Recently there has been increasing focus on
the CO2 value chain and CO2 handling as mitigation for
the increasing atmospheric greenhouse gas forcing, culminating in the agreement
between Statoil and the Norwegian government on shared responsibility of CO2
handling at the new Mongstad energy plant. The four partners, University
of Bergen, Bergen University College, Christian Michelsen Research
(CMR) and Bergen University
Research (Unifob) have performed a survey on present relevant competence
the institutions. The results are presented in this report.
The major findings are that the partners
have relevant competence within all steps in the CO2 value chain,
from processes within the energy plant, through CO2 capture and
transport, to processes involved in different CO2 storage options in
geological formations. The partners have their strongest expertise and highest
activity within the storage part of the value chain, and are already visible on
the international arena being partners in several international projects. The
activity is lesser on CO2 capture and transport, but there is a
solid scientific foundation for establishing such activity, all collaboration networks
also considered. The partners also possess competence on overreaching issues such
as instrumentation, optimization, monitoring and environmental impacts and
consequences. Generally petroleum related R&D is strong within all the four
institutions, partly because the marine community in Bergen is a national
stronghold in marine measurements, processes and environment.
Since gas powered energy plants with CO2
handling is new technology there is a necessity for building competence
education of expertise. University of Bergen and Bergen University
College already offer a large number of relevant bachelor and master
studies. These may also be
extended or tailored towards CO2 handling.
CO2 handling is an international
issue and the different knowledge gaps will not be solved by a single
institution or country. The partners have already well established, and often
complementary, national and international networks and will through this form
an excellent basis for establishing new activities. In summary, this report
shows that the R&D community in Bergen has the potential to make
considerable contributions in closing many knowledge gaps related to CO2
CO2 competence matrix for the Bergen R&D partners
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R&D and innovation competence on the CO2 value chain
R&D and innovation competence on the CO2 value chain
- Table of Contents
- Oppsummering
- Executive summary
- Introduction
- CO2 value chain from an industrial point of view
- The refinery and the energy plant
- CO2capture
- Preparation for transport of CO2
- CO2 infrastructure
- CO2 storage
- Environmental issues
- CO2 handling and the Bergen Marine Sciences
- Sosio-economical, juridical and ethical aspects
- Education and competence building
- Relevant collaborative activities and networks.
- Table of abbreviations and acronyms
- Acknowledgements
- Appendix - The individual institutions and groups
Report "R&D and innovation competence on the CO2 value chain" (extract)
Teknologi- og forskningsmiljøene i Bergen har en betydelig
samlet kompetanse som er relevant blant annet for håndtering av CO2
ved det planlagte energiverket på Mongstad. Miljøene springer ut fra
Universitetet i Bergen, Høgskolen i Bergen, Unifob og Christian Michelsen
FoU-miljøet i Bergen har rapporten ”R&D and
innovation competence with relevance for the CO2 value chain - and
the Mongstad energy plant” dokumentert solid kompetanse i hele verdikjeden med
fangst, transport og deponering av CO2. Spesielt vil vi fremheve det
siste der Bergensmiljøet er blant de fremste også i global sammenheng. I dette
faglige samarbeidet inngår det ett senter for fremragende forskning, ett for
forskningsdrevet innovasjon og et ekspertsenter innen undervannsteknologi.
Ytterligere to sentre for fremragende forskning har også stor relevans i denne
sammenheng; Bjerknessenteret (klimaforskning) og Centre for Geo-Biosphere
Research. I tillegg til faglig spennvidde er Bergensmiljøet løsningsorientert
med lang tradisjon i å levere hele kjeden fra FoU til teknologiske løsninger.
Løsninger på global utfordring
Selv om det er utfordringene, de ambisiøse målene og
debatten knyttet til energiverket på Mongstad som har utløst dette og lignende
initiativer, så er det klart at teknologiutviklingen som skal til her må ses i
en langt videre og lengre sammenheng. Den globale utfordringen i å få til
vesentlig reduksjon i CO2-utslipp kan bare løses ved at det utvikles
teknologier som ikke bare de rike nasjoner kan ta i bruk, og her må også CO2-utslipp
fra kullkraftverk tas med i betraktning. Det er klart at en langsiktig
håndtering av CO2 også innebærer forsvarlig lagring med grundige
analyser av muligheter for lekkasje og konsekvensene av dette.
Mongstad som laboratorium
Det blir helt nødvendig med en opptrapping av forsknings- og
utviklingsarbeid med lengre horisont enn det som er lagt til grunn for
igangsettingen av Mongstad-anlegget. Det fordrer også samarbeid, ikke bare i
lokale klynger med FoU-miljøer og industri, men på nasjonalt og internasjonalt
plan. Mongstad vil naturlig bli et godt laboratorium som står sentralt i et
solid krafttak som dette må bli. Med kort avstand til Mongstad passer dette
Bergensmiljøet godt, samtidig som det faller godt sammen med en pågående
styrking av teknologi i Bergen. Bergensmiljøene har også det nødvendige
omfattende internasjonale nettverk som skal til både innenfor CO2-håndtering
og tilstøtende fagområder. Samtidig ser vi også nødvendigheten av et nasjonalt
samarbeid for å kunne produsere forskningsresultater og teknologiske løsninger
på kortest mulig sikt.
Høgskolen i Bergen:
Dekan Ole-Gunnar Søgnen 5558 7607 |
Universitetet i Bergen:
Prodekan Geir Anton
Johansen 5558 2745 |
Administrerende direktør
Arne Svindland 5558 4977 |
Michelsen Research:
Assisterende direktør
Hans-Roar Sørheim 5557 4214 |
Recently there has been increasing focus on
the CO2 value chain and CO2 handling as mitigation for
the increasing atmospheric greenhouse gas forcing, culminating in the agreement
between Statoil and the Norwegian government on shared responsibility of CO2
handling at the new Mongstad energy plant. The four partners, University
of Bergen, Bergen University College, Christian Michelsen Research
(CMR) and Bergen University
Research (Unifob) have performed a survey on present relevant competence
the institutions. The results are presented in this report.
