Technologies for
Pollution Control Industry
The fertiliser industry occupies a place
of pride in the chemical industries sector. This industry can be classified into
three categories, i.e. phosphatic fertiliser, nitrogenous fertiliser and complex
fertiliser. The main pollutants from the phosphatic fertiliser plants are sulphur
dioxide from the captive sulphuric acid plants and fluoride and particulate matter
from the processing units (phosphate rock grinding, granulation & bagging
sections). The scrubbing liquid for control of gaseous emission results in the
generation of wastewater. Besides, there may be some wastewater (spillage/washings)
generated from sulphuric acid plant.
The existing pollution
control systems in these sectors and the scope for making them more efficient
are tabulated below:
Phosphatic Fertiliser
Plant :
Technologies/Current Practices | Requirements | |
double conversion double absorption (DCDA) process has been recommended and adopted
to minimise generation of SO2 from sulphuric acid plants. Some plants
have scrubbing system to control excessive SO2 during start-up and
shut-down of the plant.
systems with proper treatment for reuse / recovery of the scrubbing liquid should
be provided by all the plants.
| |
system (two or three stages) or venturi scrubbing system has been adopted to control
fluoride emitted from acidulation of rock phosphate
Venturi scrubbers with reuse/recovery of scrubbing liquid or
fluorine recovery plant need to be provided
| |
Bag filters and cyclones have been provided for control of
Proper collection
and disposal of collected particulate matter through cyclone, bag filters etc.
Pneumatic systems can be used for collection and transportation of dust in large
| |
for acidic wastewater and fluoride and phosphate removal through chemical precipitation
for fluoride & phosphate bearing effluent have been adopted.
Automatic feeding system for chemical dosing with pH indicator
and alarm system need to be installed.
The pollutants
from nitrogenous fertiliser plants are SO2 & NOx from fuel burning
in reformers, emission of ammonia from ammonia & urea plants, ammonia &
oil bearing effluents from ammonia & urea plants, beside urea in effluent
from urea plant, NOx from nitric acid plant and ammonia & nitrates in effluent
from ammonium nitrate plants. The arsenic bearing effluent is also generated from
the plants where Vetrocoke system of CO2 absorption is followed. The
cyanide bearing effluent is generated from ammonia plants where partial oxidation
process is followed (having fuel oil as feed stock).
Technologies/Current Practices | Requirements |
API separator for oil removal | Oil removed is to be properly stored and transported for reuse/recovery |
technologies adopted for effluent are (i) air stripping, (ii) stream stripping
with recovery of ammonia for ammonia bearing effluents from ammonia and urea plants,
and (iii) hydrolyser stripper for urea bearing effluent.
High-pressure hydrolyser strippers with recovery of ammonia
and condensate.
Retrofitting of hydrolyser stripper in old
and denitrification system for ammonia, urea and nitrate bearing effluent
For proper operation of the denitrification system, availability
of carbon source has to be ensured.
Cyanide treatment by alkaline chlorination
Cyanide destruction by thermal/ oxidation system.
Arsenic bearing effluent
is evaporated or chemically treated. The sludge generated is either stored or
Few plants
which are still having Vetrocoke system of CO2 absorption using arsenic
as medium, should change over to the non-arsenic system
The pollutants from
complex fertiliser plants could be generated from nitrogenous or phosphatic fertiliser
plants, or both, depending upon the captive units. Generally, fluoride and suspended
particulate matter are generated in emission through stacks and effluent generated
can be recycled due to negative water balance in the process.
