Saturday, 13 October 2012

How can we control air pollution in the environment?

There are many factors which regulate the air pollution. It states that there should always be a distance between the industrial and residential area. The chimneys must be tall in size so that the emissions must be released higher up in the environment. The filters and precipitators must be used in the chimneys. The scrubber or spray collector must be used to remove the poisonous gases. The ash production must be reduced by the high temperature incinerators. The sulphur must be removed after the combustion. The non combustive sources of energy are the nuclear power, geothermal power, solar, tidal and wind power. The gasoline must have anti knocking agents. The railway track must be electrified. The mining area must be rich in trees. The gas fuel must be used instead of the coal fuel. The emission control system must be present in the automobiles. The wastes must be removed and recycled in the industrial plants and refineries. The automobiles must be pollution free by making the fuel alcohol based and using the battery power. There are certain plants which have the ability to fix the carbon monoxide. These should be grown in the larger numbers. It includes the ficus and coleus. There are certain plants which have the ability to metabolize the nitrogen oxides and other pollutants. It includes the pinus and ribes.

What is water pollution?

It is defined as the presence of materials in the water which are harmful to the living beings when they cross their threshold concentration levels. It includes the heat, organic, inorganic and biological along with the radiological compounds. The surface water is not fit for drinking. It has organic, inorganic components along with the presence of bacteria, fungi, viruses, algae, protozoa’s and the other organisms. The water gets polluted when these organisms are present in the higher concentration. It makes the water unfit to drink. The degree of pollution depends upon the concentration of substances. There are some substances which can cause the pollution even at the low concentration. It includes the poisons, toxins, chemicals and few pathogens. The water pollution is not natural and is mainly man made. The natural water pollution consists of clay, animal wastes, minerals and leaves etc.

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