Monday 5 August 2024

Process Safety Information (PSI)

 Process Safety Information (PSI)


Process Safety Information (PSI)

Provide hazardous chemicals information (i.e., SDS information):


Thermal and chemical

Exposure limits

Reactivity and stability data

Incompatible materials

Physical data

Corrosivity data.

Provide process technology information:

Process flow diagram

Applicable process chemistry

Maximum intended inventory

Safe operating parameters (e.g., temperature, pressure, flow, etc.)

Incompatible materials

Evaluation of consequences of deviations.

Provide process equipment information:

Materials of construction


Relief system design & design basis

Ventilation system design

Design codes and standards employed

Material & energy balances (processes built after May 26, 1992)

Safety systems (e.g., interlocks, etc.)

Documentation of equipment compliance with acceptable engineering practices

Documentation for unused equipment maintenance, testing, operation, etc.

SMS Will:

Assist in development and compilation of highly hazardous materials information.

Conduct explosives characterization testing.

Review/evaluate process technology and equipment information for completeness as applicable to process hazards analysis.

Provide follow-on consulting services for changed or modified processes/equipment.

Work with existing databases to assist client in maintaining process safety information.

Review, organize, and publish process safety and SDS information.

Establish policies and procedures for the storage and retrieval of all applicable information.

Client Will:

Be responsible for maintenance of hazardous materials information, process technology information, or process equipment information.

Perform hazardous chemical testing – SMS can subcontract for this effort if necessary (e.g. toxicity, corrosivity, reactivity, sensitivity, etc.).

Write SDS for customers.

Commit to handle any material that could be called hazardous waste.

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