The major findings are that the partners
have relevant competence within all steps in the CO2 value chain,
from processes within the energy plant, through CO2 capture and
transport, to processes involved in different CO2 storage options in
geological formations. The partners have their strongest expertise and highest
activity within the storage part of the value chain, and are already visible on
the international arena being partners in several international projects. The
activity is lesser on CO2 capture and transport, but there is a
solid scientific foundation for establishing such activity, all collaboration networks
also considered. The partners also possess competence on overreaching issues such
as instrumentation, optimization, monitoring and environmental impacts and
consequences. Generally petroleum related R&D is strong within all the four
institutions, partly because the marine community in Bergen is a national
stronghold in marine measurements, processes and environment.
Since gas powered energy plants with CO2
handling is new technology there is a necessity for building competence
education of expertise. University of Bergen and Bergen University
College already offer a large number of relevant bachelor and master
studies. These may also be
extended or tailored towards CO2 handling.
CO2 handling is an international
issue and the different knowledge gaps will not be solved by a single
institution or country. The partners have already well established, and often
complementary, national and international networks and will through this form
an excellent basis for establishing new activities. In summary, this report
shows that the R&D community in Bergen has the potential to make
considerable contributions in closing many knowledge gaps related to CO2
CO2 competence matrix for the Bergen R&D partners
Table of contents
Post combustion absorption
Post combustion desorbtion
Preparation for transport of CO2 by ship
Preparation for transport of CO2 in
Transport of CO2
CO2 hub
CO2 on platform
CO2 for Enhanced Oil Recovery
CO2 Sequestration in Hydrate Reservoirs
CO2 for permanent storage
CO2 storage and EOR – non technical and
extreme long term
1. Introduction
Few industrial projects and
have received as much public attention as the planned energy plant at
The challenge is not only the technological development which is
required, but
also the time frame. This calls for collaboration between research
bodies, not
only to meet the short term demands, but even more importantly to lay a
foundation for future projects in which Mongstad will have a pioneering
The University of Bergen, Unifob, Christian Michelsen Research and
Bergen University College have a united and broad competence in the full
value chain which
we offer in the process of solving these challenges.
2. CO2 value chain from an industrial point of view
The CO2 value chain is
illustrated in Figure 1 below. Each step has its
particular R&D and innovation needs. There are also issues of a more or
less overarching character: CO2 capture technology is probably the
most important one.
The three main technologies for CO2
capture are: Precombustion, oxyfuel and postcombustion, see Figure
Precombustion CO2 capture means
that carbon is removed from the fuel as CO2 before combustion. For
the Mongstad Energy plant this route is not feasible given the time constraints
of the total project. For the existing stacks of the refinery precombustion
capture is technologically not possible.
Oxyfuel means that the energy is produced
by burning hydrogen or eventually a hydrogen rich mixture. Use of oxyfuel would
imply large modifications of gas turbines as well as an air separation unit to
produce oxygen in the front end. Oxyfuel can not be fit into the existing plans
for Mongstad.
Postcombustion technology can be applied to
both existing and new CO2-sources, as opposed to the two other main
technologies. Postcombustion capture implies the use of an absorbent to which
the CO2 binds chemically. Through heating with steam the absorbent
releases the CO2 and a pure CO2 stream is produced. An
amine is the commonly used absorbent in commercial applications. This
technology is in principle available, though not in the scale needed for
Mongstad step 2. That is the reason why there will be a step 1 at Mongstad,
with the aim to pave the way for a full scale industrial CO2 capture
plant in 2014. In addition, capture of CO2 from the existing
refinery at Mongstad is also part of the agreement between the Norwegian
Ministry of Oil and Energy, and Statoil. Postcombustion technology must be
applied to the refinery stacks. This means that the only technological option
that is at all feasible for Mongstad is postcombustion capture.
As part of Mongstad Step 1, Statoil is
obliged to prepare a Master plan for Step 2, as follows:
♣ Carry out conceptual studies regarding technical and commercial
solutions for CO2 capture, including needs for: area, energy,
operation and maintenance support, HES solutions, as well as for
governmental/regulatory interference.
♣ Identification of sources of CO2 that may be suitable for
CO2 capture, including the existing oil refinery, the new energy
plant as well as any other future projects.
Statoil is to prepare and install the
necessary connection points between the energy plant, the reformer and the
cracker in such a way that Mongstad Step 2 can be carried out as planned. The
Master Plan shall be finished by the end of 2008.
On this background the document
concentrates on describing the post combustion route and on trying to view the
competences within the partnership in such a context. In the following the
identified challenges of the CO2 value chain are listed for each
individual step (see also figure 1). Under each step relevant competences of
the Partnership are also described and commented on. Through this comparison it
will become clearer where the strengths and weaknesses of the Partnership’s
combined competence are.
3. The refinery and the energy plant
Identified challenges:
Process optimization
Energy systems
Combustible gas safety
Comments to challenges:
A general strategy for process quality and
process control has to be developed and demonstrated. Multivariate Statistical
Process Control (MPSC) may give added value and increase the quality of
industrial processes. In addition it will reduce the energy demand and reduced
emissions to the environment. A key factor in this strategy is integration of
instrumentation in mapping, optimization and monitoring of processes and
Chemical catalysis is a generic field of
technology by which chemical transformations may be facilitated and optimized
with respect to energy consumption, turn-over rates and selectivity towards
desired products. It is extremely powerful and works through the addition of
chemicals that take active part in transformations yet are almost completely
recycled and do not appear in the products. Catalysis is a core technology in
any oil refinery. The major function of a refinery is to close the gap between
the distribution of compounds present in crude oil and the hydrocarbon demand
in the market, and in particular to increase the volume and improve the quality
(octane number) of the fuel fraction. This entails a broad series of chemical
transformations which take place by catalysis: Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC),
hydrocracking, catalytic reforming, alkylation, isomerization, oxygenation
(ether formation), and hydrotreatment. The efficient operation of each and one
of these transformations requires highly specialized and optimized catalysts.
