Thursday 24 August 2017

105 Action Steps to Make You Bold, Brave and Successful

105 Action Steps to Make You Bold, Brave and Successful

tbl 646
Bold is a verb. Action is a choice. If you want to overcome your fear, focus on being bold, brave and successful.
Too often, in order to avoid becoming successful, feeling embarrassed, looking silly, being hurt, and facing rejection or possible failure, we hold back and play it safe.
We cling to the negative media, childhood stories and traumatic experiences like Linus, from the cartoon strip, Peanuts, clings to his security blanket.
It’s our responsibility to acknowledge, face, and dissolve our fear.
Are you willing to begin now, focus on being bold and brave and do all the things you were meant to do, but haven’t yet begun? If the answer is yes the following steps will make you unstoppable!
1. Choose a dream. Know what you want and why you want it.
2. Begin now. Don’t wait for perfect conditions. 
3. Make a plan. Create a strategy. Use the best tools. 
4. Let go of doubt. Focus on the results you want to achieve. 
5. Make action a habit. Inspiration, motivation and big ideas will follow.
6. Invest in yourself. Take a class. Buy a course. Join The Bold & Courageous Inner Circle
7. Do the things you fear the most. Learn to love being uncomfortable.
8. Stay in the present. Work with joy. Breathe.
9. Be optimistic. Increase your positive thoughts and emotions daily. (Read The Magic of Thinking Big)
10. Spend time alone. Reflect on what went right and what you need to change.
11. Promote yourself. Toot your own horn. Be proud of who you are and what you create.
12. Decrease your anxiety. Let go of the past. 
13. Bet on yourself. Know that the best is yet to come. 
14. Fail often. Learn from your mistakes. Move on.
15. Don’t fear success. Know that you can handle it. So what if things change.
16. Help others get ahead. Promote the people you believe in.
17. Learn from your competitors. Follow their lead. Model their behavior.
18. Build an awesome support system. Establish your own board of advisors.
19. Create smart habits. Start slow and grow strong.
20. Focus on your strengths. Outsource what you’re not good at. Let go of control.
21. If you can’t find an opportunity, create one. Make something out of nothing. Be original.
22. Create community. Reach out to one to three people every day.
23. Take calculated risks. Be brave. Dare.
24. Be flexible. Give yourself permission to change your mind.
25. Be brave enough to admit you are wrong. Adjust and move on.
26. Divide difficult tasks into small bites. It makes anything easier.
27. Release toxic relationships. Spend time with smart and successful people.
28. Create balance. Work addiction leads to depression and loneliness.
29. Lighten up. Let go of frustration. Don’t beat yourself up.
30. Channel your inner Einstein. Use your imagination. Visualize success.
31. Be authentic and genuine. You’ll be a magnet for good things and good people.
32. Have faith in yourself. You’re a person of great value.  Know that you’ll succeed.
33. Take 100% responsibility for everything in your life and business.
34. Ignore the people who criticize and condemn you. You know who you are.
35. Prioritize. Always have a list of your three most important things (MITS).
36. Praise your competitors. Make it genuine. That’ll get their attention.
37. Define your values. Get clear on what’s important to you.
38. Say no. It leaves time to say yes to the best.
39. Work hard. Correct what’s not working. Perfect what does work. 
40. Choose to feel good now. Don’t wait until you get what you want.
41. Expect setbacks. It’s part of the process. Unexpected things happen. 
42. Find a mentor. Look for someone who is doing what you want to do. Ask for direction.
43. Hold yourself accountable. If you miss a deadline, write a check to your favorite charity.
44. Increase your self-confidence by doing what you need to do. Every action step counts.
45. Push on. Keep going even when you don’t feel like it. 
46. Forgive others. Don’t be weighed down by the past.
47. Forgive yourself. Give yourself the love and acceptance you want from others.
48. Focus. Shut out distractions. Be where you are.
49. Say no to yourself: No to wasting time, no to worry, no to excuses, no to quitting.
