Monday 28 October 2024

Bio Ethanol Projects

Bio Ethanol Projects

Production of biofuels from renewable feedstocks has captured considerable scientific attention since they could be used to supply energy and alternative fuels. Bioethanol is one of the most interesting biofuels due to its positive impact on the environment. Currently, it is mostly produced from sugar- and starch-containing raw materials. However, various available types of lignocellulosic biomass such as agricultural and forestry residues, and herbaceous energy crops could serve as feedstocks for the production of bioethanol, energy, heat and value-added chemicals. Lignocellulose is a complex mixture of carbohydrates that needs an efficient pretreatment to make accessible pathways to enzymes for the production of fermentable sugars, which after hydrolysis are fermented into ethanol. Despite technical and economic difficulties, renewable lignocellulosic raw materials represent low-cost feedstocks that do not compete with the food and feed chain, thereby stimulating the sustainability. Different bioprocess operational modes were developed for bioethanol production from renewable raw materials. Furthermore, alternative bioethanol separation and purification processes have also been intensively developed. This paper deals with recent trends in the bioethanol production as a fuel from different renewable raw materials as well as with its separation and purification processes.

Biorefinery and Bioethanol Production

Fossil resources are still primary energy and chemical sources; around 75% is used for heat and energy production, about 20% as fuel, and just a few percent for the production of chemicals and materials. Natural regeneration of fossil resources through the carbon cycle is significantly slower than their current rate of exploitation. A small number of countries possess the major reserves of fossil fuels, which additionally increases unsustainability of their production. Furthermore, increased greenhouse gas emission arises from fossil fuel combustion and land-use change as a result of human activities, and consequently results in an acceleration of the global warming crisis. In most developed countries, governments stimulate the use of renewable energies and resources with following major goals: (i) to secure access to energy, (ii) to mitigate climate changes, (iii) to develop/maintain agricultural activities and (iv) to ensure food safety. Affordable energy, climate change and social stability, as the three pillars of sustainability, are directly related to the above mentioned major goals. Current situation of global warming and all fossil-based problems could be successfully altered by replacing fossil with renewable resources, which are more uniformly distributed and cause fewer environmental and social concerns.

During the last decades of the 20th century, there was an enormous interest in the production and usage of liquid biofuels (biodiesel or bioethanol) as promising substitutes for fossil fuels. Biofuels manufactured from plant-based biomass represent renewable energy resources. The use of this feedstock would reduce fossil fuel consumption and consequently the negative impact on the environment. Development of biorefinery aims to fulfil the sustainability criteria for biofuel production. Biorefinery is an integrative and multifunctional concept that uses biomass for the sustainable production of different intermediates and products as well as the complete possible use of all feedstock components. The concept includes selective transformation of the different molecules available in the biomass into biofuels, but also into pharmaceuticals, pulp, paper, polymers and other chemicals, as well as food or cattle feed. A wide range of technologies are able to separate biomass resources into their building blocks, like carbohydrates, proteins, fats,??etc.. The plant that produces lignocellulose-containing raw materials could be a good example of biorefinery concept where cellulose and hemicellulose produce simple (fermentable) sugars and lignin produces target compounds (e.g. polymers, resins, pesticides, levulinic acid and other materials). Recently, there have been considerable efforts to improve selectivity and efficiency of lignin depolymerization and upgrading processes for the target compound production. The catalytic hydrodeoxygenation process is the most promising way for target compound production from lignin.

In general, the biorefinery process usually comprises the following stages: pretreatment and preparation of biomass, separation of biomass components and subsequent conversion and product purification steps. There are two basic approaches for biorefinery concept implementation: bottom-up and top-down. Bottom-up biorefinery approach is characterized by the spreading of current biomass processing facilities (the production of only one or a few products) into a biorefinery with the aim to obtain an enlarged range of products and/or an increase of usable biomass fractions through the connection to additional technologies. An example of bottom-up biorefinery is the wheat and corn starch biorefinery (Lestrem, France) that starts as a simple starch factory. It gradually expanded the number of products, like starch derivatives and starch modifications, chemicals and fermentation products. A corn starch biorefinery in the USA (Decatur, Illinois) and wood lignocellulosic biorefineries in Austria (Lenzing) and Norway (Sarpsborg) also use bottom-up approach.

