Saturday, 28 December 2024

The cost to produce green ammonia per ton varies depending on the production process and the energy costs of the region:

 The cost to produce green ammonia per ton varies depending on the production process and the energy costs of the region: 


This process is the most exothermic but has a high heat requirement for acid gas removal. The production cost is above $450 per ton and the payback time is over 6 years. 


This process can achieve an energy efficiency of over 74%. However, it's not economically feasible at present due to high stack and electricity costs. 


This concept can achieve a levelized cost of ammonia (LCOA) of 332.1 €/ton. However, the cost can increase to 484.7–772.1 €/ton when varying the location from Saudi Arabia to Germany. 

Conventional plants

These plants have an LCOA of 385.1–385.9 €/ton. 

The cost of green ammonia production is about six times higher than the cost of traditional ammonia, which is based on natural gas or coal

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