Low molecular weight compounds may be used
as feedstock to the petrochemical industry. This may require an activation
step, such as dehydrogenation or partial oxidation. Both activation and the
subsequent petrochemical applications rely heavily on catalytic technologies to
become economically and practically feasible.
Catalysis is an important technology also
for producing electric power from natural gas (methane), either in the
combustion step itself – catalytic fuel cells – or for processing the carbon
dioxide produced. Focusing on the latter aspect, catalysis is an important
aspect of efficient separation of CO2 for
instance in amine-based processes.
Whenever new industrial plants for
utilizing, processing and/or handling combustible gases are planned, adequate
measures for preventing and mitigating gas explosions and gas fires have to be
incorporated. This also applies to gas power plants, including the new plant at
Mongstad. Implementation of some measures can be achieved using
well-established technologies, whereas adequate implementation of others demand
more advanced approaches such as CFD simulation of possible scenarios for gas
cloud formation and explosion/fire developments.
Comments to challenges:
The partnership has already ongoing
collaboration with the Mongstad refinery in many aspects, both on instrumentation,
processes optimalisation, and safety issues. Hence, is in a good position to
extend this collaboration to include the new energy plant.
Competence in Bergen
(Significant activity in bold)
Optimization of processes
Gas explosions and gas fires
4. CO2 capture
The main economical
obstacle before CO2 handling can be used on industrial scale is the
cost of capturing the CO2. Industrial scale plants will, based on
current technology, be large and represent considerable investments and
operational costs. Part of this cost is due to reduced energy efficiency of a
power plant with CO2 treatment.
Last autumn (2006) disposal of CO2 in
sub-sea geological formations were added as an amendment to Annex 1 to the London
Convention. This Annex is, in effect, a list of wastes that may be considered
for dumping. However, member states raised concern about the purity of the
stored CO2. During 2007 the London Conventions Scientific group will
develop guidelines for assessment of CO2 streams for disposal. These
guidelines will surely have influence on how separation technologies will
Figure 2. Overview of CO2 capture processes and
systems. Source: CARBON DIOXIDE CAPTURE AND STORAGE, Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report (2005).
As stated above, post combustion capture is
most likely the only probable technology choice for Mongstad within the 2005
timeframe of step 1 and step 2. However, in a longer perspective competence
building and R&D activities related to oxyfuel and precombustion technologies
should be pursued, e.g. the fuel cell activity at Prototech.
Capture of CO2 will take place
from both the new energy plant as well as from the existing large point sources
of the refinery. The composition of the refinery exhaust gases may differ from
the composition of exhaust gas from the energy plant. This may or may not
introduce a need for additional cleaning before capturing CO2, but
the challenges related to the capture process are still in principle very
similar for both types of exhaust gases. Because challenges differ between the
two main steps in the capture process (absorption and desorption) these are
treated separately in the following, but for the above mentioned reasons no
distinction is done between capture of CO2 from exhaust gases of the
refinery or the energy plant.
The combination of CO2 capture
from both the energy plant and the refinery however introduces questions
related to process integration and more specifically, heat integration. Related
challenges are treated under post combustion desorption.
Post combustion absorption
This is the first step of the value chain
immediately after the CO2 source itself.
Identified challenges:
♣ Choice of absorbent
Amin type/supplier
New amines
Other absorbents
♣ Gas/liquid absorption
♣ Can uptake of CO2 be enhanced by catalysts?
♣ Materials
♣ Reducing amine/absorbent losses to air
♣ Composition of exhaust gas
♣ Pre-cleaning of exhaust gas
In particular an issue related to industrial
sources of CO2, for instance Mongstad refinery
Comments to challenges:
The most widely used absorbent is
monoethanolamine (MEA). Other alkanolamines may be used as well. MEA can be
purchased under the trade name of Econamine from Fluor, which is one of the two
most dominant players in the amine market. The other dominant player is
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI). MHI’s main commercial amine product is KS1
which is a sterically hindered amine. The commercial products contain additives
like corrosion inhibitors, degradation inhibitors etc. Pure amines are not a
common commodity product. Research is steadily going on to find new and better
absorbents. Ammonia may be a promising alternative, and is being studied by
Alstom. In the longer term even dry absorbents or adsorbents may become of
Amines are lost to air in small
concentrations from the absorber tower. This is a potential environmental
problem which is expected to become a focus area for pollution authorities when
new CO2 capture plants apply for permit. Amines degrade to a certain
degree during the capture process. Degraded amines are separated from the
process in the desorbtion step. For the absorbtion the most important
degradation mechanism is because of impurities in the exhaust gas. Exhaust gas
composition (NOx and SOx in particular) is important for
the degree of amine degradation. In some cases pre-cleaning should be
considered, and pre-cleaning technologies is therefore an issue.
Choice of material types (construction
materials, packing material, piping etc.) is an issue which needs some
attention in the overall picture of cost reduction efforts.
Partnership competence
The partnership is equipped with competence
in separation, gas transport, process simulation and CO2 chemistry (HiB),
as well as process chemistry, catalysis etc. at UiB. More efficient mechanisms
for CO2 uptake whether it is new absorbents or traditional amines
should therefore be an area where the Partnership could potentially position
itself towards the Mongstad project. CMR Instrumentation potentially possesses
specific relevant competence for determining flue gas composition.
in Bergen (Significant activity in bold)
Flue gas composition
Catalyst in CO2
Waste water
environmental impact
Absorption general
Post combustion desorbtion
The challenges related to the desorption
step differs from the absorption step. From an industrial point of view it
therefore makes sense to give attention to the two steps separately.
