles of respirable range have a size less than 10 microns.
33. All dusts entering the system settle in lungs.
34. All dusts reach alveoli, the minute sac of the lung, and settle there.
35. When a dust reaches a spot in the lung, fibrous hardening takes place in that spot and this is the defensive mechanism of the system.
36. Those hardening leads to a less oxygen transferring capacity of the lung and this further leads to shortness of breath.
37. The condition of dusty lung is medically called as pneumoconiosis (Pneumo-lung, coni-dust, osis-condition). Can you match the following?
Dust Condition of lung
Silica Silicosis
Asbestos Asbestosis
Coal Anthracosis
Alumina Aluminosis
Iron Siderosis
38. The damage of a dust is determined by its efficiency to lead to secondary infection.
39. Silica is the most dangerous dust, as the silicotic lung is a good seat for tuberculosis.
40. Gases are defined as formless Fluids which can be compressed to liquids or solids with decrease in temperature and increase in pressure. Can you tick in the following all those that are gases?
(Ammonia, ozone, carbon monoxide, Nitrogen di-oxide, Sulphur di-oxide, Nitrogen, Oxygen Methane)
41. Some of the gases when inhaled irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. They are called gaseous irritants. In the following list, tick them:
(Ozone, Hydrogen chloride, chlorine, oxides of nitrogen, ammonia, sulphur di-oxide)
42. There is no natural defense mechanism against these irritants
43. Oxides of nitrogen is produced more in the case of gas shielded arc than in manual arc welding.
44. Ozone is produced during arc welding because of the ultra violet radiation. So ozone is produced wherever the radiation reaches.
45. Respiratory tract constricts while inhaling and this constriction is called as spasm. Spasm may not lead to death.
46. Respirators are the best solution to avoid inhaling irritants.
47. Some gases when inhaled interfere with the oxygen transfer at the lung and thus deprive the system of oxygen. They are called asphyxiants. Here follows a list:
(Carbon monoxide, Carbon Di oxide, Acetylene, Argon, Nitrogen, Helium)
48. Carbon monoxide combines chemically with hemoglobin to form carboxyl Hemoglobin. So it is called chemical asphyxiate.
49. Gases that transfer with the oxygen transfer, just because of their presence and influence on oxygen partial pressure are called simple asphyxiates. Other than carbon monoxide and Hydrogen Cyanide, the rest come in this list.
50. Exposure to Asphixants only at higher concentrations is fatel.
51. Simple asphyxiants is more harmful than the chemical asphyxiant because it affects the partial pressure of oxygen.
52. Physical asphyxiants require higher concentrations to bring in the damage, while chemical asphyxiants do the same even at lower concentrations.
53. Recovery to normal health is immediate if the man is removed from the environment polluted with an asphyxiant.
2. Safety engineer should only be interested in the physical damage, broken bones and bloody injuries.
3. Safety engineer cannot be away from the control of occupational diseases.
4. It is the responsibility of the industrial hygienist to study an environment for the pollutants and defects and safety engineers come to the picture while implementing the recommendations of the industrial hygienist is taken up
5. The key concepts of industrial hygiene program are:
(Recognition, evaluation, controle, recommendation)
6. Evaluation and control of the environment can be purposeful and effective only if the recognition of the pollutant is perfect.
7. Evaluation of an environmental pollution does end with the measurement of concentration of that pollution.
8. A measure of the damage of the environmental pollution on the human being also forms of the evaluation.
9. Controlling an environment calls for much experience.
10. For controlling an environmental pollution that emanates from a process, it is not required to know the nature of the process that is going on.
11. Controle measures taken against taken against environmental pollution differ widely with operations.
12. Some of the chemicals sensitize the skin. Most of the epoxy resins have this quality of the following, Which are sensitizing agents?
