It’s perilously easy to find a leadership brand and stick to it, without considering how you can improve and expand your skills. But even the best leaders can learn a thing or two about how to inspire their team. Thankfully, some of our best and brightest leaders throughout history left behind some great soundbites to help lead the way.
Whether you’re leading a huge team on a challenging project or just trying to climb the career ladder, these quotes can help provide some useful wisdom on how best to deploy your leadership strategy.
Here are some of the best quotes on how to be a better leader, sorted by the top leadership attributes they describe. This great advice from some of our most inspirational leaders just might make you rethink your current leadership strategy, renew your passion to lead, or point the way for how to better inspire your troops:
Provide Inspiration
Good leaders are trailblazers, making a path for others to follow. Great leaders, however, inspire their people to reach higher, dream bigger, and achieve greater. Perhaps the most important leadership skill you can develop is the ability to provide inspiration to your team. If you inspire them to reach for the stars, they just might bring you back the moon.
1. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams
2. “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” – Warren Bennis
Teach and Learn
Smart leaders know what they don’t know. Learning is a constant process throughout your professional life, and it doesn’t stop when you’ve become a team leader. Make sure to never stop looking for opportunities for professional development, and pass on the wisdom you’ve learned to your people.
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