Local Weather Report and Forecast For: Kakinada Dated :May 10, 2015
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Today's Forecast:Sky condition would be generally cloudy. Rain or Thundershowers may occur in parts of city. Maximum & Minimum temperatures would be around 38 and 27 degrees Celsius respectively. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Actual | Average | Record | |
Temperature | |||
Mean Temperature | 32 °C | - | |
Max Temperature | 38 °C | - | - () |
Min Temperature | 27 °C | - | - () |
Cooling Degree Days | 26 | ||
Growing Degree Days | 40 (Base 50) | ||
Moisture | |||
Dew Point | 25 °C | ||
Average Humidity | 63 | ||
Maximum Humidity | 84 | ||
Minimum Humidity | 36 | ||
Precipitation | |||
Precipitation | 0.0 mm | - | - () |
Sea Level Pressure | |||
Sea Level Pressure | 1006.25 hPa | ||
Wind | |||
Wind Speed | 0 km/h () | ||
Max Wind Speed | 6 km/h | ||
Max Gust Speed | - | ||
Visibility | 7.0 kilometers | ||
Events |
T = Trace of Precipitation, MM = Missing Value | Source: Averaged Metar Reports |
Daily Weather History Graph
Max | Avg | Min | Sum | |
Temperature | ||||
Max Temperature | 38 °C | 36 °C | 30 °C | |
Mean Temperature | 32 °C | 32 °C | 30 °C | |
Min Temperature | 29 °C | 27 °C | 25 °C | |
Degree Days | ||||
Heating Degree Days (base 65) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cooling Degree Days (base 65) | 26 | 25 | 21 | 271 |
Growing Degree Days (base 50) | 41 | 39 | 36 | 431 |
Dew Point | ||||
Dew Point | 28 °C | 26 °C | 22 °C | |
Precipitation | ||||
Precipitation | 0.0 mm | 0.0 mm | 0.0 mm | 0.00 mm |
Snowdepth | - | - | - | - |
Wind | ||||
Wind | 9 km/h | 1 km/h | 0 km/h | |
Gust Wind | - | - | - | |
Sea Level Pressure | ||||
Sea Level Pressure | 1011 hPa | 1008 hPa | 1005 hPa |
Monthly Weather History Graph
Fertilizers: Application & efficient Use
I. Introduction
II. Time of Fertilizer Application
III. Methods of Fertilizer Application
IV. Efficient use of Fertilizers
V. Integrated Nutrient Supply
Efficient use of fertilizer means maximizing the production and minimizing the cost
through fertilizer application. But farmers are unaware of these two facts.
This booklet gives sufficient knowledge on time and methods of fertilizer application.
This enables the farmer to use the fertilizers efficiently and timely.
I. Introduction
agricultural productivity usually comes as a result of the effective adoption
of improved technologies. Wortman and Cummings Jr (1978) of John Hopkins
University--Baltimore recognized four requisites which should be met to enable
farmers, regardless of size of holding, to increase productivity. The four
requisites are discussed below.
1.An improved
farming system: a combination of materials and practices which are clearly more
productive and profitable with an acceptable low level of than those he
currently uses, must be available log to the farmer.
2. Instruction at
farmers' field: the farmer must be shown on his own farm or nearby how to put
the practices into use, and he should understand why they are better than the
prevailing ones.
3. Supply of
inputs: the inputs required, including fertilizer, and, if necessary, credit to
finance their purchase, must be
available to the farmer when and where he needs them, and at reasonable cost
4. Availability of
markets: the farmer must have access to a nearby market that can absorb
increased supplies without excessive price drops.
third requisite, supply of inputs to which fertilizer Ion belongs, is indeed
one of the most important factors for increasing yield. But merely making the
inputs available to the farmers is not a complete solution in itself. Farmers
must know how to make the most productive use of these inputs. Here the second
requisite comes to play a key role. Although Indian soils are very responsive
to fertilizer application because of their inherent low fertility, farmers find
it very difficult to apply the recommended doses of Plant fertilizers because
of their low purchasing power. So our effort should be not just to get
increased production by fertilizer application but to get maximum possible
production from a unit land area with the least amount of fertilizer applied.
