Soils are natural expressions of the environment in which they were
formed. They are derived from an infinite variety of materials that have been subjected to
a wide spectrum of climatic conditions. Soil development is influenced by the topography
on which soils occur, the plant and animal life which they support and the amount
of time which they have been exposed to these conditions.
Soi1 scientists recognize five major factors that influence soil
formation: 1) parent material, 2) climate, 3) living organisms (especially native
vegetation), 4) topography and 5) time. The combined influence of these soil-forming
factors determines the properties of a soil and their degree of expression (fig. 2).

Figure 2. The five factors of soil formation affect the processes that
influence soil development.
Parent Material
Parent material refers to organic (such as fresh peat) and
mineral material in which soil formation begins. Mineral material includes
partially weathered rock, ash from volcanos, sediments moved and deposited by wind
and water, or ground up rock deposited by glaciers. The material has a strong effect
on the type of soil developed as well as the rate at which development takes place.
Soil development may take place quicker in materials that are more permeable to
water. Dense, massive, clayey materials can be resistant to soil formation processes.
Bedrock such as limestone, sandstone, shale, granite, gneiss and
schist, slate, marble and many others break down into residuum (residue)
through the weathering process. It is this residuum that becomes the parent
material of soil and imparts some of the parent characteristics into the
resulting soil profile.
Soil material and rock fragments may fall, roll or slide downslope
under the influence of gravity and water. This incoherent mass of material that
generally accumulates on the lower portion of slopes and in depressions is
called colluvium. Rock fragments in colluvium generally are angular in
contrast to the rounded waterworn cobbles and stones found in alluvium and glacial
Streams and rivers commonly overflow their banks and deposit fresh
materials on the floodplains. These fresh or recent deposits, commonly topsoil,
comprise the parent materials for the soils developed on these
floodplains. Since there is new material added almost annually, the soils never
have time to form well-developed horizons. Therefore, these young soils have poorly
developed profiles, and most of their character is inherited from the parent
material. This type of parent material exceeds 0.5 m (20 in.) in depth, and it is
referred to on the scorecard as recent alluvium.
Soils located on stream terrace positions that contain water worn
coarse fragments have parent materials referred to as old alluvium. These soils
were originally deposited by water and commonly have had time to
form well-developed horizons. They never or rarely flood, and thus are not
influenced by deposition of fresh materials.
In the Mid-Atlantic region, large areas are underlain by the complex
series of water-deposited sediments left by previous geologic events. These older
sediments comprise the Coastal Plain along the Atlantic seaboard. In Maryland, these
materials occupy half of the land area, and they comprise nearly all the
parent material for Delaware soils and large segments of New Jersey. These
Coastal Plain sediments, although much older than the recent alluvium
along streams, have not been cemented and consolidated into bedrock--thus, the
name unconsolidated sediments. Often these sediments have been capped
or coated with a thin (several cm to several m) veneer or sheet of material consisting
mainly of silt (loess). The wind may have carried this material from
the glacial outwash areas before the rise in sea level that formed the
Chesapeake Bay. The Coastal Plain soils are formed in these sediments and
silt-cap parent materials. Therefore, soils occurring on the upland portions of
the Coastal Plain are considered to have Coastal Plain sediments as their
parent materials on the scorecard. Recent alluvium can and does occur on the Coastal Plain in
the same landscape positions (along streams and rivers) as in other sections
of the state.
Climate is a major factor in determining the kind of plant and animal
life on and in the soil. It determines the amount of water available for weathering
minerals, transporting the minerals and releasing elements. Climate, through its influence
on soil temperature, determines the rate of chemical weathering.
Warm, moist climates encourage rapid plant growth and thus high
organic matter production. The opposite is true for cold, dry climates. Organic
matter decomposition is also accelerated in warm, moist climates. Under the
control of climate freezing, thawing, wetting, and drying break parent material
Rainfall causes leaching. Rain dissolves some minerals, such as
carbonates, and transports them deeper into the soil. Some acid soils have
developed from parent materials that originally contained limestone. Rainfall
can also be acid, especially downwind from industrial processes.
