Safety data sheets (january 2017)
- 16 section format providing comprehensive information about the chemical SDS Elements Sections 1-8: General Information about chemical Sections 9-11, 16: Technical and scientific data Sections 12-15: Outside OSHA jurisdiction and not mandatory
- 4. 1.Identification of the Substance or Mixture and of the Supplier 2.Hazards Identification 3.Composition/Information on Ingredients 4.First-Aid Measures 5.Fire-Fighting Measures 6.Accidental Release Measures 7.Handling and Storage 8.Exposure Controls/Personal Protection 9.Physical and Chemical Properties 10.Stabilityand Reactivity 11.Toxicological Information 12.Ecological Information (non-mandatory) 13.Disposal Considerations (non-mandatory) 14.Transport Information (non- mandatory) 15.Regulatory Information (non-mandatory) 16.Other Information (including date of preparation or last revision)
- 5. Identifies chemical and recommended uses Provides essential contact information of the supplier The required information consists of: Product identifier used on the label and any other common names or synonyms by which the substance is known Name, address, phone number of the manufacturer, importer, or other responsible party, and emergency phone number Recommended use of the chemical and any restrictions on use
- 6. Identifies hazards of the chemical presented Appropriate warning information associated with hazards The required information consists of: The hazard classification (flammable liquid, category) Signal word Hazard statement(s) Pictograms Precautionary statement(s) Description of any hazards not otherwise classified For a mixture that contains an ingredient(s) with unknown toxicity, a statement describing how much (percentage) of the mixture consists of ingredient(s) with unknown acute toxicity. NOTE: This is a total percentage of the mixture and not tied to the individual ingredient(s).
- 7. Identifies the ingredient(s) contained in the product Includes information on substances, mixtures, and all chemicals where a trade secret is claimed. The required information consists of: Substances Chemical name Common name and synonyms Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) number and other identifiers Impurities and stabilizing additives (classified and which contribute to the classification of the chemical) Chemicals where a trade secret is claimed A statement that the specific chemical identity and/or exact percentage (concentration) of composition has been withheld as a trade secret is required.
- 8. Mixtures Same information required for substances The chemical name and concentration (i.e., exact percentage) of all ingredients which are classified as health hazards and are: Present above their cut-off/concentration limits or Present a health risk below the cut-off/concentration limits. The concentration (exact percentages) of each ingredient must be specified except concentration ranges may be used in the following situations: A trade secret claim is made, There is batch-to-batch variation, or The SDS is used for a group of substantially similar mixtures.
- 9. The required information consists of: Necessary first-aid instructions by relevant routes of exposure Description of the most important symptoms or effects, and any symptoms that are acute or delayed. Recommendations for immediate medical care and special treatment needed, when necessary.
- 10. The required information consists of: Recommendations of suitable extinguishing equipment Information about extinguishing equipment not appropriate for a particular situation Advice on specific hazards that develop from the chemical during the fire Any hazardous combustion products created when the chemical burns. Recommendations on special protective equipment or precautions
- 11. The required information may consist of recommendations for: Use of personal precautions and protective equipment to prevent contamination Emergency procedures Methods and materials used for containment Cleanup procedures
- 12. The required information consists of: Precautions for safe handling Recommendations for handling incompatible chemicals, minimizing the release of the chemical into the environment, and providing advice on general hygiene practices Recommendations on the conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities
- 13. The required information consists of: OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) Other exposure limits used or recommended by the chemical manufacturer, importer, or employer preparing the safety data sheet, where available Appropriate engineering controls Recommendations for personal protective measures Any special requirements for PPE, protective clothing or respirators
- 14. Appearance Upper/lower explosive limits Odor Vapor pressure Odor threshold Vapor density pH Relative density Melting point/freezing point Initial boiling point and boiling range Flash point Evaporation rate Flammability (solid, gas) Solubility(ies) Partition coefficient: n- octanol/water Auto-ignition temperature Decomposition temperature Viscosity • The minimum required information consists of: NOTE: SDS may not contain every item on the above list because information may not be relevant or is not available; Manufacturers may also add other relevant properties
- 15. The required information consists of: Reactivity Description of the specific test data for the chemical(s) Data can be for a class or family of the chemical if such data adequately represent the anticipated hazard of the chemical(s) Chemical stability Stable or unstable under normal ambient temperature and conditions while in storage and being handled Description of any stabilizers that may be needed to maintain stability Indication safety issues that may arise should the product change in physical appearance
- 16. Other Indication of possibly hazardous reactions Description of the conditions under which hazardous reactions may occur List of all conditions that should be avoided List of all classes of incompatible materials List of any known or anticipated hazardous decomposition products that could be produced because of use, storage, or heating
- 17. The required information consists of: Information on the likely routes of exposure SDS should indicate if the information is unknown Description of delayed, immediate, or chronic effects from short- and long-term exposure The numerical measures of toxicity - estimated amount of a substance expected to kill 50% of test animals in a single dose Description of the symptoms Include symptoms associated with exposure to chemical Indication of whether the chemical is listed in the National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report on Carcinogens (latest edition) or has been found to be a potential carcinogen
- 18. The information may include: Data from toxicity tests performed on aquatic and/or terrestrial organisms Acute or chronic aquatic toxicity data for fish, algae, crustaceans, and other plants; toxicity data on birds, bees, plants Potential for the chemical to persist and degrade in the environment Biodegradation, Oxidation, Hydrolysis Results of tests of bioaccumulation potential Potential for substance to move from the soil to the groundwater Other adverse effects Examples include environmental fate and ozone layer depletion potential
- 19. To minimize exposure, refer to section 8 (Exposure Controls/PPE) The information may include: Description of appropriate disposal containers Recommendations of appropriate disposal methods Description of the physical and chemical properties that may affect disposal activities Language discouraging sewage disposal Any special precautions for landfills or incineration activities
- 20. Guidance on classification information for shipping and transporting hazardous chemical(s) by road, air, rail, or sea The information may include: UN number (four-figure identification number of the substance) UN proper shipping name Transport hazard class(es) Packing group number Environmental hazards (International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code-IMDG Code) Guidance on transport in bulk Any special precautions which an employee should be aware of or needs to comply with, in connection with transport or conveyance either within or outside their premises (indicate when information is not available).
- 21. The information may include: Any national and/or regional regulatory information of the chemical or mixtures (including any OSHA, Department of Transportation, Environmental Protection Agency, or Consumer Product Safety Commission regulations)
- 22. Indicates when the SDS was prepared or last known revision was made May also state where the changes have been made to the previous version You may wish to contact the supplier for an explanation of the changes Other useful information also may be included here
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