This concept is called efficient use of fertilizers.
get higher responses than existing ones, time and method of application of
fertilizers should be so designed as to suit properly the type of the crop
grown, As such, prevailing soil and climatic conditions, and of course the
nature of the fertilizer to be used.
II. Time of Fertilizer Application
of the crop plants generally require nitrogen throughout their growth period.
Irrespective of the crop, all plants tend to grow at a slow pace in the beginning,
rapidly in the "grand growth period" (the period at which elongation
of cells, tissues and formation of organs take place) and again slow during
maturity. Accordingly, nitrogen is also
taken up by the plants in keeping with the pace of plant growth. Hence use of
nitrogenous fertilizers should be so timed as to ensure its supply to the to
plant throughout its growth period especially during grand growth period. Nitrogenous fertilizers
are very soluble in water, hence liable to be leached. As such it is necessary
to apply nitrogenous fertilizers in split doses of two-four, depending on the
type of soil and the duration of the crop. When the fertilizer is applied at
sowing time, it is called basal dressing; and the dose applied in standing crop
is called top dressing.
require phosphorus mainly during the early root development and early growth
period. Besides, almost all phosphatic fertilizers release phosphorus very
slowly to the plant growth unlike nitrogenous fertilizers. They are, therefore,
applied only at the time of sowing i.e. basal dressing.
of potash by plant is similar to nitrogen whereas time its availability is like
that of phosphorus. Soils rich in so clay fix the applied potassium and release
it very slowly. As such, it is advisable to apply the entire quantity of potassic fertilizer at sowing time. However,
mixtures of nitrogen and potassium can be applied in standing crop as well.
III. Methods of Fertilizer Application
per crop requirement and growth pattern, plant nutrients are applied in
different methods. The following are the important methods of fertilizer
A. Broadcasting
fertilizer is spread all over the field with a view to distributing the whole
quantity of fertilizer uniformly. This method of fertilizer application should
not be practised where placement of fertilizers in the root zone is feasible
because in this practice more amount of fertilizer is required to produce the
same yield. Broadcasting of fertilizers is carried out at two stages.
1. At the time of
planting: Depending on the crop, broadcasting of the fertilizer is carried out
prior to sowing/planting or just before the last ploughing and incorporated in
the field. Broadcasting of fertilizers at the time of planting is generally done
under conditions: (a) when the soils are highly deficient in nitrogen and (b)
when the previous crop has been exhaustive such as sugarcane, jowar, maize,
2During crop growth
period : Broadcasting in standing crop is done mainly for nitrogenous fertilizers
and mostly for close spaced crop like paddy and wheat. It is called top
dressing. Muriate of potash is also applied as top dressing in some crops but
this is not a general practice.
the field, divide the field into convenient units, calculate and weigh the
fertilizer for each unit and spread the fertilizer uniformly on the entire
surface of each unit. Division of plot and quantity of fertilizer ensures
greater uniformity in fertilizer application.
B. Placement
are placed in the soil before sowing irrespective of the position of the seed.
Placement in standing crop can also be done in widely spaced crop growing in a
limited area. For example, in young maize crop fertlizer add can be manually
placed 3-4 cm away from the stem. Placement of fertilizer restricts the surface
area of the fertilizer coming in contact with soil particles and thus decreases
the fixation of phosphorus and potassium.
1. Plough furrow or
single band placement
is placed in a continuous band at the bottom of the furrow opened during
ploughing. Each band is covered with soil after the application. In single band
placement fertilizer is applied on one side of the planted row.
-Open the furrow
with the help of plough.
-Count the number
of furrows and measure the total area of
-Calculate and
weigh the required dose of fertilizer for each furrow and
place the
ferti1izer in the furrow.
-Cover the furrow
with the soil.
