Saturday, 21 December 2024

Details to be Furnished in the On-site Emergency Plan

 Details to be Furnished in the On-site Emergency Plan

1. Key personnel of the organisation and

responsibilities assigned to them in case of

an emergency

2. Outside organisation if involved in assisting

during on-site emergency:

a. Type of accidents

b. Responsibility assigned

3. Details of liaison arrangements between the


4. Details about the site:

a. Location of dangerous substances

b. Seat of key personnel

c. Emergency control room

5. Likely dangers to the plant.

6. Enumerate effects of:

a. stress and strain caused during

normal operation

b. fire and explosion inside the plant

and effect if any, of fire and

explosion outside.

7. Details regarding:

a. warning, alarm and safety and

security systems.

b. alarm and hazard control plans in

line with disaster control and hazard

control planning, ensuring the

necessary technical and

organisational precautions;

c. reliable measuring instruments,

control units and servicing of such


d. precautions in designing of the

foundation and load bearing parts of

the building.

e. continuous surveillance of


8. Information on the mitigation of

major accidents, namely -

f. fire brigade,

g. alarm systems,

h. coordination with the

District Collector for the

off-site emergency plan,

i. antidotes in the event of

a release of a Priority


j. maintenance and repair work according to the generally recognized rules of good

engineering practices.

9. Details of communication facilities available during emergency and those required for an

off-site emergency.

10. Details of firefighting and other facilities

available and those required for an off-site


11. Details of first aid and hospital services

available and their adequacy.

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