Identified challenges:
♣ Reducing energy consumption
Energy recovery
♣ Absorbents – focus on desorption
♣ Reducing amine degradation
Residence time
Temperature level
♣ Optimal handling of amine waste
♣ Seawater as cooling agent
Choice of materials
Discharge of heated cooling water
Use of heated cooling water
♣ CO2 safety/leakages
Comments to challenges:
For the desorption process in the stripper
column large amounts of steam (~2 bars, 120°C) is consumed. This introduces a
significant energy penalty in the capture plant which is recognized as maybe
the single largest challenge to overcome in order to reduce overall costs of CO2
handling. More efficient CO2 uptake in the absorption process
generally also implies larger energy consumption in the stripper column. Use of
MEA is in general not very energy efficient. The more energy efficient
alternatives (sterically hindered amines like KS1) are on the other hand more
expensive to buy. Alternative amines also do not degrade to the same extent as
MEA, which leaves the owner of a capture plant with up to ten times less waste
than if using MEA. Reducing waste production in the stripper process as well as
finding optimal waste handling techniques are therefore important challenges
related to the desorption step of the capture process.
Using seawater as a cooling agent in desorption
introduces a set of challenges listed above. Avoiding corrosion is one focus
area, and the use of waste heat from the discharge of heated cooling water is
another. One area which so far has not been much in focus is safety aspects
related to possible leakages of CO2 from the capture process. This
is a general issue for the whole value chain when pure or concentrated CO2
is being handled.
Partnership competence
The process chemistry competence of UiB is
in a good position to take on the challenges related to amine degradation. HiB
possesses competence in process simulation and in energy calculation &
optimization which combined with the process chemistry from UiB indicate that
the Partnership is well equipped to offer assistance to Mongstad project in
reducing energy consumption.
Competence in Bergen
(Significant activity in bold)
Reducing energy consumption
Absorbent focus on desorption
Desorption general
5. Preparation for transport of CO2
Before transport can take place, the CO2
must be compressed/pressurized and eventually cooled depending on the preferred
transportation method. Transport by pipeline or by ship requires different
treatment of the CO2 and different equipment for the preparation.
Preparation for transport of CO2 by ship
In particular, storage tanks are necessary
for optimal logistics.
Identified challenges:
♣ Optimal water content
♣ Upscaling to large ships
Intermediate storage capacity onshore
♣ Compressing incl. intermediate coolers
♣ Loading systems
Comments to challenges:
Ship transportation would require an
intermediate storage system for CO2 to minimize time at quay. The
storage system would require compressing and intermediate coolers (if liquefied
CO2) as well as loading systems.
Partnership competence
The partnership has limited competence with
particular relevance for this part of the CO2 value chain.
Competence in Bergen
(Significant activity in bold)
Preparation for CO2
transport by ship, general competence
Preparation for transport of CO2 in pipeline
Pipeline transport, as opposed to ship
transport, does not require intermediate storage.
Identified challenges:
♣ Optimal water content
♣ Type and quality of materials
♣ CO2 pumping
Comments to challenges:
Optimal water content is an issue no matter
which form of transport is to be chosen, in particular because of corrosion
issues and to avoid hydrate formation. Pumping of large amounts of CO2
over long distances is also an engineering challenge.
Partnership competence:
The subsea
activities at HiB have relevance with regard to this part of the value chain.
UiB KJ also possesses relevant general competence.
Competence in Bergen
(Significant activity in bold)
Preparation for CO2
transport by ship, general competence
6. CO2 infrastructure
For future large scale handling of CO2
from various sources and to various destinations an infrastructure needs to be
developed. An infrastructure would consist of a system with pipelines and ships
transporting CO2 from sources in Norway and the North Sea rim to
permanent storage and possibly oil fields (for EOR). There will probably also is
a need for one or more onshore hubs where CO2 from ships would be
unloaded and brought into a pipeline before being transported offshore.
Transport of CO2
Transport of CO2 is not a new
issue. Industry has a long history of taking into account the health,
environment and safety aspects of CO2 transport. In Norway small vessels (up to 1200 tons) are routinely operated by the fertilizer company
Yara. No CO2 pipelines of any length are however operated in
Norway or offshore, but are on the other hand part of daily operations
for enhanced oil recovery on
land in North America.
Transport by ship
As stated above, Yara operates small CO2
vessels. These vessels transport commercial CO2 from Yara CO2
plants (ammonia plants) to North European markets.
Identified challenges:
♣ Upscaling (to large vessels)
♣ Ship directly to offshore unloading
♣ CO2-ships for multiple use?
♣ Logistics
♣ Liquefied contra compressed
♣ Optimal water content
♣ Heating of liquefied CO2
♣ Unloading
♣ Safety
Comments to challenges:
There are two different options for
transporting CO2 by ship;
♣ As liquefied (approximately -50° and 7-8 bar pressure)
♣ As compressed (no cooling, pressurized to 80 bar or less)
The first option is proven technology,
though upscaling from today’s small ships to the large ships required to
transport CO2 from the step 2 CO2 plant at Mongstad
represents an engineering challenge. The second option is not proven, but has
recently been identified as a probably viable way of transporting CO2.
Compressed CO2 is an alternative in particular when a pipeline is
the most likely longer term preferred choice but when there is a need for an
interim solution for a limited number of years.
Logistics issues including possibility for
direct routing of CO2-ships from loading place to an offshore
unloading buoy is not well resolved. Also the cold liquefied CO2
represents a challenge in the sense that the excess cold is a potential asset
representing a value.
Partnership competence:
CMR Gexcon has competence related to gas
leakage, which is an issue of interest for several parts of the CO2
chain. For logistics UiB II possesses competence.
Competence in Bergen
(Significant activity in bold)
Transport by ship, general
Transport by pipeline
As commented above, CO2
transport by pipeline over larger distances and under subsea conditions is not
common practice today. Pipe lay and operating conditions are however very
similar to other subsea pipelines for which there are years of experience in
the North Sea.
Identified challenges:
♣ Corrosion
♣ Optimal water content
♣ Materials
♣ Subsea pipeline for CO2
No transport of CO2 by subsea pipeline
Safety (pipeline breach etc.)
Formation of hydrates?
Multiphase pipe flow (behaviour of CO2
for changing pressure/temperature conditions
Comments to challenges:
Apart from issues commented elsewhere,
safety related to CO2 transport is important. There is to our
knowledge no example as of today of subsea CO2 pipelines anywhere in
the world.
