Saturday 8 June 2019


Keeping our air safe can start with taking actions to limit our impact, many of which also promote physical activity and help save money.
  • Manage waste
    Minimize emissions from your waste–compost food and garden items, recycle non-organic trash if available, reuse grocery bags and dispose of remaining trash by local collection. Never burn trash as this contributes directly to air pollution.
  • Cook and heat clean
    Burning coal and biomass (e.g. wood) contributes to indoor air pollution when used for cooking and outdoor air pollution when used for heating. Check efficiency ratings for home heating systems and cookstoves to use models that save money and protect health.
  • Move mindfully
    Use public transportation, cycling or walking to get around. Consider low or no emission vehicles if a car is necessary. Diesel vehicles, particularly older ones, are large contributors of black carbon which are carcinogenic for health and damaging to our climate.
  • Conserve energy
    Turn off lights and electronics not in use. Use LED bulbs, if available, as a non-toxic alternative to CFLs, which contain mercury. Rooftop thermal solar systems may be an option for many to generate hot water affordably and photovoltaic systems can be a clean and healthy source of power.



  • Call for change
    Call on local leaders to adopt national air quality standards that meet WHO guidelines. Support policies that strengthen emissions standards and provide incentives for purchase of cleaner vehicles, low-energy appliances and energy-efficient housing.

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