Tuesday 24 March 2015

Employee Opinion Survey

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A brief introduction describes the survey process.
Due to its continued commitment to the development of the organization and its staff, in particular improving the organizational culture, [Company] elected to conduct an Employee Opinion survey.

The survey examines each employee's viewpoint on a variety of organizational topics including safety, training, career development and communication. The hope is to use the input to help guide actions related to improving the organizational culture. HR-Survey worked closely with [Company] to design a questionnaire that fulfilled the requirements of the organization.

The survey itself was launched January . During this period the survey was administered to employees via a web link on a voluntary basis. Employees were allowed time during their working day to complete the survey and due to the nature of the web link were able to respond on a confidential and honest basis as HR-Survey handled the administration of the survey responses.

This survey measured employee satisfaction on a variety of topics and within several work group classifications. The survey also included several open-ended items to gather information in the form of suggestions and explanations.


The primary purpose of the survey is to collect benchmark data (a baseline) about the perceptions of employees. This information will be used to enhance the employee work environment and and career development opportunities. These survey results will help identify:
  • Opportunities to improve job satisfaction, the organizational climate, employee training, and career development opportunities.
  • Differences in opinions and attitudes across different demographics, stakeholders, and constituents. This information may help make recommendations to create a more inclusive work environment.
  • Recommendations for action items and organizational development plans, strategic goals, and iniatives.

Populations Surveyed

The survey included all regular full and part time employees, temporary employees, and also on-site contractors. We are proud to say that the survey achieved an 80% response rate. The survey was administered in 4 different languages (English, French, Spanish, Japanese) to accommodate the global offices.

Types of Questions

The questionnaire was comprised of four main types of items: 5-point Likert scaled items (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree), Open-Ended text boxes, Ranked Items (e.g., rank these options from one to 8), and Checkboxes (e.g., check the top three reasons you come to work everyday).

March 24, 2015
This shows the typical format for an Employee Opinion Survey. Items are grouped by dimension with a set of follow up items at the end of each section.

Dear Employee: As you are aware we are commencing work on an Employee Satisfaction Survey, which will be conducted from now through April 7, 2015
The survey itself consists of 54 questions and should take approximately 25-30 minutes to complete, in order for [Company] to ensure confidentiality of all your responses we have employed an outside firm (HR Survey) to assist in gathering and analysing the data.

The survey is intended to provide our Team with valuable feedback to ensure that we are focussing our efforts in the right areas that will deliver a defined improvement for our employees; with this in mind can I ask that everyone participates in order for us to achieve our goal of continuous improvement/raising the standards.

After the completion of the survey a comprehensive analysis of the data provided will be conducted, which should take just a few weeks. Therefore, I expect to be able to share the initial results with you in January and discuss what we aim to do with the information gathered.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Human Resources Manager


2 No Opinion
4 Strongly
  1. I generally feel informed about changes that affect me within [Company].
  1. I usually know in plenty of time when important things happen.
  1. I can see the link between my work and [Company] objectives.
  1. Managers communicate clear objectives for the company to achieve
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
Text boxes help gather important suggestions from participants.
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?


2 No Opinion
4 Strongly
  1. Considering everything, I am satisfied at [Company].
  1. I find my work challenging.
  1. I like the kind of work I do.
  1. My working conditions are good.
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?


2 No Opinion
4 Strongly
  1. I get the training I need to do my job well.
  1. I am aware of available training and development activities.
  1. I am given a real opportunity to improve my skills in this Company.
  1. My training meets my needs for my current job.
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?


2 No Opinion
4 Strongly
  1. I believe there are a variety of ways for me to develop my career at [Company].
  1. Job promotions within the company are fair and reasonable.
  1. I am aware of promotion opportunities within [Company].
  1. I have the opportunity to progress within [Company].
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?


2 No Opinion
4 Strongly
  1. [Company] is innovative in developing new ways to serve our customers.
  1. [Company]'s image is that of a high quality company.
  1. [Company] performs its business operations to a high standard.
  1. The work policies are well developed and organized.
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?


2 No Opinion
4 Strongly
  1. My manager holds me accountable for the work that I do.
  1. My manager provides me with adequate feedback.
  1. I have clear measures for each of my objectives.
  1. I know what is expected of me in my job.
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?


2 No Opinion
4 Strongly
  1. Hard work is usually rewarded at [Company].
  1. I receive enough recognition for work that I do.
  1. If I do a good job I have a better chance of getting ahead.
  1. I am recognized whenever I do a good job.
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?


2 No Opinion
4 Strongly
  1. My manager helps me to get ahead at my job.
  1. The relationship between management and employees is good.
  1. Management of my company makes wise decisions.
  1. [Company] Executives care about my ideas.
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?


2 No Opinion
4 Strongly
  1. Conditions in my department allow me to perform to a high standard.
  1. My team focuses on fixing the problem rather than finding someone to blame.
  1. My team looks for ways to change processes to improve performance.
  1. The morale in my department is generally high.
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?