Partnership competence:
The marine science community in Bergen, in
this context represented by UiB GFI, UiB BIO, Unifob BCCS, CMR Instrumentation
and UiB Math, will be able to provide key environmental parameters during the
design, installing, and operational phase of the pipeline. In addition to
participate in basic studies on CO2 multiphase pipe flow.
CMR Gexcon competence on gas leakage is
relevant. It also seems as an opportunity to combine this competence with the
expertise of Unifob’s BCCS on modelling CO2 behaviour in the ocean
in case of leakage from a pipeline. UiB BIO will have expertise on ecological
consequences of a leakage and UiB GFI has considerable activity on measurement
of ocean carbon chemistry and effects of ocean acidification due to elevated CO2.
UiB II expertise in optimized regularity of
gas transportation networks could be applied for a future network of CO2-pipelines.
For studying hydrate formation the UiB KJ and UiB IFT are in a good position.
Competence in Bergen
(Significant activity in bold)
Subsea pipeline for CO2
Pipe flow
Ocean environment
CO2 chemistry
CO2 hub
Identified challenges:
♣ Advantages hub as opposed to direct transportation?
Onshore contra offshore installation
♣ Utilization of cold from liquefied CO2
♣ Optimization of intermediate storage
♣ Tanks or rock caverns?
♣ CO2 safety
♣ Receiving CO2 from sources other than Mongstad
♣ Heating of liquefied CO2
Comments to challenges:
It remains a question if a pipeline should
be a solution directly from source to receiver or if it is feasible for the
total CO2 supply system to handle the distribution via a hub. If
both pipeline and ship transport is combined in a future CO2
infrastructure, one or more hubs are likely to be part of the total picture.
Total logistics picture and handling of CO2 from different places
including both liquefied and compressed will be an issue.
Partnership competence:
Both CMR Gexcon and UiB II have competence
relevant for the challenges connected to a CO2 hub.
in Bergen (Significant activity in bold)
Hub as opposed to
direct transportation
CO2 safety
Receiving CO2
from other sources than Mongstad
CO2 hub,
general competence
CO2 on platform
Identified challenges:
♣ Corrosion
♣ Materials
♣ HES issues related to CO2 and impurities in CO2
♣ CO2 in produced natural gas
♣ Reconstruction of platform
♣ Variation in CO2 produced over time
♣ Weight of equipment
Comments to challenges:
When moving offshore to the platform, new
challenges appear as compared to previous parts of the CO2-chain. It
is supposed that CO2 will be handled on an existing structure, and
that new platforms will not be built because of CO2-handling. This
may not be the case if CO2 from several sources are to be handled on
a platform, but for the CO2 from Mongstad alone, we have supposed
that an existing platform will be used.
Some issues are common for both the
situation when CO2 is used for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) as well
as if the CO2 is just stored on a permanent basis in for instance an
aquifer. The issues mentioned above are mostly of this category.
As for most of the CO2 chain,
corrosion and materials issues are represented. In addition the extra process
equipment needed for CO2 handling on board a platform with limited
space available and with weight restrictions represent particular challenges.
For the platform crew the CO2 also introduces additional aspects
related to HES (health, environment and safety), this also includes potential
impurities like H2S etc. which may be present in the CO2.
Partnership competence:
HiB has expertise in separation, while CMR
Instrumentation has expertise in for instance multiphase flow measurement as
well as in environmental monitoring and instrumentation. All these competences
are well suited to help tackle challenges likely to arise on the platform, for
instance with regard to HES and monitoring of the working environment.
Competence in Bergen
(Significant activity in bold)
CO2 on platform,
general competence
7. CO2 storage
In the recent IPCC
special report on CO2 Capture and
Storage proper selection and characterization of CO2 storage sites, and
predicting and monitoring the fate of the injected CO2, are essential components of
the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology. Hydrocarbon containing,
depleted or in connection with Enhanced oil recovery, aquifers, coal seems or
methane hydrate formations are candidates for storage of CO2, see Figure 3.
Figure 3: The
different storage options. Source:
CARBON DIOXIDE CAPTURE AND STORAGE, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) Special Report (2005).
Identifying and mapping of appropriate
formations with the necessary capacity, which are within economic distance from
major CO2 sources, needs to be performed. The selection will have to meet
international standard, yet to be established.
The most likely candidates for Norway will be hydrocarbon-containing formations, either in connection with Enhanced Oil
Recovery (EOR) or depleted reservoirs, and saline aquifers, of which the Utsira
formation is an example.
Storage of CO2 in geological
formations offshore is widely recognized as a technology with the potential to
prevent significant amounts of CO2 from ever reaching the
atmosphere. Storage in saline aquifers has been demonstrated at the Sleipner
field since 1996, including techniques for monitoring the CO2 in the
underground. The most successful technique is seismic, while also gravimetry
can be used. The primary goal of using CO2 for enhanced oil recovery
is of course to produce more oil, but in the process CO2 is also
permanently stored in the oil reservoir.
CO2 for Enhanced Oil Recovery
Use of CO2 for EOR is not part
of the Mongstad agreement between the Norwegian Ministry of Oil and Energy and
Statoil in step 1.
Identified challenges:
♣ Reproduced CO2
Gas treatment
♣ How efficient is CO2 in reservoir?
♣ CO2 in combination or in competition with other
techniques for enhancing oil recovery
♣ Tolerance for impurities in fresh CO2
♣ Corrosion
♣ Monitoring of CO2 in reservoir
♣ Stability of CO2 – supply, accordance with needs of the
♣ From EOR → permanent CO2-storage
See also challenges related to permanent storage
♣ CO2 to enhanced gas recovery
Comments to challenges:
Whether CO2 from Mongstad will
be used for EOR somewhere is an open question. EOR could potentially become the
preferred option if CO2 from Mongstad can be supplied together with
CO2 from other sources. This is because oil fields are likely to
require larger amounts than what Mongstad alone is able to give, unless a
relatively small oilfield or oil bearing structure is a candidate. It should
also be born in mind that an oilfield would require a safe and relatively
stable (though often gradually declining) supply of CO2 over time.
