Wednesday 18 September 2024

To measure ambient air temperature, you can use a thermometer or temperature sensor, and here are some tips for installation:

 To measure ambient air temperature, you can use a thermometer or temperature sensor, and here are some tips for installation: 

  • Location
    Keep the sensor in a well-ventilated space, out of direct sunlight, and at midheight of the room. 
  • Enclosure
    If using an enclosure, place it between 4.1 and 6.5 feet above the ground, on grass or dirt, and away from buildings and pavement. The enclosure should have slatted sides for airflow and a double roof to protect the sensor from rain. 
  • Mounting
    Mount the sensor vertically, and provide good airflow around it. 
  • Power
    For an ambient air temperature gauge, you can connect the red wire to a constant 12-volt power source and the white wire to an ignition switched 12-volt power source. 
Ambient air temperature sensors are often mounted near the front bumper of a car to provide input to the automatic HVAC system and to give occupants a reading of the outside temperature

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