2. Double band
double band placement method, ferti1izer is placed and on both the sides of the
row. Furrows can be opened with the help of two tyned harrow (if available);
keeping the planted row in the centre. After fertilizer is placed, the furrows
are covered with the soil by planking..
of fertilizer is generally employed for the application of nitrogenous,
phosphatic and potassic fertilizers in the intensive agriculture and in
placement of fertilizer is generally practised for application of nitrogenous
and phosphatic fertilizers in paddy fields. In this method, 15-20 cm deep
furrows are opened with the help of plough and ammoniacal the fertilizer is
placed in them. They are covered with soil usually by planking. This operation
is done after draining out water from the field. After placement of fertilizer,
field can be flooded again. This practice is also useful for concentration dry
land areas. In dry land areas moisture is found
to be deeper layers of soil. Therefore deep placement can be adopted for
both seed sowing and fertilizer application.
3. Ring placement
placement method is mostly practised for the fruit trees in orchard or for
individually grown trees..
-open a ring like
trench of one foot wide and four to six inches deep around the fruit tree with
the help of spade corresponding to the circumference of the shoot system of the
-Calculate and
weigh the amount of fertilizers for each plant separately.
-Apply fertilizer
uniformly in the trench
-Cover the ring
with soil.
-Apply irrigation if required.
C. In situ application
fertilizers are applied on a specific spot, it is called 'in situ' application
or localized application of fertilizer in wide fertilizers. The following are
the kinds of in-situ application of fertilizers.
1. Drill
application refers to the drilling of fertilizer at sowing time. Drilling the
fertilizer together with seed should be avoided as it may adversely affect the
germination or the young plants may get damaged due to high or concentration of
chemicals in the root zone. It is advisable in to use a separate attachment for
seed and fertilizer drilling. This is one of the best methods for applying
phosphatic (P) and potassic (K) fertilizers to closely spaced row planted crops
like wheat, maize, jowar, bajra etc. This method is also better for applying
nitrogenous fertilizers. However, it is safer to drill only small
quantities of fertilizers so that
germination may not be adversely
-Attach the
fertilizer drilling tu be to the plough.
-Measure the area
of operation.
-Calculate and
weigh the required fertilizers.
-Drill the
fertilizer taking care of the uniform distribution in the field.
2. Dollop method
entire quantity of fertilizer is calculated per plant and is applied on both
the sides of the plant with the help of a cup by dividing it into two parts.
This is considered to be very efficient method of applying nitrogenous
fertilizer in widely spaced crops like cotton and fruit trees.
-Count the number
of plants in the area of operation.
-Calculate and
weigh the required fertilizer.
-Put a mark in the
fertilizer cup for the desired quantity of fertilizer for each plant.
-Dig a hole on both
the side of the plants with the help of spade/appropriate tools to a depth of
10 cm.
-Apply the
fertilizer equally in both the holes and cover it with soil.
3. Pellet
pellet method, the fertilizer is mixed with the soil in the ratio of I :10 (one
part fertilizer and ten parts of soil) and made into a paste. Then small
pellets of convenient size are prepared. These pellets are then applied cost to
the field by depositing them in soft mud.
method is especially useful for the application (of nitrogenous fertilizers in
paddy field. This practice greatly increases the nitrogen use efficiency of
paddy crop.
D. Foliar
application refers to the spraying of fertilizer solution on. foliage (leaves)
of. growing plants. .Normally, these solutions are prepared in low
concentration (2-3 %) either to supply anyone plant nutrient or a combination
of nutrients.
3. Av Advantages
-Foliar spraying is
useful to correct the nutrient deficiency growing crops.
-In extremely dry
weather condition where the plants can not take up nutrients from soil because
of low moisture contents of soil, foliar spray is useful.
-When quick
response of fertilizer (especially nitrogenous fertilizer) is required.
-When the widely
spread foliage of plant poses difficulty, for soil application,
-.Marginal leaf
burns or scorching, may occur if strong solutions are used.
-As a solution of
low concentration, only a small quantity of nutrients can be supplied at a
applications are needed. This increases the cost of application unless it is
combined with other spraying operations.
-It cannot be
recommended as a sole method of application of fertilizer.
-Only Urea and
micro nutrients can be applied through this method.