At some stage, maybe just after a few years, the oilfield will start
re-producing the injected CO2, becoming self supplied.
Often use of CO2 for EOR is
distinguished from permanent storage (as in this document). This is a practical
way of looking at things; however it is quite possible to consider EOR as a
first step on a road to permanent storage, where the oilfield at the end of its
lifetime is converted to a CO2 storage field.
Use of CO2 for enhance recovery
of natural gas is considered by many as not feasible, though it should not be
ruled out that this may become an attractive option in the future.
Partnership competence:
Several institutions in the partnership
have expertise relevant for the challenges related to CO2 for EOR,
see table and competence matrix.
in Bergen (Significant activity in bold)
Geological issues in
Impurities in CO2
Monitoring underground
CO2 for EOR,
general competence
CO2 Sequestration in Hydrate Reservoirs
Identified challenges:
♣ Hydrate formation in porous media
♣ Hydrate reformation
♣ Thermodynamic stability
♣ Simulations of the molecular thermodynamics
♣ Methane – CO2 exchange; rate and efficiency
♣ Hydrate stability
♣ Production strategies
Comments to challenges:
Stable long term CO2
sequestration in hydrate reservoirs provides energy for the future by
associated spontaneous natural gas production. Sequestration
of CO2 in hydrate reservoirs offers a natural process driven by the
enhanced stability of the CO2 hydrate to replace the in-situ natural
gas hydrate with CO2 hydrate and is associated with spontaneous
production of the released natural gas. The research activities emphasize
experimental verification of this conversion process, performing experiments to
determine the reformation kinetics; without addition of heat and with no
associated water production, using dynamic visualization with Magnetic
Resonance Imaging.
The energy bound in gas-hydrate reservoirs
amounts to more than twice the amounts of energy associated with all oil, gas
and coal resources worldwide and this fact has initiated increased attention to
gas-hydrate reservoirs and to how this potential can be realized as energy for
the future. All gas-hydrate reservoirs may be candidates for natural gas
production by CO2 injection, but in particular gas-hydrate
reservoirs in the vicinity of existing petroleum exploitation infrastructure
offers the best prospective.
Partnership competence:
Through previous publications and patents a
collaborative Hydrate Research Group at the UiB has demonstrated experimentally
that injection of CO2 may produce methane from methane hydrates without
adding heat to the process. MRI experiments have been used to follow details of
the kinetics involved in the phase transitions.
UiB IFT and partners have pioneered this
field, and are in a good position to further advance this technology.
in Bergen (Significant activity in bold)
Geological issues in
Impurities in CO2
CO2 hydrate
and thermodynamics
CO2 for permanent storage
The Mongstad agreement states that the Norwegian State is responsible for establishing a solution for disposing of the CO2
(“en disponeringsløsning”) for Step 1. What this really means, is not clear. It
is reasonable to believe however, that such a solution must imply some form of
permanent storage, or alternatively use, of the captured CO2.
Identified challenges:
♣ Well materials: Durability and ability to withstand corrosion
♣ Site selection
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs)
♣ Tolerance towards impurities
♣ Monitoring
In reservoir
In geological layers in between
Of wells
On surface (ocean floor and within the water
♣ Effects of small and scattered CO2-leakages to the ocean
On (benthic) organisms
On chemistry
On eventual later ventilation to the atmosphere
♣ Geochemical reactions with reservoir rocks over time and
geomechanical consequences
Comments to challenges:
A baseline survey of the geology, not only
the reservoir itself, but the whole sedimentary sequence and especially the
overlying strata, has to be performed. Potential migration pathways will have
to be identified. In addition it is likely that core samples will have to be
collected, with subsequent laboratory analysis and experiments.
Based on the geological model and
geochemical and fluid properties long term flow simulations will have to be
performed. Such simulations are important for determining the suitability of
the formation to confine the CO2 for millenniums.
Important aspects of site selection for CO2
storage include geological survey and characterization of candidate formations,
planning of monitoring programme for the underground etc. For the
characterization and forward planning process reliable numerical simulation
tools for the long term behaviour of CO2 in the formation are
needed. However there are still uncertainties on the accuracy of the different
monitoring techniques, and how to design a proper monitoring program, i.e.
combination of techniques and frequency and duration of the programme.
Abandoned wells are commonly recognized as
the most important risk factor related to permanent storage of CO2.
Therefore the understanding of how well materials withstand the corrosive
properties of CO2 dissolved in water is a critical issue for this
part of the CO2 chain. Also how impurities influence the reservoir
formation is not only an issue for EOR cases but for aquifers and other storage
options as well. Monitoring of the behaviour of CO2 in the underground
is also of great importance. 4D seismic has been recognized as one method
through the work done for the Sleipner CO2 injection by Statoil and
partners. However, very accurate methods (less than 0.1 % reduction in CO2
in place per year) will be required for verification in relation to CO2
accounting. Monitoring on or above the seafloor may therefore also be needed.
Environmental impacts of small and
scattered CO2 leakages to the sea bottom are an issue which has not
been studied much so far. This includes the possibility for subsequent
ventilation of CO2 to the atmosphere, which is of particular
interest in relation to CO2 accounting. These issues will be
discussed further in Section 8.
Partnership competence:
What is said about the Partnership
competence for EOR can more or less be valid for permanent storage as well, but
see also table.
in Bergen (Significant activity in bold)
Geological issues in
Geophysical surveying
Seismic and other
geophysical monitoring techniques
Geophysical and
geological modeling
Inverse modeling/data
Reservoir mechanics
Flow simulations
Seafloor monitoring
Effects of CO2
leakages to ocean floor
CO2 storage and EOR – non technical and extreme long term
Identified challenges:
♣ Extreme long term (50 – 1000 ? years):
Long term modeling
Monitoring in a post operation perspective
What organisation/body should have
For how long?
