Installation Audit

Design Efficiency
The Installation overall, can be looked upon as a system built up with equipment or components. The individual equipment efficiency decides the composite efficiency on which is dependent, the energy consumption. Auditing the system or equipment from this viewpoint, involves comparison of the system or an equipment to the latest commercially viable technology and offering recommendations on technology update.
Maintainability takes into account the features provided with the equipment Or system - features which facilitate or allow ease of maintenance so that the down time is minimum. It also takes in to account the care taken and foresight with which the equipment or system was installed keeping in mind the maintainability.
Ideally every equipment or system in the installation must be adaptable to expansion or capacity enhancement through retrofits, interchangeability of vital components for up gradation or suitable modifications. This may or may not be possible with each equipment in the system and requires careful study.
Standby Provision and Availability of Spares
These not only add flexibility but also add to reliability to continuity of process. Study of inventory required of the critical spares standby source or feeder provisions and ensuring their dependability are the relevant issues here.
A typical electrical system may be considered to comprise
- The Sources: Transformer, D.G., U.P.S./Inverter and Solar System etc.
- The Carriers: Cables, Bus Ducts, Wires etc.
- The Load: The equipment
It would be an exhaustive exercise to cover each of the above. But the approach must involve close assessment with proper documentation to justify remedies and recommendations.
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