Ministry of Jal Shakti
azadi ka amrit mahotsav
Posted On: 24 MAR 2025 12:15PM by PIB Delhi
Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee National Institute of Water and Sanitation (SPM-NIWAS) (autonomous institution under the Ministry of Jal Shakti) has organised a five-day training programme on “Operation & Management of Rural Water Supply Schemes” from 24th February 2025 to 28th February 2025 at Port Blair (Andaman & Nicobar Islands). The course focused on equipping engineers with the necessary skills and knowledge to address critical issues such as system inefficiencies, non-revenue water (NRW), energy consumption, and inadequate community engagement.
At present, there is no such proposal under consideration to this Department. However, the capacity building of stakeholders including Engineers in State/ UTs, plays an important role in implementing the vision of Jal Jeevan Mission. It helps in leadership development and equipping the stakeholders with required technical and interpersonal skills including knowledge about latest technologies and innovations. This Department provides financial assistance to States/ UTs out of which States/ UTs may use up to 5% of resources, for support activities including capacity building and IEC activities. The States/ UTs can customize and organize the training courses as per their requirements. To take forward the developments made under the Jal Jeevan Mission, it is essential to further improve the basic training of field level engineers.
Presently, Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) is regulating groundwater by industrial, infrastructure and mining projects in 19 States/ UTs including the State of Chhattisgarh in accordance with the guidelines issued by Ministry of Jal Shakti vide notification dated 24.09.2020 (SO 3289) and amendments dated 29.03.2023 thereto (SO 1509).
Presently, there is no such proposal under consideration to this Department to introduce a mandatory training and certification programme for all engineers involved in water supply management in view of the growing challenges in rural water supply.
Ministry of Jal Shakti has issued guidelines for groundwater regulation. These guidelines have following provisions for demand-side management of groundwater/ water and optimizing its usage.
Industrial projects extracting more than 100 KLD (more than 1 Lakh Litre per day) groundwater have to mandatorily carry out biennial water audit and try to reduce water usage by means of advance technologies, recycle/ reuse.
Project Proponents have to pay Groundwater Abstraction/ Restoration Charges for obtaining NOC from Central Ground Water Authority. Levying of charges for extracting groundwater encourages Project Proponents to optimize water usage through recycle/ reuse/ reduce wastage.
Infrastructure projects drawing groundwater 20KLD or more are required to install STP and use the treated water for greenbelt development/ washing of cars etc.
Conditions in the NOC issued by CGWA include the condition that ‘Wherever feasible, requirement of water for greenbelt (horticulture) shall be met from recycled/ treated waste water’.
· Though groundwater extraction for agricultural activities is exempted from groundwater regulation, the guidelines advise States/ UTs to review their free/ subsidized electricity policy to farmers, bring suitable water pricing policy and work further towards crop rotation/ diversification/ other initiatives to reduce overdependence on groundwater.
This information was provided by THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR JAL SHAKTI SHRI V. SOMANNA in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.
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