Risk analysis
Remediation strategy
Environmental impact assessments
♣ Non-technical:
CO2 accounting
Long term efficiency of CO2 storage
in geological formations
Public acceptance
Verification short and long term
Communication of risk
Legal framework
International conventions
Comments to challenges:
An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
will have to be produced. This report ensures that the environmental
implications are taken into account and is an important document toward
governmental bodies and in public outreach. See also sections
8 and 9.
Partnership competence:
For the long term and extreme long term it
seems probable that CMR’s visualization tools could be of help in understanding
geological/geochemical processes and also in illustrating towards decision
makers. Like for the two previous parts of the chain (EOR and Permanent
Storage), UiB-IFG seems to have several relevant disciplines. Of particular
relevance is the expertise of UiB-GFI, and also UiB-MI in addition to UiB GEO
and UiB BIO.
UiB GFI has long term engagement in CO2 handling and serves on several international committees, among
other within the UN system.
in Bergen (Significant activity in bold)
Extreme long term
Risk Analysis
Seafloor and ocean environment
Marine chemistry
Ocean processes
Atmospheric monitoring
International conventions
8. Environmental issues
Accidental release of hazardous substances
from the power plant will have to be detected and mitigation plans will have to
be established. In addition to instrumentation, monitoring the local biota can
give indications of unwanted releases. Scenarios for releases to the atmosphere
may be analyzed using the same type of CFD tools as used for analyzing the
development of clouds of combustible gases.
Each CO2 storage project will have to
develop an adequate and unique monitoring program that will have to fulfill two
main criteria; demonstrate that the reservoir performance meets the defined
standards, yet to be established, and assure that migration or leakage does not
Mitigation plans should be available if a
migration is detected, and the monitoring program changed accordingly. Hence,
the monitoring program should be flexible and be subject to changes both during
and after the injection. In order to be able to have adequate mitigation
options a migration out of the reservoir should be detected as early as
possible. However, the resolution of the monitoring tools makes accurate
measurements of volume of CO2
inside the reservoir uncertain, and detection of small
migrations and seeps difficult. A leakage to the atmosphere or ocean may occur
over a large area, and dispersed small leakages may occur which will be
difficult to detect. In order to detect a leak to ocean, it will be important
to monitor changes in benthic and aquatic chemistry.
The monitoring might be expected to last
for several years into the post injection period and cover an area of up to 100
km2. Hence reliable and durable instrumentation will have to be
developed. A gradual downscaling of the program could be initiated once
specific events have occurred. For instance a specific fault
has been reached without detection of a leakage, a large fraction of the CO2 has been dissolved
into reservoir fluid (becoming negative buoyant), or mineral trapping can be
Leakage or migration of other substances
mobilized by CO2 reactions is
another issue. Examples are the possibility of increased levels of heavy metals
in potable groundwater, and release of methane. The behavior of this aggressive
greenhouse gas is different from CO2, e.g. it is much less solvable in water.
Through reactions or new migration pathways there is a possibility that CO2 injection may
trigger a CH4 leakage.
How microbial dynamics responds to the
presence of either supercritical CO2 in deep formations is not only an important scientific question,
but is also of key relevance in the design and management of geological CO2
storage schemes. For example, the formation of biofilms in the vicinity of
injection wells might affect flow distributions and overall injection pressure
required to maintain a suitable injection rate. There is little if any information
on how bacterial and biofilm dynamics are affected once they are in direct
contact with supercritical CO2. Concerns have also been raised about
the possibility that geological storage of CO2 may change the native
microbial populations and result in the loss of biodiversity. The extent of
these biogeochemical changes will be important not only for an overall risk
assessment of the CO2 injection option, but they may also be used to
indicate elevated CO2 levels and therefore serve as indicators for
CO2 leakage.
It will be important to detect leaks of CO2 to the
atmosphere, lakes or the ocean. The most dramatic, but also easiest to detect,
will be a pipeline failure or major blowout from injection or monitoring wells.
But also dispersed leaks will be important to detect. CO2 is nontoxic in
low concentrations, but may have environmental impact and a leakage will reduce
the benefit of storing CO2. High concentrations of CO2 may cause asphyxiation, primarily by replacing
oxygen, and hence is potentially lethal. Hence, a program for monitoring areas
prone for CO2 accumulation might have to be established.
Related to Mongstad and Norwegian storage
scenarios a leakage to oceanic waters is most likely. It will be important to
detect such a leakage, which may occur over a large area, as early as possible.
Hence large areas will have to be monitored for elevated levels of CO2,
both within the benthic layer and in the water column. The benthic biota can
give an early indication of a dispersed leak. How effective the ocean might
serve as a buffer, preventing further release to the atmosphere, needs to be
Chronic or acute influences on the marine
biota from elevated CO2 concentrations are still not yet fully
understood. Especially cold-water calcifying organisms, which build their
external skeletal material out of calcium carbonate, is expected to be highly
sensitive to elevated CO2 content in the sea water. Since these
organisms provide food and habitat to others, it might have strong influence on
the entire ocean ecosystem.
Reduced Ca may result in dissociation of
the respiratory pigments (haemocyanins) of marine gastropods and crustaceans
that will cause osmotic stress and death. It is general believed that fish do
not have CO2 sensors, and will therefore encounter hypercapnia (high
blood CO2 levels) very easily. This is a particular problem for fish
in dense populations such as fish farms, where high CO2 output is a
major problem.
Since Mongstad is supposed to be a pilot
project for development of CO2 handling technology, studies on
environmental impact from an atmospheric leak should not be excluded.
Even though we must assume that the site
selection process will lead to exclusion of storage sites which are not
suitable in the long term, the risk of leakage cannot be ruled out completely.
Viewed in this light, acceptable potential leakage rates to the atmosphere over
time as compared to doing nothing is part of the ongoing debate.