E. Precautions taken while applying fertilizers
I. Note that there
is sufficient moisture in the field before applying fertilizers.
2. Ensure uniform
distribution of fertilizer on the entire area of operation,
3. Avoid hot-hours
or the day while applying (broad-casting) a fertilizer.
4. Choose a fair
weather day preferably for broadcasting
5. Do not top dress
the fertilizer when the crop leaves are wet otherwise burning and scorching of
leaves may occur.
6. Confirm the
compatibility of fertilizers before mixing
7. Place the
fertilizer at least 5-8 cm below the soil surface.
8. Cover the
fertilized furrow immediately.
9. In double band
placement open the bands by keeping nitrogen the planted row in centre.
10. In ring
placement open the ring near the active root zone of fruit plants
(corresponding to the circumference of shoot system).
11. Avoid drilling of fertilizers and seed
together especially of legumes as even a small amount of fertilizer may damage
]2. Check choking
of the tube from time to time.
]3. Select only
spray-grade urea for foliar spray.
14. Prepare fresh
solution for each spray.
15. Avoid spraying
during hotter period of the day. Spraying in the evening is preferred. Spray
again if it rains immediately after spraying.
16.Urea used for
foliar application must not contain more than 1.5% biurate, a compound which is highly harmful to the plants.
17. Foliar
application of fertilizers should be avoided on the crops having very small
leaves, i.e. compound leaf system.
18. Bulky organic
manures should be applied to the field soil one month before sowing while cakes
8-10 days before sowing so that decomposition may take place properly and,
nutrients are available for crop growth.
IV. Efficient Use
of Fertilizers
Researches have shown that plants cannot utilize
which cou more than 60% of nitrogen and 20% of phosphorous applied through
fertilizers, even though the best management practices are adopted. Under
ordinary conditions plants hardly avail more than 30% nitrogen and 10%
.phosphorus applied through fertilizers. Major part of the nitrogenous
fertilizer is either lost to the atmosphere in the form of gas or leached down
in the soil along with soil water. Likewise a large portion of phosphorous is
fixed with the soil particles and plants cannot avail it. Therefore, the following
measures should be considered in order to obtain maximum benefit with the may
minimum dose of fertilizer applied.
1. Fertilizer
scheduling should be based upon soil test and crop need
The optimum
requirement of a fertilizer for maximum
production depends upon the requirements of the crop on the one hand and
the presence of various nutrients in the soil on the other. Soil testing gives
the idea whether or hly not the soil contains sufficient nutrients to meet the
requirement of a particular crop. In case of a nutrient deficiency, it should
be added to the soil through fertilizers.
testing also gives the information about soiI reaction. The selection of
fertilizer should be based on the soil reaction. In acidic soils only those
fertilizers should be used which have alkaline residual effect. In alkaline
soils acid forming fertilizers should be preferred. Rock .phosphate is always
preferred to super phosphate for strongly acidic soils, because in acidic soils
rock phosphate gets dissolved easily and becomes available to plants. Secondly, rock phosphate exerts alkaline
residual effect which counteracts acidity of the soil. In India, where about 30 % of the cultivated land is acidic,
use of rock Phosphate is to be
are, of course, many limitations to soil testing such as lack of skill in
sample collection, non-availability of testing facilities and low reliability
of testing methods. Yet the soil testing is a useful management tool for the
farmer, in spite of its limitations. Regular soil test results from the same
lab, sampled at the same time of year, can be compared with field information
from year to year. This information is a valuable gauge of progress in soil
fertility management and fertilizer scheduling.
2. Placement of
most cases, placement of fertilizers is preferred to the broadcast application,
This is especially important for phosphatic and potassic fertilizers. If
phosphatic and potassic fertilizers come in contact with a large volume of soil
particles, the amount of nutrients (P and K) fixed condition in them will be
proportionately high, The mobility of fertilizers are also very slow in the
soil. Placement of fertilizers in the root zone (5-8 cm deep) increases
availability of nutrients to the crop.
3. Mixing should be
done carefully
of different kinds are mixed before their application in order to save
appIication in order to save application cast and for some other reasons too.
