Wednesday 23 October 2013

Multiple Choice Questions on Enviornment

1. What is the harm from the depletion of Earth's ozone layer
 a)  The average temperature of earth's surface will increase gradually
b)  The oxygen content of the atmosphere will decrease
c)  Increased amount of Ultra violet radiation will reach earth's surface
d.)  Sea levels will rise as the polar ice caps will gradually melt
 Answer: (c)
 2. Acid rain is formed due to contribution from the following pair of gases
 a).  Methane and ozone
b)  Oxygen and nitrous oxide
c)  methane and sulpher dioxide
d)  Carbon dioxide and sulpher dioxide
 Answer: (b)
 3. Which of the following is a prime health risks associated with greater UV radiation through the atmosphere due to depletion of stratospheric ozone?  
   a)  Damage to digestive system
  b)  Increased liver cancer
  c)  Neurological disorder
  d)  Increased skin cancer
 Answer: (d)
 4. The most serious environmental effect posed by hazardous wastes is                          
a)  air pollution.
b)  contamination of groundwater.
c)  increased use of land for landfills.
d)  destruction of habitat.
e)  none of the above.
Answer: (b)
 5. The concentration of which gas is highest in our environment?
 a)      Oxygen
b)  Hydrogen
c)  Nitrogen
d)  Carbon dioxide
 Answer: (c)
 6.  Which of the following is not as a consequence of global warming?
 a)  rising sea level         
.b) increased agricultural productivity worldwide   
c)  worsening health effects        
d)  increased storm frequency and intensity         
e)  all of the above are likely results of global warming      
 Answer: (b)
 7.  Which of the following is not a primary contributor to the greenhouse effect?
 a)  carbon dioxide        
b)  carbon monoxide    
c)  chlorofluorocarbons
d)  methane gas           
e) nitrous oxide
 Answer: (c)
 8. The increase in the concentration of CO2 in our environment in last fifty years; since 1960 is about
a)  20%
b) 10%
c)  14%           
d) 6%
Answer: (c)
9. The depletion in the Ozone layer is caused by
a)  nitrous oxide.          
b)  carbon dioxide.      
c)  chlorofluorocarbons.           
d)  methane.    
e)  all of the above.      
Answer: (c)
10. A major in-stream use of water is for
a)  producing hydroelectric power.
b)  dissolving industrial wastes.
c)  agricultural irrigation.
d)  domestic use.
e)  none of the above.
Answer: (a)
11. Which of the following are the example of Municipal and industrial discharge pipes
 a)  nonpoint sources of pollution.
b)  violations of the Clean Water Act.
c)  point sources of pollution.
d)  irrigation.
e)  none of the above.
 Answer: (c)
 12. The presence of high coliform counts in water indicate
 a)  contamination by human wastes.
b)  phosphorus contamination.
c)  decreased biological oxygen demand.
d)  hydrocarbon contamination.
e)  none of the above.
 Answer: (a)
 13.  How the biological oxygen demand gets affected with the increased presence of organic matter in water?
 a)  the oxygen demand increases
c)  the oxygen demand decreases
c)  the oxygen demand remains unchanged
d)  None of the above
 Answer: (a)
 14.  Which of the following is not a major source of groundwater contamination?
 a)  agricultural products
b)  landfills       
c)  septic tanks
d)  underground storage tanks  
e)  all of the above are major sources of groundwater contamination     
 Answer: (e)
 15. Which of the following is not considered as part of water use planning?
 a)  waste water treatment         
b)  water diversion projects      
c)  storm sewer drainage          
d)  salinization  
e)  Water use planning considers all of the above issues
 Answer: (e)
 16. The stage in which the biological processes is used to purify water in a wastewater treatment plants is called
 a)  secondary sewage treatment           
b)  primary sewage treatment   
c)  wastewater reduction          
d)  biochemical reduction         
e)  none of the above   
 Answer: (a)
 17. Groundwater mining in coastal areas can result into
 a)  increase in the salinity of groundwater.         
b)  decrease in the toxicity of groundwater.       
c)  decrease in the salinity of groundwater.        
d)  increase in the water table.  
e)  none of the above.  
Answer: (a)
8. Which of the following is not an important characteristic of the Green Revolution?
a)  mechanized agriculture        
b)  hybrid seeds           
c)  slash and burn         
d)  monoculture           
e)  all of the above are characteristic of the Green Revolution    
Answer: (c)
19. The three primary soil macronutrients are
a)  carbon, oxygen, and water. 
b)  copper, cadmium, and carbon.        
c)  potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen.          
d)  boron, zinc, and manganese.           
e)  none of the above.  
Answer: (c)
20. Which of the following is negative effects on the soil and water due to conventional, mechanized farming practices?
a)  soil compaction       
b)  reduction in soil organic matter        
c)  soil erosion 
d)  leaching of pesticides and fertilizers into the groundwater     
e)  all of the above       
Answer: (e)

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