(Araldite, Quick fix, synthetic rubber, tar)
13. Oil dermatitis can be caused by the contact with.
(Mineral oils)
14. Skin disease incidence depends on ..
(Age, Sex, Dietary habits, Heredity)
15. Women are more prone to skin disease than men because..
(Their skin is very tender)
16. Personal hygiene is more important to fight against Dermatitis.
17. Continuous contact with cloths soiled with an irritant also can cause dermatitis
18. While selecting a glove to guard against dermatitis, the following must be considered
(Whether the glove will dissolve in the oil against which it is used;
Whether it will allow any oil through it;
Whether it will interferes with material handling )
19. Barrier cream application interferes with material handling.
20. Barrier cream interfere with sweating.
21. Barrier cream is effective only for 2½ hrs. So, only repeated application is purposeful.
22. Barrier cream is effective only if the contact with irritant is going to be just occasional.
23. Barrier cream can also be used against corrosive materials.
24. Barrier cream is a failure against certain chemicals.
25. Aerosols are those that can keep floating in the air, Can you make them in the following?
(Gas, Mist, fume, Smoke, Vapor, Dust)
26. Aerosols get in to system only through inhalation.
27. Some of the aerosols enter the system through skin too.
28. Dusts are produced by size reduction of solids.
29. Dusts follow the gravitational law and they do settle down.
30. Their rate of settling depends on.
(Particle size, density)
31. Particle size of a dust is mentioned as the diameter of the sphere in which the dust could be accommodated.
32. Nasal hair filter particles whose size goes beyond 10 microns. So, particles of respirable range have a size less than 10 microns.
33. All dusts entering the system settle in lungs.
34. All dusts reach alveoli, the minute sac of the lung, and settle there.
35. When a dust reaches a spot in the lung, fibrous hardening takes place in that spot and this is the defensive mechanism of the system.
36. Those hardening leads to a less oxygen transferring capacity of the lung and this further leads to shortness of breath.
37. The condition of dusty lung is medically called as pneumoconiosis (Pneumo-lung, coni-dust, osis-condition). Can you match the following?
Dust Condition of lung
Silica Silicosis
Asbestos Asbestosis
Coal Anthracosis
Alumina Aluminosis
Iron Siderosis
38. The damage of a dust is determined by its efficiency to lead to secondary infection.
39. Silica is the most dangerous dust, as the silicotic lung is a good seat for tuberculosis.
40. Gases are defined as formless Fluids which can be compressed to liquids or solids with decrease in temperature and increase in pressure. Can you tick in the following all those that are gases?
(Ammonia, ozone, carbon monoxide, Nitrogen di-oxide, Sulphur di-oxide, Nitrogen, Oxygen Methane)
41. Some of the gases when inhaled irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. They are called gaseous irritants. In the following list, tick them:
(Ozone, Hydrogen chloride, chlorine, oxides of nitrogen, ammonia, sulphur di-oxide)
42. There is no natural defense mechanism against these irritants
43. Oxides of nitrogen is produced more in the case of gas shielded arc than in manual arc welding.
44. Ozone is produced during arc welding because of the ultra violet radiation. So ozone is produced wherever the radiation reaches.
45. Respiratory tract constricts while inhaling and this constriction is called as spasm. Spasm may not lead to death.
46. Respirators are the best solution to avoid inhaling irritants.
47. Some gases when inhaled interfere with the oxygen transfer at the lung and thus deprive the system of oxygen. They are called asphyxiants. Here follows a list:
(Carbon monoxide, Carbon Di oxide, Acetylene, Argon, Nitrogen, Helium)
48. Carbon monoxide combines chemically with hemoglobin to form carboxyl Hemoglobin. So it is called chemical asphyxiate.
49. Gases that transfer with the oxygen transfer, just because of their presence and influence on oxygen partial pressure are called simple asphyxiates. Other than carbon monoxide and Hydrogen Cyanide, the rest come in this list.
50. Exposure to Asphixants only at higher concentrations is fatel.
51. Simple asphyxiants is more harmful than the chemical asphyxiant because it affects the partial pressure of oxygen.
52. Physical asphyxiants require higher concentrations to bring in the damage, while chemical asphyxiants do the same even at lower concentrations.
53. Recovery to normal health is immediate if the man is removed from the environment polluted with an asphyxiant.
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