Sunday, 15 December 2024

The Kakinada Green Ammonia project is India's largest green ammonia project, and is expected to be operational in the second half of 2026:

 The Kakinada Green Ammonia project is India's largest green ammonia project, and is expected to be operational in the second half of 2026: 

Location: The project is located in an existing urea plant in Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh 

Production: The project will use renewable energy to produce green ammonia by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen with electrolyzers, then combining the hydrogen with nitrogen 

Certification: The project has been pre-certified by CertifHy to meet EU RFNBO requirements for green ammonia 

Power supply: The project will use 1,300 MW of carbon-free power from a combination of solar and wind hybrid capacity, as well as a pumped storage plant 

Export: Most of the production will be exported to European markets 

Partners: The project has partnerships with John Cockerill and Uniper 

Capacity: The project aims to reach a capacity of 5 MTPA of green ammonia by 2030 

Impact: The project will help India meet its green hydrogen production targets under the National Green Hydrogen Mission 

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