Technologies/Current Practices | Requirements |
Venturi scrubbing system for fluoride control in emission from phosphoric acid and complex fertiliser plants | Fluoride recovery plant where phosphoric acid is produced |
Treatment of fluoride and phosphate bearing effluent | Improved treatment using alum where receiving environment cannot accept Fluoride above 2 mg/l |
Recycle and reuse of effluent from NPK and DAP plants | Zero discharge should be aimed from the complex fertiliser plants |
Phosphogypsum generated from phosphoric acid plant is generally stacked and partly used for mixing in cement and for making gypsum board | Technology (such as to produce ammonium sulphate) to use entire phosphogypsum generated from phosphoric acid production |
Bulk Drug Manufacturing Industry
pollution control in bulk-drug manufacturing industry requires high skilled manpower
due to its nature of pollutants. In general, it has been observed that the final
product’s purity is of major concern to the industry. Thus, the rejects (unreacted/
converted portion of raw materials) contribute to the major pollution load from
the industry. The industry involves several batch reactors to get required product
and each reaction yields different kinds of pollutants depending upon particular
reactants and process. There are number of streams with different characteristics
which emanate from the various sections of the industry, requiring segregation
and corresponding treatment instead of the conventional end-of-pipe treatment
system for combined effluent. The air pollution potential is also significant,
though quantity of air pollutants may not be much. However, the toxic emissions
(fugitive and channelised) are required to be properly collected and treated.
The solid waste generated from the industry falls under hazardous categories,
thus the compliance as per hazardous waste management rules is required.
Technologies/Current Practices | Requirements |
Collection of all the streams and providing
collective treatment (end-of-the-pipe treatment) as follows:
| Wastewater treatment
Pollution Control Systems
Air Pollution Control Systems
Solid/ hazardous waste management
Solid/hazardous waste management

Quality of Effluent
Treatment Options
is not easily bio-degradable but toxic
Thermal decomposition (based on calorific value) 2. Chemical oxidation by hydrogen
peroxide, ozone etc. 3. Evaporation + Secure land-fill
be toxic; not suitable for biological treatment; mostly inorganic salts
1. Chemical treatment (recovery, precipitation etc.) 2. Evaporation
+ Secure land-fill of evaporated residue
organic effluent fully biodegradable
Anaerobic + Aerobic treatment 2. If quantity is less, incineration (based on calorific
value) + Secure land-fill of incineration ash
inorganic salts, no need for biological treatment
1. Solar evaporation 2. Forced evaporation (after separation
of volatile organic matter) 3. Reverse osmosis
organic effluent, may not be easily biodegradable
1. Thermal decomposition 2. Chemical oxidation by hydrogen
peroxide or ozone or sodium, hypochlorite etc. 3. Chemical + biological treatment
Highly inorganic effluent, not suitable for biological treatment
1. Chemical recovery 2.
Chemical oxidation + biological treatment
effluent, fully biodegradable
+ aerobic treatment
Low organic and low inorganic
Recycle and reuse
(after preliminary treatment)
Exercise for Treatment of Individual Effluent Streams in Bulk-Drug Industry
Pesticides manufacturing involves various
toxic chemicals as raw materials and a number of unit operations to get required
technical grade product. In a unit process, due to impurities in raw materials,
variations in operational parameters of the reactor vessels and thermodynamic
limitations, 100% conversion of raw materials into products is impracticable.
Hence, excess chemicals are fed into the reactor to get the required efficiency
and quantity of final product. The unconverted reactants from each unit process
generate wastes in the form of effluents, emissions and solids.
Technologies/Current Practices
Wastewater Treatment
| Wastewater
Air Pollution Scrubbers |
Air Pollution
Solid/Hazardous Waste
Solid/Hazardous Waste Management
Oil refinery
In a refinery, crude
oil is processed in Crude Distillation Unit, consisting of atmospheric distillation
and vacuum distillation columns. In addition, various chemical conversion processes
viz. catalytic cracking, hydrocracking, thermal cracking, viz., breaking, etc.;
purification processes viz. hydrodesulphurisation, desalting, sulphur recovery,
etc.; and utilities & auxiliary facilities viz. water, power, steam, hydrocarbon
slop treatment, etc. are also in use in refineries.
unit processes in the refining of petroleum oil cause significant amount of air
and water pollution and also generate solid wastes. The type and quantum of the
pollutants, generated from an oil refinery, will depend on type of crude and processes
in use. The major pollutants emanated are emissions of Oxides of Sulphur (SOx)
and Hydrocarbons (HC); liquid effluent containing oil, phenol, sulphide with significant
concentration of BOD and COD; and solid waste including oily sludge.
available pollution control technologies and the requirements are tabulated hereunder:
Technologies/Current Practices
Effluent treatment comprising
primary (physico-chemical), secondary (biological) and tertiary (e.g. activated
carbon) systems.