The new top-down approach is a highly integrated system established for the use of various biomass fractions and generation of different products for the market (zero-waste generation). The objective is to obtain the complete use of biomass (e.g.??wood lignocellulose, grain and straw from cereals or green grasses). An example of top-down approach is Austrian Green Biorefinery. It uses green grass silage as feedstock for the production of biobased products like proteins, lactic acid, fibres and biogas from the remaining biomass. Furthermore, green grass juice and silage juice (complex nitrogen and phosphate sources) served as cultivation medium constituents for growth and polyhydroxyalkanoate production by??Wautersia eutropha. Top-down biorefineries are still at the research and development stages and their demonstration plants are mainly based in the USA, Europe and some other industrialized countries.

However, both biorefinery concepts still need a lot of engagement to fulfil all requirements for production of high- -quality biofuels, value-added chemicals or other products, mainly in terms of the optimisation and upgrading of existing conversion processes, development of new processes and products with justified costs, and the industrial scale-up of existing ideas.

Bioethanol, as an alternative to the fossil fuels, is mainly produced by yeast fermentation from different feedstocks. It is a high octane number fuel and its physicochemical features are considerably different compared to the gasoline.

Specifications of gasoline and ethanol

Specification Gasoline Ethanol

????????Chemical formula ????????CnH2n+2??(n=4???12) ????????C2H5OH

????????M/(g/mol) ????????100-105 ????????46.07

????????Octane number ????????88-100 ????????108

??????????/(kg/dm3) ????????0.69-0.79 ????????0.79

????????Boiling point/??C ????????27-225 ????????78

????????Freezing point/??C ????????-22.2 ????????-96.1

????????Flash point/??C ????????-43 ????????13

????????Autoignition temperature/??C ????????275 ????????440

????????Lower heating value.103/(kJ/dm3) ????????30-33 ????????21.1

????????Latent vapourisation heat/(kJ/kg) ????????289 ????????854

????????Solubility in water ????????insoluble ????????soluble

Bioethanol serves mostly in the transport sector as a constituent of mixture with gasoline or as octane increaser (ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE), consisting of 45% per volume bioethanol and 55% per volume of isobutylene). Many countries use ETBE instead of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), which serves for octane number increase, but it is prohibited in the USA and Canada due to cancerous emissions. Bioethanol is mixed with gasoline at the volume fractions of 5, 10 and 85% (fuel names E5-E85). A total of 85% bioethanol by volume can only be used in flexible fuel vehicles (FFV), while mixtures of 5 and 10% by volume can be used without any engine modifications. However, problems related to the use of bioethanol are: corrosive effect on fuel injector and electric fuel pump (bioethanol is hygroscopic in nature), engine startup problem in cold weather conditions (pure ethanol is hard to vaporize) and the tribological effect on lubricant properties and engine performance. Bioethanol inside lubricant significantly reduces the properties and performance of engine oil. It is miscible with water, but immiscible with oil. Therefore, bioethanol has high potential for emulsion formation (bioethanol-water-oil mixture), which causes serious engine failures. There are different methods to improve the performance of engines (e.g. laser texturing, coatings, mass reduction of engine parts and lubricant composition) and extend their lifetime through the friction and wear reduction. The use of synthetic oil is one possibility to solve the above-mentioned issues.

Data for 2016 show that the global bioethanol production was 100.2 billion litres. Annual bioethanol production is constantly increasing, and the prediction of worldwide bioethanol production and its consumption is an increase to nearly 134.5 billion litres by 2024

Raw Materials and Their Pretreatment for Bioethanol Production

Different types of biomass have a potential as raw materials for bioethanol production. Because of their chemical composition,??i.e.??carbohydrate sources, they mostly form three groups: (i) sugar-containing raw materials: sugar beet, sugarcane, molasses, whey, sweet sorghum, (ii) starch-containing feedstocks: grains such as corn, wheat, root crops such as cassava, and (iii) lignocellulosic biomass: straw, agricultural waste, crop and wood residues. However, these sugar- and starch-containing feedstocks (first generation) compete with their use as food or feed, thus influencing their supply. Therefore, lignocellulosic biomass (second generation) represents an alternative feedstock for bioethanol production due to its low cost, availability, wide distribution and it is not competitive with food and feed crops.