50. Choose a couple of heroes. Who do you admire? Integrate their magic and genius in your own life.
51. Keep your eye on the prize. Do two things everyday that you don’t want to do.
52. Anticipate the needs of others. Serve, succeed and grow rich.
53. Increase your self-care. Eat good food. Exercise. Schedule time off. 
54. Let yourself shine. Celebrate your successes.
55. Welcome problems. They bring opportunities.
56. Release the idea of difficulty. Convince yourself that things can be easy. 
57. Visualize the rewards of success.  Remind yourself what you want.
58. Argue with your dark side. Convince yourself that you’ll succeed. Look for evidence.
59. Put things up. Hang up photos and affirmations that motivate and inspire you.
60. Finish things. You increase your motivation by completing your tasks. 
61. Enjoy life. Laugh. Create good times for yourself. Relax.
62. Identify what motivates and inspires you. 
63. Be your own breaking story. Don’t listen to negative media. 
64. Paint your canvas. Each day brings a new beginning. Make yours bold. 
65. Hire a coach. Get out of your own way. Everyone needs direction and guidance sometime.
66. Have integrity. Keep your promises. Do what you say you’re going to do.
67. Know what activities unlock your creativity and energy. Participate in them.
68. Quit your distractions. Don’t waste time.
69. Live vicariously through the victories of others. Read about Steven Spielberg and Steve Jobs.
70. Study the success stories of others. Read how the Brooklyn Bridge was built. Learn how to survive anything.
71. Learn to enjoy networking. Meet new people and make friends.
72. Reward yourself. Give yourself a treat. Praise yourself often.
73. Go within. Meditate. Do yoga. Write in your journal. Pray. It calms you. (Read The Power of Now)
74. See yourself as a masterpiece in progress. Treat yourself kindly. You deserve a break.
75. Spend time in nature. It’s quiet. It’s healing. It’s a place to unwind.
76. Know the physical and mental aspects of fear. Slow down. Stop, pause and catch your breath.
77. Train yourself to be serene, calm and peaceful. Do what it takes. 
78. Pare down. Simplify. Stop all recreational shopping. Don’t buy products you don’t need.
79. Ask yourself this question daily, “What action can I take right now?”
80. Stop whining. Life is difficult. Tragedy happens to everyone. Don’t complain. Focus on the good.
81. Don’t compare. You are unique. Nobody else has your thumbprint, voiceprint or soul print. Be you.
82. Revisit your victories. Remind yourself of past successes.
83. Find reasons to be happy. Breathe it in, and take it into your day.
84. Let go of your fear of the unknown. Don’t live in a future that doesn’t exist.
85. Allow yourself the time to be creative. Let go of old ways. Become a visionary.
86. Believe that you have what it takes. Claim your worthiness, own your beauty and use your gifts and talents.
87. Use fear to fuel your day. Stay strong. Get on top of your game.
88. Take your fear to the gym. Sweat it off.
89. Answer the question, “What’s the worst that could happen?” Know how you would deal with it.
90. Use affirmations and quotes to inspire you. (Read You Can Create an Exceptional Life)
91. Learn to ask for and receive help.
92. When things go wrong, love yourself and feed your soul. 
93. Release your self-critical and perfectionistic patterns. Allow room for error. 
94. Collaborate and create partnerships. You don't have to struggle alone.
95. Learn how to turn your fear into excitement, enthusiasm or passion.
96. Speak up. Learn how to express yourself. Be bold. Speak your mind. Ask for what you want.
97. Grow. Be strong. Do what it takes. Nobody is coming to save or rescue you.   
98. Learn how to save and grow your money.
99. Let go of your old story. Rewrite it with a happy ending.
100. Leave room for fun. Fear can lead to a work addiction. 
101. Never dwell on scarcity. If you have your basic needs met, you have enough.
102. Appreciate and celebrate the beautiful people in your world.
103. Celebrate the process. Don’t wait until the end result.
104. Challenge yourself to do something that has never been done before.
105. Plan to be great. Never give up. Never doubt your ability to succeed.

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