(implant measures) for reducing water consumption and effluent generation; and
better management practices for reuse/recycle of the treated effluent.
To minimise emissions of
SOx, Sulphur Recovery Units (SRU) based on Claus/modified Claus process, are installed.
Besides this, scrubbers are also installed for controlling the emissions.
Super Claus process with greater sulphur removal efficiencies
and SCOT process for off-gas treatment.
Catalytic cracking
units should be provided with particulate removal devices.
To minimise fugitive emissions of HC, floating and fixed roof
tanks are provided for storage of lighter products and crude oil respectively.
Better practices are needed
for maintenance of flanges/valves, handling and transport of material etc., to
reduce the fugitive emissions. Steam injection in flaring stacks to reduce particulate
emission, vapour recovery system to be installed to control losses of volatile
organic compounds (VOC’s) from storage tanks and loading areas and it should achieve
90-100% recovery.
of the oil is recovered from oily sludge and the sludge is disposed off through
a secured landfill.
is required for minimising the generation of oily sludge and proper handling of
oily sludge and more efficient recovery of oil from sludge using improved adsorbent.
Dyes and Dye Intermediates
Dyes and Dye Intermediates industry
is an important sector of the Indian Chemical Industry. This sector has grown
at a very fast pace after independence and nearly half of its production is being
exported today. A remarkable feature of the Indian dyestuff industry is the co-existence
of units in the small, medium and large sectors, actively involved in the manufacture
of dyestuffs and their intermediates. The pollution that accompanies this industry
in its nature and extents, particularly, because of the non-biodegradable nature
of the dyes as well as due to the presence of acid/ alkali/ toxic trace metals/
carcinogenic aromatic amines in the effluents. In addition to effluent, gaseous
emissions such as SO2, NOx, NH3 & HCl and solid wastes
in the form of iron sludge, gypsum and sludge from treatment facilities are generated.
available pollution control systems and the requirements are tabulated below:
Technologies/Current Practices
Effluent treatment comprising
primary (physico-chemical) and secondary (biological) systems are in practice.
Some of the units have also provided tertiary treatment and incinerators for non-biodegradable
Possibilities for
adaptation of cleaner process options for reducing the water consumption and effluent
generation; better management practices for segregation and reuse/ recycle of
the treated effluent; effective utilisation of raw materials; improvement in efficiency
of process; and recovery of by-products.
The effluent generated
from manufacturing of some of the dyes and intermediates such as H-acid is not
biodegradable, which requires process change.
Gaseous emissions such as SOx, NOx, HCl and NH3
are generally scrubbed.
designed scrubber with recovery reuse of scrubbed liquid is required.
Gypsum, iron sludge and
sludge from ETP are generated as solid waste. The gypsum and iron sludge can be
used in the cement and pigment industries. The sludge is either disposed off on
land/secured landfill or sent to other user industries.
Cleaner process technologies e.g. catalytic hydrogenation,
use of spent acid after nitration for acidification of fusion mass, which can
eliminate generation of iron and gypsum sludge.
