Tuesday 10 July 2012


   The Nature of Injury.
·        Incised Wound:            Straight cut.                                        - Minor Injury.
·        Laceration:                    irregular cut.                           - Minor Injury.
·        Contused wound:        Swelling.                                            - Minor Injury.
·        Bruise:                            Cut + Swelling.                                  - Minor Injury.
·        Punctured wound:      Deep prick.                                        - Minor Injury.
·        Burn:                               Chemical, electrical, fire.                  - Minor  / Major Injury.
·        Scald :                             Steam, hot liquids / solids                - Minor  / Major Injury.
·        Asphyxia:                       Breathlessness.                                - Major.
·        Shock:                            Nervous, Electrical.                           - Minor  / Major Injury.
·        Abrasion:                       Scratch, tearing of skin.                    - Minor injury.
B)  The Severity of injury.
·        Unconsciousness.                                                                  - Major.
·        Profuse bleeding.                                                                     - Minor  / Major Injury.
·        Partial amputation.                                                                   - Major Injury.
·        Fatal                                                                                             - Major Injury.
·        and so on.
C)  The Agency – Causative Agent.
The subject, object, radiation or person most closely related to the cause of injury / accident.
·        Animals:                         Insect, snake, wild, domestic and so on.
·        Boilers and Pressure vessels: Steam boilers, superheated, condenser, digester
pressure, piping and so on.
·        Chemicals:                     Explosive, vapors, fumes, corrosive, poison.
·        Conveyors:                    Belt, sprocket, chains & other type.
·        Dust:                                Asbestos, silica, coal, lead, explosive & others.
·        Electricity & Electrical apparatus: Motor, generator, thermostat lamp, circuit breaker,
·        Elevators:                       Passenger or freight, electrical, steam, hydraulic & other.
·        Fire:                                 Ordinary, electrical, chemical.
·        Hand tools:                    Axle, lever, chisel, file, hammer, screwdriver and so on.
·        Highly flammable & hot substances: lacquer steam, chemicals, LPG & others.
·        Hoisting Apparatus:    Crane, derrick, hoist, etc.
·        Machines:                      Lathe, punch, press, bandsaw, drill, press & others.
·        Mechanical power transmission equipments: Drive shaft, bearings, pulleys, and
·        Prime movers and pumps: Engine, compressor, blower fan.
·        Radiation & radiating substances: radium, ultra violet, x-rays.
·        Working surface:         floor, ramp, road, stair, ladder, scaffold, etc.
·        Miscellaneous:                         floor opening, windows & others.
D)  The Agency Part.
It is the particular part of the agency, which is most closely associated with the event that has resulted in to injury.
E)   The Accident Type.
According to source of injury.
·        Caught in between:     crushing, pinching or squeezing between moving or moving
and stationary objects.
·        Struck by:                      object causing impact or blow into person.
·        Struck against:             injured striking against moving or stationary object.
·        Fall of person:               Same level.
·        Fall of person:               Different level.
·        Abraded, punctured, and scratched: forceful pressing against rough, pointed or hard
·        Over – exertion:            Springs, ruptures, strains and so on.
·        Contact (electrical current): with line electrical conductors, resulting in to shock or
·        Contact (temperature extremes): with hot or cold solids, liquids or gases resulting in
burns or freezing.
·        Contacts:                       radiation sources, caustics toxic and noxious substances by
inhalation,  ingestion, or absorption.
F)   Unsafe Mechanical / Environmental physical condition:
·        Inadequate mechanical guarding,
·        Defective conditions of equipments: rough, slippery, sharp, corroded, cracked, inferior, composition.
·        Ladders, floors, chairs, piping and so forth.
·        Unsafe design or construction.
·        Hazardous processes, operation or arrangement, pilling, stacking, storage, congestion, crowding, overloading, aisles and so on.
·        Inadequate or incorrect illumination.
·        Inadequate or incorrect ventilation.
·        Unsafe dress or P.P.E / apparel.
·        Obstructions due to bad housekeeping.
G)  Unsafe Personal Acts.
·        Types of behavior that lead to injuries.
·        Working unsafely : improper lifting, hazardous placement, incorrect mixing of material, performing maintenance or repair on moving machinery, working under suspended solids, failure to take heed of warnings, adding chemical speedily, incorrectly at wrong time so on.
·        Performing operations without training, authority and / or supervisory permission.
·        Removing safety devises or altering their operations so they are ineffective.
·        Operating at unsafe speed.
·        Use of unsafe or improper equipment’s and tools.
·        Using equipment’s or tools unsafely.
·        Working under influence of alcohol or drugs.
·        Horseplay, teasing, abusing, distracting attention of others.
·        Failure to use attire, safety devices and personal protective equipment’s.
·        Failure to follow standard safe operating procedures.
H)   The unsafe personal factor.
·        Unsafe attitude.
·        Lack of knowledge or skill.
·        Bodily defects, faulty vision, poor hearing & so on.
·        Nervousness, fatigue and so forth.

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