Before mixing fertilizers, the compatibility chart should be referred (refer
booklet MFS-8). Mixed fertilizers should not be stored for longer time.
Otherwise their nutritive value is reduced.
4. Soil texture and
duration of crop
light sandy soils, fertilizers are very vulnerable to leaching, losses leaching
losses. In these soils fertilizers should be given in split doses in order to
avoid excessive concentration of nutrients in the soil at a time. In long
duration crops fertilizers (especially nitrogenous fertilizers) should be given
the in split doses so that life long requirement of plant at all stages of its
5. Water management
the movement of nutrients in the soil, soil must contain sufficient amount of
moisture. There is a positive correlation between the moisture content of the
soil and to the fertilizer use efficiency. Moisture is necessary for nutrient
absorption from the soil while nutrient helps in an the expansion of root
system so as to enable plant to explore greater volume of soil for moisture. In
dry land conditions where water is scarce, some amount of nitrogen can be
supplied to the plants through sprays. In dry land areas low rate of fertilizer
applications and correct placement of fertilizers have been found to increase
yield. Flooded condition is not favourable for fertilizer application. Water of
the field should be drained out at least a week before fertilizer application.
But in the case of paddy, fertilizers (especially phosphatic and me potassic)
should be applied at the time of puddling to expedite the fertilizers to reach and get stored in
the root zone of the soil.
6. Use of
I. Very light sandy
soils having too high calcium contents
(calcarious) and the soils under very high cropping intensity are very
often deficient in micronutrients like zinc, iron. Application of
micro-nutrients result in spectacular increase in crop yield. Micro-nutrient
application in those soils enhances crop response to nitrogenous, prevents phosphatic and potassic fertilizers as well.
7. Use of
a few, most of the crops respond very well to commonly used fertilizers like
urea, single super-phosphate and muriate of potash in neutral soil. Application
of lime to the acid soil and gypsum to the alkaline soil should be carried out
to bring the soil to neutral range of reaction i.e., 6.5-7.5 pH. Continuous use
of a particular type of fertilizer in the same field for a few years may push
the soil reaction towards acidity or alkalinity depending upon the nature of
fertilizer. Use of neutralizers is, therefore, recommended for field. For,
different fertilizers, different amount of neutralizers is recommended. For
example, for each 100 kg of ammonium sulphate, 110 kg of lime stone neutralizer
should be used. If a field is receiving 100 kg ammonium sulphate every year,
330 kg of limestone should be applied to that field at every 3 years interval.
8. Proper agronomic
control, use of pesticides, mulching, tillage and crop rotation should be
carried out timely and properly. They should not be allowed to become limiting
factor to crop yield.
9. Use of organic
farm yard manure, compost or green manure in the field at the interval of at
least 3-4 years. Application of fertilizers coupled with organic manures has
mutually beneficial effect on each other. Organic manure prevents the loss of
fertilizer nutrient from the soil and also counteract the acidic or alkaline
residual impact of fertilizers. On the other hand, in presence of fertilizer-
nutrients, organic manures release plant nutrients more rapidly.
10. Use of
carried out at IARI, New Delhi, have shown that certain micro-organisms such as
Bacillus megatherium (a bacterium) solubilize the phosphorous
years from ground rock phosphate and make it available to the growing plants, thereby
increasing efficiency of phosphatic fertilizers. The bacterium is sold as
‘phosphobacterin’ biofertilizer. Another biofertilizer called, mvcorrhiza which
has not yet come to the market as a biofertilizer, also holds promise to
increase efficiency of phosphatic fertilizers. Extensively grown, highly
branched body of hate fungal micro-organism which is the main constituent of
that micorrhiza helps plant roots explore greater soil volume for phosphorus.
Use of blue green algae and azolla also increases the recovery of fertilizer
nutrients by plant roots from the soil.
