Monday 17 August 2015

Nutrient Recommendations

Nutrient recommendations for hundreds of crops
Growth stages
Add your own data
Use different units (see Units)

Finds the ideal combination of fertilizers and their rates
Calculates nutrient ratios (e.g. %NO3, N:K, Ca:Mg)
Calculates nutrient target values based on nutrient ratios and EC
Calculates cations/anions balance
Formulates for an optimal nutrient balance
Integrates crop data, fertilizer available in stock and lab test results
Macro Nutrients (NPK)
Micro Nutrients (Fe,Mn,Zn,Mo,B)
Presents of accuracy reached for each element
Secondary Nutrients (Ca,Mg, S)
Uses unique mathematical and chemical algorithms to reach a precise nutrient balance


Interprets soil test results
Recommends on nutrient target values based on soil test results
Add/edit soil test interpretations based on testing methods used by local laboratories
Add/edit nutrient application rules, based on tissue analysis
Add/edit nutrient application rules, based on soil test results

  Click Here for more information on soil test interpretation

Interprets tissue analysis
Recommends on nutrient target values based on tissue analysis
Add/edit nutrient application rules, based on tissue analysis results
Add/edit tissue/leaf/plant analysis for any crop
Add/edit nutrient application rules, based on tissue analysis
Add/edit nutrient application rules, based on tissue analysis


Calculates water quality
Predicts irrigation water EC
Residual Alkalinity
Predicts irrigation water pH
Calculates TDS
Calculates SAR
Predicts EC based on water analysis

Converts concentration units (e.g. ppm, mmol/l)
Converts ion forms (e.g. p vs. p2o5)
Converts various dimension units (e.g. temperature, power, length etc.)
Metric units
Imperial units
Uses different application units (e.g. Kg/ha, g/h, ppm)

Alkalinity neutralizing fertilizers (acid properties)
Add new fertilizers (locally available fertilizers)
Adjust acid concentration
Assign a fertilizer to a manufacturer
Determine crystallization temperature (liquid fertilizers)
Determine solubility at different temperatures (solid fertilizers)
Determine specific weight (liquid fertilizers)
Edit fertilizer prices
Edit fertilizers data
Liquid fertilizers
Solid fertilizers
Use acids
Use chelates

Fertilizer Program - Cost Analysis and optimization
Edit fertilizer prices
Fertilizers consumption and costs analysis
Nutrient cost analysis

Adjust injection rates according to actual injector capacity
Adjust tank volumes according to actual capacity
Automatic distribution of fertilizers to stock tanks
Calculates fertilizer amounts in tanks
Calculates required injection rates
Calculates required time for fertilizer injection
Considers the fertilizers solubility  in different temperatures
Distributes fertilizers to stock tanks based on their compatibility
Manual distribution of fertilizers to stock tanks
Print fertilizer recipe
Use up to 15 stock tanks

Alerts on mixing incompatible fertilizers
Alerts on emitter clogging potential due to water quality
Alerts on exceeding solubility limitations
Alerts on chelate stability
Alerts on potential precipitation in stock tanks
Alerts on salinity hazards
Alerts on sodium hazards
Alerts on undesired reactions between fertilizers
pH related problems
TDS related problems
Stock Tanks Filter cleaning (water quality)

Compare and analyze soil analysis by soil layer, plots, dates, crops
Editable Crop database
Exports reports to excel, word, pdf
Save target values and crop nutrient requirements
Saves and manages soil test results
Saves and manages tissue test results (leaf analysis)
Saves and manages water test results
Saves crops by growth stages
Saves fertilizer recipes
Saves source water data


Helps to calibrate fertilizer injectors based on injector rates and irrigation discharge

Analyzes nutrient costs
Compare costs of fertilizer programs
Compare fertilizer amounts in different programs
Compare fertilizer recipes
Fertilizers consumption and costs
Nutrient ratios, parameters, nutrient sources

Windows Operating System
For SMART! Web - Internet Explorer

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