Concern for the environment is not a new issue, as evidenced by the notice
printed in the January, 1944 issue of The Betz Indicator.
In the 1960's it became evident that there could be a dark side to the economic
development that resulted from the decades of rapid industrial growth following
World War II. During this period the general public became aware of the consequences
of improper waste material handling and industrial accidents. Frightening incidents
at Love Canal, Seveso, and Bhopal in the 1970's and 1980's had tragic effects
on members of the general public beyond the fence line of the facilities. In
the past few decades, public awareness has grown concerning many other important
environmental issues:
acid rain |
global warming ("greenhouse effect") |
stratospheric ozone depletion |
tropical deforestation |
the urban trash crisis |
pesticides in groundwater |
hazardous waste disposal |
natural and synthetic carcinogens |
Focus on environmental considerations has shifted from a single-medium approach
(air, water, land) to a holistic approach. Early regulations permitted the removal
of a solvent, such as trichloroethane (methyl chloroform), from contaminated
groundwater by counter current air stripping. It was soon realized that while
the water was no longer contaminated, an air pollutant had been created in the
process. Today's regulations address the fact that moving a pollutant from one
medium to another does not eliminate the problem. In the example given above,
the solvent removed from the water must he condensed or adsorbed by activated
carbon and recovered or incinerated.
Another change is a recognition that city sewers are an appropriate means of
disposal only for those industrial wastes that are removed or degraded to environmentally
compatible products in the municipal treatment plant. Industrial wastes that
cause a degradation of effluent water quality or render the sewage sludge hazardous
must be managed in ways that are environmentally acceptable. The accomplishment
of this goal will require the continuing, long-term efforts of all concerned.
The cost of manufacturing a product now includes factors for waste disposal
and pollution prevention. Often, it is more economical to alter
processes to produce less waste or more benign wastes, and to recover usable
materials from waste streams, than to make a contaminated
waste stream suitable for disposal.
It is becoming increasingly apparent that fresh water is a valuable resource
that must be protected through proper management, conservation, and use.
Although two-thirds of the Earth's surface is covered by water, most of it
is seawater, which is not readily usable for most needs. All fresh water comes
from rainfall, which percolates into the soil or runs off into rivers and streams.
In order to ensure an adequate supply of high quality water for industrial
use, the following practices must he implemented :
purification and conditioning prior to consumer (potable) or industrial
use |
conservation (and reuse where possible) |
wastewater treatment |
Cooling systems are being modified in industrial applications to reduce the
use of fresh water makeup. The operation of cooling towers at high cycles of
concentration and the reuse of waste
streams (including municipal plant effluent for cooling tower makeup) can contribute
significantly to reduced water consumption.
Both groundwater and surface waters can become polluted as a result of the
improper management of wastes (Figure 3).

Because of the increasing demands for fresh water, there is a continuing need
to share resources. Regulations will require the increasing treatment of all
domestic and industrial wastewaters in order to remove industrial and priority
pollutants and restore the effluent water to the quality required by the next
user. Facilities that treat domestic waste must also control the more conventional
pollutants, such as BOD (biological oxygen demand), ammonia, and nitrates, and
restore the pH if it is out of the neutral zone.
Concerns about the safety of drinking water supplies are widespread. Although
there are many pollutants that degrade water quality (including natural pollutants),
those that attract the greatest public attention result from industrial activity
and the use of agricultural pesticides and fertilizers.
Environmental regulations establish quality criteria for both industrial and
domestic waste treatment discharges. Although some countries have more comprehensive
laws and permit
regulations than others, stringent pollution control standards will probably
be adopted globally in the coming years.
Geographic boundaries are not recognized by the winds. Air quality issues are
complicated by the fact that they are usually of multinational concern.
Significant issues such as acid rain, stratospheric ozone depletion, and
the greenhouse effect require a degree of international cooperation that
is difficult to achieve (see Figure

Interactions between the climate and human activities
Technologies available today can have a positive and measurable
impact on these issues. Several chapters in this handbook describe technologies
that increase boiler and industrial cooling efficiency. In paper mills,
generating plants, steel mills, refineries, and other major energy consumers,
each incremental increase in energy efficiency represents a reduction
in required fuel. As a result of reduced fuel consumption, less carbon
dioxide is produced, and where coal or other sulfur containing fuels are
used there is also a decrease in sulfur oxide emissions. Fluidized bed
boilers are being used increasingly to reduce the presence of acidic gasses
(SOx and NOx ) in the boiler flue gas.
One of the problems faced by governments is the amount of energy required
to accomplish wet scrubbing (to remove acid gases) and electrostatic precipitation
of particulates. These processes, combined, consume up to 30% of the energy
released by the burning of coal .
While these processes reduce the contaminants thought to cause acid rain, they
increase the amount of coal burned and thereby increase the production of carbon
dioxide, one of the gases thought to cause the "greenhouse effect."
Many of the air pollutants of concern could be greatly reduced through the
use of alternative energy sources, such as nuclear fission (and at some point,
probably nuclear fusion), geothermal, wind, hydroelectric, photovoltaic, biomass,
and solar. At this time, many of the alternatives are significantly more expensive
than the use of fossil fuels, and each has its own problems. There are no clear
and simple solutions; no source of energy has been developed that is both economically
attractive and without environmental drawbacks.