Caustic Soda Industry
are 40 units manufacturing caustic soda in India with an installed capacity of
2.27 million tonnes per annum, and the actual production in the year 1998 has
been about 1.49 million tonnes. 34% of the capacity is based on the mercury cell
process, and 66% on the membrane process. The major environmental problems posed
by this industrial sector is from the mercury cell process and although this metal
is not supposed to get consumed as per the chemistry of the production, it gets
entrapped into the circulating brine solution and all the product and bye-product
streams. This leads to contamination of the water, wastewater, air and solid wastes
generated from the production activities. Also, since the quantity of mercury
involved in the production is very large, its leakage, spillage and even evaporation
of the spilled mercury are observed to be very common and require proper and timely
attention. A limit of 0.01 mg/l has been prescribed for the levels of mercury
in the effluent alongwith a limitation of a maximum of 10 cum effluent per tonne
of product. The CPCB experience gathered through visits and in-depth studies of
the mercury cell based chlor-alkali plants confirm that a major part of mercury
escaping into the environment is due to the lack of good housekeeping practices
specially in the cell house and related activities. It has also to be noted here
that the efficiency of any of the control measures which mostly involve the end-of-pipe
treatment technology, can be affected by the lack of attention in attending the
mercury leakage/ spillage or even floor washings in the cell room. Special attention
needs to be given to all the mercury cell-based chlor-alkali plants looking at
the manner in which the return brine from the electrolysis cells is treated soon
after the power failures. This is because the mercury concentration in the return
brine after power failures may go upto even 200 mg/l as against a concentration
of about 7 mg/l in the brine in the normal running of the plant. There has been
a practice of adding Sodium Sulphide to the brine after power failures for avoiding
the chlorine nuisance but this addition of Sodium Sulphide results into a bigger
nuisance as the high level of mercury present in the brine gets precipitated as
Mercury Sulphide and the subsequent brine sludge from the clarifier may contain
upto over 1000 mg/kg of mercury [Chemical Age of India 35 (9):1984]. The escape
of mercury in the brine sludge in a single power failure can be as much as 10
times the loss in the sludge produced in a day under the normal running of the
The commissioning/expansion of caustic soda units
based on mercury cell process has already been banned by the Government and the
existing mercury cell based plants are also in the process of switching over to
the membrane process. However, there is no mandatory target existing for this
conversion and the mercury cell based units need to take proper attention for
their mercury bearing wastes including the disposal of the brine sludge. The pollution
control measures, existing as well as waiting to be incorporated, are given below.
Technologies/Current Practices
Caustic Soda production through Mercury Cell as well as Membrane Cell Process | Conversion of Mercury Cells into Membrane Cells in a phased manner |
Addition of sodium sulphide to the brine to avoid chlorine nuisance after power failures | Stand-by Power supply for dechlorination of the return brine in the existing mercury cell pants after power failures, instead of adding sodium sulphide to eliminate chlorine. This dechlorinated brine should be stored and recycled directly to the cells in a controlled manner to ensure conversion of the high amount of the dissolved mercury back into the elemental mercury. |
Rejection of the cell cleaning water as effluent for treatment with final effluent | Collection of the washings immediately after the start of the cell cleaning operation and recycle of the washings into the brine system. |
Floor Washings with fresh water | Collection of the wastewater from cell house in a amply dimensioned sedimentation tank, providing a pump with nipple and hose pipe arrangements in the discharge line and use of this collected water for floor washings as well as its recycle into the brine system as and when possible with the help of same pumping arrangements (Chemical Age of India 37 (11) : 1986). Also, the floor should be preferably swept and the wet washings should be avoided as far as possible. |
The collection and washing of the solid wastes generated from the cell house for mercury recovery | The solid wastes resulting from the cell room should be heated in a closed system and the mercury should be recovered through condensation (indirect cooling). |
Scrubbing of the uncondensed gases from the HCl production system. | The hydrogen gas should be treated at source with the help of activated carbon adsorption technique (Chemical Age of India 37 (12):1986). This will eliminate the involvement of the mercury in the HCl production system. The hydrogen produced can also be used for hydrogenation of the oils and the mercury free HCl produced from this hydrogen will be useful even for the food and pharmaceuticals sector. |
Utilisation of excess chlorine with caustic soda or lime slurry | The production of caustic soda should be optimised on the basis of the demand, and the chlorine neutralisation should be minimised as far as possible. If at all required, the use of caustic soda or lime slurry should be made on the basis of the use of resulting Calcium hypochlorite or Sodium hypochlorite. |
Disposal of sludge cake from the brine recovery drum filter into authorised landfills | Each of the mercury cell chlor- alkali plant need to study the level of excess chlorine which can be maintained in the circulating brine of the production system as the presence of chlorine in brine avoids precipitation of mercury into the brine sludge. Also, the disposal of brine sludge should be made in a secured landfill with proper arrangements for the collection and recycle of the leachate. |
Sodium sulphide precipitation, filtration followed by ion exchange or activated carbon adsorption method of the mercury from the final effluent | The mercury bearing streams should be segregated at the source itself in the plant and recycled into the brine system. This will result into minimisation of mercury input load to the final treatment system, and the steps like precipitation, ion exchange etc. can be decided by individual plants depending upon the level of mercury control that can be achieved at source. |

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