Living organisms
Plants affect soil development by supplying upper layers with organic
matter, recycling nutrients from lower to upper layers, and helping to prevent
erosion. In general, deep rooted plants contribute more to soil development than
shallow rooted plants because the passages they create allow greater water
movement, which in turn aids in leaching. Leaves, twigs, and bark from large
plants fall onto the soil and are broken down by fungi, bacteria, insects,
earthworms, and burrowing animals. These organisms eat and break down
organic matter releasing plant nutrients. Some change certain elements, such as
sulfur and nitrogen, into usable forms for plants.
Microscopic organisms and the humus they produce act as a kind of
glue to hold soil particles together in aggregates. Well-aggregated soil is ideal
for providing the right combination of air and water to plant roots.
Animals living in the soil affect decomposition of waste materials and how
soil materials will be moved around in the soil profile.
Landscape position
Landscape position causes localized changes in moisture and
temperature. When rain falls on a landscape, water begins to move downward by
the force of gravity, either through the soil or across the surface to a lower
elevation. Even though the landscape has the same soil-forming factors of
climate, organisms, parent material, and time, drier soils at higher elevations
may be quite different from the wetter soils where water accumulates. Wetter areas
may have reducing conditions that will inhibit proper root growth for plants
that require a balance of soil oxygen, water, and nutrients.
Steepness, shape, and length of slope are important because they
influence the rate at which water flows into or off the soil. If unprotected, soils
on slopes may erode leaving a thinner surface layer. Eroded soils tend to be
less fertile and have less available water than uneroded soils of the same series.
Aspect affects soil temperature. Generally, for most of the
continental United States, soils on north-facing slopes tend to be cooler and wetter
than soils on south-facing slopes. Soils on north-facing slopes tend to have thicker
A and B horizons and tend to be less droughty.
Position generally refers to the point on the landscape where
the soil is located. Most soil series have a rather limited range of position
and land form. In figure 3, the landscape is divided into (1) upland, (2)
upland depression, (3) terrace, and (4) floodplain. Most soils can be classified
into one of these landscape positions by observing the general surroundings in respect to
streams or natural drainage systems.

Figure 3. Landscape position can be upland, upland depression, terrace, or
The floodplains refer to areas near streams that flood periodically.
These soils may be quite productive, but they have a flooding hazard that
seriously limits their use for urban development or agriculture. Terrace
refers to soils developed in older alluvial materials above the zone of
current flooding. Upland depressions or waterways refer to soils
developed on concave land forms or at the heads of drainage ways and along
waterways where surface drainage is retarded. Water tends to pond in these depressions,
and the soils commonly have a darker and thicker surface horizon because of
organic matter accumulations. Areas unaffected by stream activity in recent geologic
time, and ordinarily lying at higher elevations (than alluvial plains) on
rolling and convex positions, are designated upland.
Slope Characteristics
Slope generally is expressed as a percentage that is calculated by
dividing the difference in elevation between two points by the horizontal
distance and multiplying by 100. For example, a 10 percent slope would
have a 10-foot drop per 100 horizontal feet. The percent slope can be
estimated visually, but the Abney level, or a similar type of instrument, is
used for more precise measurements.
Slope classes are used for interpretive purposes. The classes
are nearly level, gently sloping, strongly sloping, moderately steep, steep
and very steep. The range in percentages for these classes will
vary depending on the topography of the area. Because of contrasting landscapes, two
divisions are used in establishing limits for the slope classes in Maryland: (1)
the Coastal Plain and (2) a combination formed by the Appalachian and Piedmont
provinces. The slope classes and appropriate ranges of percent for the two
divisions are shown in table 1.
Table 1. Slope classes for Maryland’s Coastal Plain and
Piedmont-Appalachian provinces and their corresponding letter designations in the soil
Sloe Class
Coastal Plain
Soil Survey
Letter Designation
Nearly level
Gently sloping
Moderately sloping
Moderately steep
15 25
Very steep
Time is required for horizon formation. The longer a soil surface has
been exposed to soil forming agents like rain and growing plants, the greater the
development of the soil profile. Soils in recent alluvial or windblown materials
or soils on steep slopes where erosion has been active may show very little horizon
Soils on older, stable surfaces generally have well defined horizons
because the rate of soil formation has exceeded the rate of geologic erosion or
deposition. As soils age, many original minerals are destroyed and many new ones are
formed. Soils become more leached, more acid, and more clayey. In many well
drained soils, the B horizons tend to become redder with time.
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