Raw materials that contain sugar

Sugar cane and beet are the most important sugar-producing plants in the world. Two-thirds of the world sugar production are from sugar cane and one-third is from sugar beet. They can be easily hydrolysed by the enzyme invertase, which is synthesed by most??Saccharomyces species. Therefore, the pretreatment is not required for bioethanol production from the feedstocks containing sugar (sucrose), which makes this bioprocess more feasible than from feedstocks containing starch. Sugar crops need only a milling process for the extraction of sugars to fermentation medium, and here ethanol can be produced directly from juice or molasses.

Sugar cane as a raw material for bioethanol production provides certain advantages, since it is a semi-perennial crop that does not require many agricultural operations that are usually needed for raw crop processing, and its biomass is used for heat and electricity. Sugar cane is less expensive than other raw materials used for bioethanol production??due to easier processing and higher productivity. However, many efforts still aim at the improvement of bioethanol production from sugarcane. This includes development of new sugar cane varieties with higher sugar contents and resistance to diseases, larger yield per hectare and greater longevity.

In Europe, sugar production is mainly based on the use of sugar beet as raw material. Raw, thin and thick juice, as intermediate formed during sugar beet processing, as well as high purity crystal sugar, could be converted into bioethanol and/or bio-based products. Raw sugar beet cossettes are also suitable substrates for bioethanol production. The use of sugar processing intermediates determines bioprocess configuration, their microbiological stability and transport properties. Sugar syrup and granulated sugar can serve as substrates for bioethanol production during the whole year. Futhermore, they can also serve as precursors for different chemical intermediates or final products (e.g.??surfactants;??8).

Molasses, a main byproduct of the sugar industry, serves mostly as a substrate for yeast, bioethanol and biochemical production, but it can also be suitable for feedstuff production. Total residual sugars in molasses can amount to 50???60% (m/V), of which about 60% is sucrose, which makes this substrate suitable for large-scale bioethanol production. Sugar cane and beet molasses are byproducts of the manufacture or refining of sucrose from sugar cane and beet. Cane molasses contains not less than 46% of total sugars and sugar beet molasses not less than 48% (m/V). Molasses is also a byproduct in the production of dried citrus pulp, with not less than 45% (m/V) total sugars. Glucose manufacture from starch (corn or grain sorghum; enzymes or acids are used for starch hydrolysis) also yields molasses. Starch molasses contains about 43% (m/V) reducing sugars and 73% (m/V) total solids.

Another sugar-containing material that can be used for bioethanol production is whey, a byproduct of cheese manufacture, containing around 4.9% (m/V) lactose. Due to the relatively low sugar content, a bioethanol plant of modest size requires a sizeable whey volume. The feasibility of a new bioethanol plant depends on the cost of whey permeate as feedstock as well as the final bioethanol price that is closely related to the production technology and bioprocess performance.

Raw materials that contain starch

Grain crops (e.g.??corn, barley, wheat or grain sorghum) and root/tubular crops (e.g. cassava, potato, sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke, cactus or arrowroot) contain large quantities of starch. Isolated native starch from different sources can be used for further conversion into bio-based products and/or the bioethanol production. The residue from starch isolation contains proteins and fibre, which has a great potential for application in food and feed production. The biggest corn starch production is in the USA and it represents more than 80% of the worldwide market. In the USA, corn is a source of over 95% of bioethanol production and the rest is produced from barley, wheat, whey and beverage residues. The grain sorghum cultivating regions in the USA show an increasing interest in bioethanol production from this crop. Furthermore, the economic viability of bioethanol production from cassava in Thailand was also under investigation. Cassava tubers contain nearly 80% by mass starch and below 1.5% by mass proteins. Pretreatment of cassava tubers for bioethanol production includes following operations: cleaning, peeling, chipping and drying. After that, the dried cassava chips are used for bioethanol production.