Over the past several years, most industrialized countries have passed laws
addressing air pollution concerns and industrial and power plant emissions.
Nations have begun to come together in a cooperative fashion to formulate agreements
and protocols to deal with global atmospheric concerns. There has been a multinational
agreement to phase out the use of certain chloro- fluorocarbon compounds (used
as refrigerant gases and for other purposes) because they have been linked with
a reduction of ozone in the stratosphere. There is reason to believe that a
reduction in stratospheric ozone will allow a higher level of UV radiation to
reach the earth's surface, and this is expected to cause an increase in the
incidence of skin cancer along with other undesirable effects.
There are movements to establish multinational
agreements that provide incentives to allow
economic progress to occur in developing
countries without the destruction of their rain
forests. The rain forests should be preserved not
only for the sake of conservation but also because
they remove vast quantities of atmospheric carbon dioxide through photosynthesis
and thus have a favorable effect on global warming and the greenhouse effect.
Human understanding of atmospheric chemistry is far from complete. As our understanding
grows there will undoubtedly be many changes in direction and emphasis regarding
atmospheric pollutants. Because a sizeable amount of atmospheric pollution results
from industrial activity and power generation, the scope and stringency of industrial
air pollution regulations will continue to increase.
In the 20th century, industrialized nations evolved from exploiters of bountiful
natural resources to conservators of scarce resources. In the early 1900's,
the consumption of industrial products was modest and natural resources appeared
to he limitless. As the demand for electric power and industrial products grew,
the limitations of the Earth's natural resources became an increasing concern.
Today, even developing countries are very interested in the controlled development
and utilization of their resources.
In addition to producing a desired output at a certain cost, industrial producers
must now consider the following objectives:
to consume a minimum of raw materials and energy |
to minimize waste through efficient use of resources |
to recover useful materials from production waste |
to treat any residual waste so that it can be converted to an environmentally
acceptable form before disposal |
In addition to concerns about the depletion of natural resources, there are
widespread concerns about waste disposal practices. The burying of untreated
industrial wastes, whether classified as hazardous or nonhazardous, is no longer
an acceptable practice. Landfill of stabilized residues from the incineration,
thermal treatment, or biological oxidation/degradation of industrial wastes
is the approach accepted by most countries today.
Certain materials that are the waste products of one process can be recovered
for reuse in another application. For example, boiler blowdown may be used as
cooling tower makeup in certain instances. Other waste products may contain
valuable components that can be extracted. As the cost of waste disposal has
escalated, it has become economically feasible to use alternative raw materials
and to alter processes so that less waste or less hazardous waste is produced.
The treatment of waste and wastewater so that it can be successfully reused
is an increasing need .
The most efficient driving force for the selection of alternative, waste reducing
raw materials and processes is the marketplace. Because of the high cost of
waste treatment and disposal, certain processes can offset higher initial costs
with reduced operating expenses. For example, membrane systems (reverse osmosis,
electro dialysis reversal, etc.) have been used successfully to treat boiler
makeup water and reduce the total level of contamination in the waste discharge
in comparison with ion exchange systems. Membrane treatment of cooling tower
blowdown has also been used to reduce the total quantity of wastewater. The
stripping of carbon dioxide and ammonia from process condensate streams has
made it feasible to reuse them as boiler feedwater. The reduction of cooling
tower blowdown by the use of side stream softeners and/or filters, along with
effective deposit control and corrosion inhibition programs, is also increasing.
Although global efforts are being made to ensure that the wastes from industrial
processes are properly managed, the cost of remedying the damage from past practices
must also be addressed. Injudicious burial of industrial wastes in the past
has resulted in significant groundwater contamination (leaching) problems. Because
the underground movement of chemicals leaching from dumping areas is extremely
difficult to monitor and track, this form of pollution is of major concern to
the general public. A large percentage of the world's population relies on groundwater
from wells or springs for its potable water supply.
Because the turnover of an aquifer can take years, or even decades, any contamination
can be serious. Fortunately, certain natural processes, including microbiological
digestion, may break down leaching pollutants to nonharmful materials. One remedy
that is gaining acceptance is the addition of certain nutrients and inoculum
cultures to contaminated soils to accelerate the biological degradation of pollutants.
This process is referred to as bioremediation and has many useful variants.
Industrial and commercial producers have an
obligation to minimize consumption of the Earth's natural resources and to generate
a minimum of pollutants and waste.
The term "zero risk" is often used to represent the ultimate goal
of generating products without any possibility of producing environmental effects.
As zero risk is approached (although in most cases it can never be fully attained),
the cost to the producer and to society in general becomes increasingly larger
for each increment of risk avoided (see Figure7)
.The cost of each increment of risk abatement becomes increasingly greater as 'zero risk' is approached.
It has become clear to all nations that the protection of the environment is
an immediate and ongoing concern. It will take a great deal of time and effort
to redesign industrial processes to minimize wastes produced. Deposit and corrosion
control treatments that are effective under demanding conditions and also environmentally
acceptable are necessary. Efficient treatment. handling, feeding, and control
systems are essential to ensure optimum system performance with minimum impact
on the environment. |
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