2 No Opinion
4 Strongly
  1. I believe that all the divisions in the company work together to achieve a common goal.
  1. The people I work with cooperate to get the work done.
  1. There is a spirit of we’re all in this together within [Company].
  1. There is cooperation among team members.
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?


2 No Opinion
4 Strongly
  1. I feel I am valued at work.
  1. At [Company] my opinions count.
  1. Employees in the company are treated with respect regardless of their job.
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?


2 No Opinion
4 Strongly
  1. I believe that rewards are given fairly where I work.
  1. Everyone in my department tries to do their share of work.
  1. [Company] is committed to ensuring equal opportunities for all employees.
  1. I feel favoritism is not a problem in my department.
If [Company] were to make improvements in the areas listed above, which item do you think should be emphasized most over the next two years in order to make us a more effective organization.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?


2 No Opinion
4 Strongly
  1. I feel free to express my opinions without worrying about negative actions/responses.
  1. I feel I have job security.
Improvement needed in number:
What is your suggestion on how to improve this?

  1. On a scale of Excellent to Poor, how would you rate your overall employment with [Company] and why?

  2. Would you refer others who are seeking employment to [Company]? Yes No
    Please provide explanation:

  3. If you had an opportunity to make any change you wanted to make [Company] a better place to work,
    what one improvement would you make?

  4. What changes do you see [Company] making in order to raise the standards?

  5. I feel good about my continued employment with [Company]. Yes No
    If no, please provide explanation:

    My job category is:

March 24, 2015
How consistent do we operate in accordance with the following values from the strategic plan?

Strategic Plan

Very Consistent Somewhat Consistent Neither Consistent Nor Inconsistent Somewhat Inconsistent Very Inconsistent
  1. Our greatest strength is our workforce
  1. We empower our employees
  1. We encourage and reward creativity
  1. We encourage and reward teamwork
  1. We foster a culture built on trust
  1. We foster a culture built upon respect
  1. We build a team representative of America's diversity
  1. We cooperate across organizations
  1. We are open and honest with one another
  1. We are open and honest with our customers
  1. We are accountable for our performance

Agree Completely Agree Somewhat Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Completely
  1. Trust is the norm across work units
  1. Trust is the norm within work units
  1. Employees can say what is right without fear of reprimand from management
  1. I feel free to speak my mind

Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements:
My organization is open to new ideas and best practices from:

Agree Completely Agree Somewhat Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Completely
  1. Other organizations within my installation
  1. Other installations
  1. Headquarters
  1. Other government agencies
  1. The industry our company is in
  1. Outside our industry

Listed below are potential barriers that may prevent your work unit from providing the best in customer service. For each item, indicate how much of a problem this is for your work unit in performing its job.

Customer Service

Not a problem A Minor Problem A Major Problem
  1. Lack of skilled personnel
  1. Lack of financial resources
  1. Lack of physical resources
  1. Inflexible management
  1. Inconsistent management
  1. Inconsistent managementLack of staff involvement in decision making
  1. Unreasonable customer demands
  1. Lack of day-to-day employee recognition
  1. Overly bureaucratic laws, systems, and practices
  1. Lack of information from management officials
  1. Over dependence on contractors
  1. Lack of teamwork within organizational units
  1. Lack of teamwork among organizational units
  1. Lack of control over suppliers
  1. Limited opportunities for education & training
  1. Inability to market programs and/or services
  1. Organizational instability
  1. Lack of customer satisfaction data
  1. Lack of customer service standards
  1. Lack of time

How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your current work environment?

Job Satisfaction

Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
  1. Amount of paperwork
  1. Opportunities for advancement
  1. Job fulfillment/challenge
  1. Recognition
  1. Use of your skills on the job
  1. Amount of independence
  1. Fairness of evaluation/promotion system
  1. Feedback on your work
  1. Physical work environment
  1. Coworkers
  1. Morale
  1. Salary
  1. Benefits (e.g., health, retirement)
  1. Focus on customers
  1. Your direct supervisor
  1. Installation management
  1. Communications within work unit
  1. Communications within the Company

Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements.

Management Team

Agree Completely Agree Somewhat Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Completely
  1. The members of my division/work unit have sufficient clarity about what is expected of them
  1. My managers actively seek innovative ideas
  1. Recognition and awards are nice, but the real reward is the work itself
  1. Employees are treated fairly and equitably
  1. Supervisors and managers take time to discuss career planning with their people
  1. I am proud to work for the Company
  1. People outside the Company have an accurate view of what the Agency is all about
  1. Management communicates a consistent and clear strategic direction
  1. The members of my division/work unit understsnd how their efforts fit into the Company's Strategic Plan

  1. Do you directly supervise other employees? Yes No

  1. Please indicate your age range.
  1. What is your highest level of education?

How long have you worked for us?

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