II. Use of slow release fertilizers
slow release nitrogenous fertilizers like U.F. 30, urea super granules (US G)
have been developed. Their use is intended for flooded conditions. In flooded
conditions ordinary urea is rapidly converted into gaseous form which is not
available to the plants. USG and UF-30; the forms of urea itself, release
nitrogen very slowly; thereby reducing the loss of nitrogen. As a latest has
development, nitrification inhibitors have also been found to slow down the
rate of nitrogen release from urea. Urea is treated with these chemicals before
application to the flooded field. Deep placement of urea in root zone, in the
form of USG or in the mud balls (briquettes) is labour intensive and,
therefore, a costly technique.
12. Use of coated
of urea before application to the flooded field is the cheapest way to increase
urea efficiency in rice of plant n fields. Coating treatment also aims at slowing
the rate of release of nitrogen from ordinary urea. Two materials are mainly
used for coating: sulphur and neem cake. Neem coated urea (NCU) is cheaper than
sulphur coated (SCU) as the sulphur is very costly. Manufacturing of sulphur
coated urea is also a complex process, while neem coated urea can be prepared
by farmers themselves. NCU has performed well in trials with maize, potatoes,
sugarcane and cotton.
a. Procedure to
prepare NCU
two litres of kerosene oil and thoroughly mix it with one kg of coaltar or
arabic gum, in a seed dressing drum. Put 100 kg urea in the drum and mix the
contents. Now mix 25 kg of neem cake powder thoroughly. A thin -The exp coating
of neem cake over urea granules takes place. Coaltar or arabic gum acts as a
sticking agent. Use the fertilizer as soon as possible.
b. Use of untreated
urea in paddy
untreated urea is used in paddy field, mid term drainage has been found to
increase urea use efficiency. Water which is drained out from the field about
24 hours before fertilizer application. Drainage is repeated once more The
night 20-30 days after first drainage. This technique can be practised only
where plenty of water and drainage facilities, are available. Foliar
application of urea during the late growth stage of paddy crop also helps
plants to grow better.
V. Integrated Nutrient Supply
alone cannot meet the vast requirement of plant nutrients. This is largely
because of the rising cost of fertilizers and partly because of inherent draw
backs with the fertilizers themselves. It calls our attention towards the
concept of “integrated nutrient supply". The concept of integrated
nutrient supply is a broad one which embraces following considerations:
-Nutrient cycle
between the soil, the crop and the animal and atmosphere.
-The question of
correct nutrient balance in fertilizer use including micronutrients.
-Combined use of
organic manures and fertilizers i.e. at least 40 %of nutrient requirement of a
crop should be met in the form of organic manure..
-The exploitation
of biological sources of nutrients.
-The matching of
nutrient supply to the clopping system as a whole and not merely to the needs
of specific crops.
the basis of 1972 cattle census of India, total production of dung and urine by
cattle, sheep, goats and poultry is estimated at approximately 780 million
tonnes which contains 2.2 million tonnes
of nitrogen, 0.82 million tonnes of phosphorus and 1.87 million tonnes of
potash. The night soil from a population of 800 million contain more plant nutrients
than those in animal waste. Nutrients from all these waste products exceed the
amount of nutrient currently applied through the fertilizers in our country.
the farm wastes (urine dung and crop residues) are used in biogas plants,
greater part of their nitrogen content can be preserved, while large amount of
organic can also be made available for improving properties. The manurial
benefits of biogas slurry are two folds. In the first place the organic matter
improves . biological activity in the soil and promotes the stability of soil
aggregates thereby improving the moisture retention capacity of the soil.
Secondly, the direct nutrient effects
are considerable.
nitrogen fixation has a tremendous potential to meet the nutrition needs.
Although bio-fertilizers are becoming popular among poor and marginal farmers
but still there are miles to go in that direction. Azolla and blue-green algae
have been found to replace nitrogenous fertilizer as much as 30-35 per cent.
They supply not only nitrogen but also many tonnes of organic matter (vital
component of the soil) to a hectare of land. The utility of green manuring by dhaincha,
sunhemp and other crops is already well established and the practice is very
popular in some parts of the country. Millions of litres of sewage effluent, if
used properly, can supply handsome amount of nutrients to the soil.
Dr. K.T. Chandy,
Agricultural & Environmental Education
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