Saturday 16 April 2016

What unsafe behaviours cause injuries vs How do we prevent injuries?

What unsafe behaviours cause injuries vs How do we prevent injuries?

Safetech Consulting - Monday, March 21, 2016

We understand  safety concerns and make it our business to help prevent injuries or loss in  company.

What unsafe behaviours can cause injuries?
  • Untrained employees and staff members
  • Incorrect implementation of health and safety programs
  • Poor or ineffective management
Our injury prevention program
  1. Our process looks at the behaviours that directly influence the injury or loss and categorises these actual behaviours. Once we have identified these behaviours, it will allow the you to predict the next unsafe act. This process makes at-risk behaviours visible to management so they can take the proper action.
  2. It is management's responsibility to implement the action that needs to be taken to correct the unsafe behaviour. Our process is reliable and consistent as employed safety advisors are trained to be observant and manage the risks through the outlined procedures.
  3. After an incident or prediction of risk, a report is published so that managers, supervisors, workers and other contractors, can apply what has been learned to prevent another injury or further repetition of unsafe behaviour.

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