Starch is a mixture of linear (amylose) and branched (amylopectin) polyglucans. The crucial enzyme for starch hydrolysis is ??-amylase, active on ??-1,4, but not on ??-1,6 linkages in amylopectin. For bioethanol production from starch-containing feedstocks, it is necessary to perform the starch hydrolysis (mostly by ??-amylase and glucoamylase) into glucose syrup, which can be converted into ethanol by yeast??Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This step is an additional cost compared to the bioethanol production from sugar-containing feedstocks. Bacterium??Bacillus licheniformis??and genetically modified strains of bacterium??Escherichia coli??and??Bacillus subtilis??produce ??-amylase, while moulds??Aspergillus niger??and??Rhizopus sp. produce glucoamylases.

Under anaerobic conditions, yeast??S. cerevisiae metabolizes glucose into ethanol. The maximum conversion efficiency of glucose into ethanol is 51% by mass. However, the yeast also uses glucose for cell growth and synthesis of other metabolic products, thus reducing the maximum conversion efficiency. In practice, 40 to 48% by mass of glucose is actually converted into ethanol.

In comparison to ethanol production from sugar-containing raw materials, ethanol obtained from starch improves enzyme application and yeast strains with high ethanol tolerance.

Microalgae are a potential renewable source of biomass for biofuel production because they are capable of converting CO2??into lipids and polysaccharides. Therefore, industrial CO2??could be collected and used for cultivation of microalgae as part of strategy for reduction of CO2 emission in atmosphere. Microalgae can accumulate starch as a reserve polysaccharide, which can be used for bioethanol production (third generation) after pretreatment process. Furthermore, residual biomass (containing organic matter and minerals) after bioethanol production can serve as biofertilizer. Thus, it is obvious that the use of biorefinery concept can considerably improve bioethanol production from microalgae.

Raw materials that contain lignocellulose

Production of bioethanol from the raw materials that contain lignocellulose is attractive and sustainable because lignocellulosic biomass is renewable and non-competitive with food crops. Furthermore, the use of bioethanol obtained from lignocellulosic biomass is related to the considerable reduction of greenhouse gas emission. Lignocellulosic biomass is almost equally distributed on the Earth, compared to the fossil resources, which provides security of supply by using domestic energy sources. It can be obtained from different residues or directly harvested from forest and its price is usually lower than of sugar- or starch-containing feedstocks, which require full agricultural breeding approach. Raw materials that contain lignocellulose for bioethanol production form six main groups: crop residues (cane and sweet sorghum bagasse, corn stover, different straw types, rice hulls, olive stones and pulp), hardwood (aspen, poplar), softwood (pine, spruce), cellulose wastes (e.g. waste paper and recycled paper sludge), herbaceous biomass (alfalfa hay, switchgrass and other types of grasses) and municipal solid wastes.

The average lignocellulosic biomass contains 43% cellulose, 27% lignin, 20% hemicellulose and 10% other components. Compositional variety of lignocellulosic biomass could be an advantage (availability of more products than obtained in petroleum refineries, and a broader range of feedstocks), but also a disadvantage (need for a large range of technologies). Such heterogeneous structure of lignocellulosic biomass requires more complex chemical processes than uniform and consistent raw materials needed in chemical industry. Furthermore, harvesting of lignocellulosic crops is usually not possible throughout the whole year, which makes it more difficult for biomass suppliers. Therefore, this problem has to be solved by biomass stabilization in order to be available for long-term storage, and to ensure continuous work of biorefinery throughout the year.

The hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass to monomeric sugars is necessary before microorganisms can metabolize them. Acids, alkalines or enzymes usually perform this process. Physicochemical, structural and compositional factors can considerably slow down this process. Therefore, alkaline pretreatment step is usually necessary to obtain conditions for an efficient enzymatic hydrolysis. In the pretreatment, reduction of polymerization degree and crystallinity index, disruption of the lignin-carbohydrate linkages, removal of lignin and hemicelluloses and increase of material porosity have to occur in order to insure the efficient enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellu

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