Saturday, 11 January 2025

EHS guidelines for nitrogen production by air separation units (ASU):

 Here are some EHS guidelines for nitrogen production by air separation units (ASU):

Liquid waste storage

Store liquid waste in bunded facilities that can hold at least 110% of the largest container's contents. Separate different types of waste in different containers and mark them clearly. 

Underground storage tanks (USTs)

Avoid using USTs in new facilities. If USTs are necessary, use double-skinned tanks and monitor them regularly. 


Monitor the unit for potentially explosive contaminants. If the concentration of contaminants exceeds safe levels, install interlocks to sound an alarm, increase liquid oxygen removal, or shut down the unit. 

Silica gel

Establish regeneration and replacement frequencies for silica gel based on contaminant concentrations. 

Catalytic oxidizer

If silica gel adsorbers are overloaded, install a catalytic oxidizer between the last compression stage and the first cooler. 

Cold boxes

Design cold boxes so that any auxiliary vaporizer or acetylene separator is in a separate, accessible section. 

EHS professionals

Involve EHS professionals to assess and manage EHS impacts and risks. They can prepare project-specific plans and procedures. 

Cryogenic Distillation Process: A Guide to Air Separation - Jalon

An ASU produces nitrogen and oxygen by compressing air, cooling it, and then separating it into its components in a distillation column. Nitrogen has a lower boiling point than oxygen, so it separates out first. 

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

Involving EHS professionals, who have the experience, competence, and training necessary to assess and manage EHS impacts and risks, and carry out sp...

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