Saturday 17 August 2024

EPR Registration – An Overview


E-Waste Mangement 

EPR Registration – An Overview

Extended Producer Responsibility, or EPR, is an initiative of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (Government of India). It was implemented under the Plastic Waste Management (PWM) Rules, 2016. EPR registration is essential for manufacturers, producers, importers, and brand owners.

EPR aims to shift the obligation of environmental protection through the plastic product life cycle from the consumer to the producer/manufacturer. It intends to reduce the stress caused to the environment by a product from its conception to creation, designing, packaging, and marketing. It encourages take-back programs, recycling initiatives, and proper disposal of both the product and its packaging.

As per PWM guidelines, all producers, importers, and brand owners are responsible for ensuring that the processing of their plastic packaging waste passes through recycling, re-use, or end-of-life disposal (asco-processing/Waste-to-energy/Plastic-to-oil/Roadmaking/Industrial-composting).

In order to streamline the implementation of EPR, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India, in its fourth Amendment to the Plastic Waste Management Rules, dated February 16, 2022, notified ‘Guidelines on Extended Producer Responsibility for Plastic Packaging’ in the Schedule II of the Rules. According to the guidelines of this notification, Producers, Importers and Brand Owners (PIBOs) are now mandated for EPR registration through the online portal formed by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).

What is EPR Authorization?

Producers, importers, and brand owners (PIBOs) of product segments such as electronic and electrical are mandated by the government of India to apply for EPR authorization to conduct their business in India.

PIBOs must apply for registration on the official portal of the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). Some of the products covered under EPR compliance include:

  1. Electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) – Covered under the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016.
  2. Plastic products – Covered under the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016.
  3. Batteries and accumulators – Covered under the Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001.
  4. Packaging materials – Covered under the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, and other applicable regulations.

What are the Rules/Acts/Regulations that Guide the EPR Business in India?

Some of the applicable rules, acts, and regulations that guide the EPR business legal framework in India are as follows:

  • The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
  • The E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016
  • The Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016
  • The Guidelines for Implementation of E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016
  • The Guidelines on Extended Producer Responsibility for Plastic Packaging

How Many Types of EPR Registrations are Available in India?

As per the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), EPR has been further classified in accordance with the waste type into the following categories:

Overview of Refurbisher Authorization and Refurbisher License

An e-waste certificate is required to extend a product's life span for its intended purpose, distribute it consistently throughout the market, or return it to the owner. Experience quick updates, simple processing, and foremost importantly, no hidden cost applied. A detailed guide on how to commence your refurbisher business and Enroll for the refurbisher license now.

What do you mean by E-Waste?

E-Waste is known as Electronic Waste, which includes unwanted, non-working electronic products nearing or at the end of their useful life.Computers, televisions, stereos, photocopiers, and printers are commonplace electronic devices. According to the E-Waste (Management) Rules of 2016, E-Waste refers to electrical and electronic equipment whose life has come to an end or same has been partially discarded as waste by a consumer or a group of consumers, as well as rejects from the manufacturing, refurbishment, and repair industries. To commence your refurbisher business scroll down to know more about it.

Who is Refurbisher?

As per the E-waste Management rules, 2016, Refurbishment means a process that improves the quality of used electrical and electronic equipments, same listed under schedule I for extension of its lifespan for its genuineness and originality. A refurbisher is a person who carries out the business of complete Refurbishment of used electronic goods.

Structure of E-waste Production

To commence your refurbisher business you should know the structure of Electronic waste which is hazardous for human health, and it has been an issue of concern for environmental degradation in India. Considering the current scenario, India ranked fifth largest E-waste producer in the world. Experts said that approximately more than 1 million tons of electronic waste produced annually in India. Also, a massive number of electronic products are imported from countries, and when the quality and life of these products ceases, they are considered to be the E-waste materials. There are various types of electronic items that contribute to E-waste every year.

Following are the categories of E-waste:

  • Computer devices contribute around 70% of E-waste annually
  • The telecom sector accounts for 12 % of E-waste annually
  • Medical devices and used equipment contributed 8% of E-waste annually
  • Both the government and private sectors contributed 75% of electronic E-waste annually
  • Household sector individually accounts for 16% of E-waste

Significance of E-waste Refurbishment

It is well said that Refurbishment is more advantageous than recycling Products; the benefit of refurbishment is not limited to reducing the E-waste, but it also improves the work-life of the products. The significant distinction between the recycling of products and the refurbishing of products is that the former are extracted and reused. On the other hand, the latter effects are reused in new products. Therefore, refurbishing is a much better option than recycling because it does not harm the atmosphere by producing waste. Another benefit of refurbishing E-waste is that the older material replaces the new materials. Usually, the customers those are habitual with the technology does not notice any difference between the refurbished and quality of unique products. People who recycle products usually buy natural materials, and on the other hand, creators use second-generation materials to manufacture new products.

Criteria required to be Refurbisher

Given below the following requirements should be matched:

  • The first and foremost important criterion required is the particular place, required spacious place where all the E-waste can be kept from other equipment.
  • The second criteria should be matched that a closed space similar to a factory and the size should be small.
  • The required equipment those are used for the repair of the refurbished materials.
  • A network with the suppliers is needed to supply a decent amount of refurbished materials to you.

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