This issue is complex and will be highly
cross-disciplinary, each of the partners has significant competence that
combined will make them suitable for pursuing all aspects. See also next section and the competence tables under section “CO2 storage”.
in Bergen (Significant activity in bold)
Environmental issues
9. CO2 handling and the Bergen Marine Sciences
UiB is the leading marine
university in Norway, highly acclaimed internationally. The diverse
shoreline of fjords, polls, exposed
shores and the open ocean, together with large and small scale
facilities, has
generously facilitated a long and vast line of research results. As
stated these also provide a valuable foundation for understanding and
CO2 storage. Marine research is being performed within these
disciplines, with active participation of several other research institutes:
♣ Marine Biology Norway has always depended on renewable ocean resources. The focus is on fisheries and aquaculture,
functional genomics, and resource management. Bergen scientists lead
international surveys of marine ecosystems, biodiversity, and habitat: from
marine mammals to plankton, to creatures from the mid-Atlantic ridge and the
coral reef!
♣ Oceanography Areas
of oceanographic
interest include climate change influences on the ocean current
patterns, and how man influences oceanic changes with pollution. There
strong activity related to the oceanic part of the Carbon cycle Bergen
climatologist’s research climate sensitivity and variability of high
regions and the role of the oceans in the climate system. In addition,
community is active in studying smaller scale processes, with an
focus on sediment interaction and dissolution of tracers from within
including CO2.
♣ Marine geology and geophysics Investigates
both the continental shelves and deep sea as the basis for geological growth
models. Attention is paid to the relationship between structural, magmatic and
sedimentary processes, and the possible consequences of natural catastrophes
together with instabilities, gas hydrates, and mass movement.
♣ Petroleum research Offshore oil is the
lifeblood of the modern Norwegian economy. Research includes petroleum
geosciences, which study and model the architecture and geological
characteristics of sedimentary basins, plus formation, migration and
accumulation of hydrocarbons. Also important are environmental consequences of
petroleum extraction on the delicate northern ecosystems.
♣ Instrumentation and monitoring
of high quality data is the first condition for successful R&D,
modelling and also for optimal process control and environmental
surveillance. Bergen has played and is playing a key role in R&D on
and manufacturing of measurements
systems for industrial processes, operational oceanography and remote
10. Sosio-economical, juridical and ethical aspects
CO2 is used in many industrial contexts,
e.g. food and beverage industry. In addition it is known, and patented, that
interesting N-fertilizers can be made from CO2 and NH3.
It will require a local production of H2 and clean N2.
However the amount of CO2 that
will be produced at Mongstad will be so large that only fractions can be
expected to be utilized for industrial purposes. The only industrial use that
will be able to use such an amount will be to use it for Enhanced Oil Recovery
(EOR). Such a use will, as the reservoir becomes depleted, be shifting toward
becoming a pure storage project.
There are few regulatory constraints regarding
CO2 storage onshore. CO2 storage in or beneath the ocean
is regulated by several international agreements; the London Convention, the
Oslo-Paris convention (OSPAR), and several European directives. This is
especially important for Norway, since most of the formations that will be
considered for storage of CO2 are located offshore. Sub sea storage
of CO2 was recently added to Annex 1 of the
London Conventions and guidelines are under development. Such framework is also
being developed by the OSPAR convention and will include six stages for risk
assessment and management framework (source: Norwegian Pollution Control
Authority, SFT):
♣ Problem Formulation: Defines the boundaries of the assessment.
♣ Site Selection and Characterization:
Suitability of a site proposed for storage (and the surrounding area), Capacity
and injectivity. Baseline for management and monitoring. Design and operation
of the injection project. Plan for site-closure.
♣ Exposure Assessment Movement of the CO2 stream within geological formations.
Potential leakage pathways. The amount of CO2
and the spatial and temporal scale of fluxes.
Additional substances already present or mobilised by the CO2.
♣ Effects Assessment Effects on the marine
environment, human health, marine resources and other legitimate uses of the
sea from leakage.
♣ Risk Characterisation Integrates the
exposure and effects to estimate of the likelihood for adverse impacts. Distinguish
between processes relevant to characterizing risks in the near-term and
long-term. Level of uncertainty
♣ Risk Management (incl. Monitoring and Mitigation). Safe design, operation and site-closure.
Monitoring requirements, during and after CO2
injection. The performance of the storage. Monitoring
assist the identification of additional preventive and/or mitigative measures
in case of leakage. After site closure, the monitoring intensity may gradually
Accurate modeling tools, to be used for
long term modeling of reservoirs, will be important for decommissioning of the
site. If governments have to take liability after closing of the site, they
will require assertion that the bulk part of the CO2 has been trapped and that
leakage in the future is highly unlikely.
The question of how long is long enough
with regard to permanent storage is still a matter of debate. What is beyond
normal operating time for industrial plants and sites would normally be
considered very long term by the industry. Monitoring and responsibilities
after closing operations and maybe after the operating company has ceased to
exist raise difficult legal and monitoring questions.
in Bergen (Significant activity in bold)
Sosio-economical aspects
Juridical aspects
Ethical aspects
11. Education and competence building
Bergen is situated
in the heart of the most industrialized region in Norway. This has had
consequences for the UiB’s and HiBs priorities. The unusual aspect of the UiB’s
efforts devoted to technology is that they have largely been integrated with
the basic disciplines, and that they have most often originated in these disciplines,
with respect to both research and education. No separate engineering faculties
have been established, which is often the case elsewhere. In the scientific
context, technology is quite simply the most expedient use of the basic
disciplines to develop devices and methods for use in society. At the same
time, technological devices have been decisive in moving the boundaries of
research forward within the basic disciplines. The integrated organization of
technology has made it possible to exploit this interaction to the full, with
respect to professional development and results. It has also resulted in an
excellent ability to restructure and helped maintain close links with the
Norwegian business community, at the same time as research has had a clear
international foundation in large and long-established networks. Another
natural consequence of this is that technology at the UiB and HiB have
developed in niches where the academic and industrial environments are strong,
rather than on a wider front. This has taken place in collaboration with other
environments in Bergen such as a number of highly esteemed research institutes,
and not least, a number of high-tech companies with products and services which
are sold world wide.
Gas power plants and CO2 handling
are relatively new technologies in Norway. Even so HiB and UiB offer a
substantial portfolio of study programs with high relevance. Also utilizing
competence of their R&D-partners HiB and UiB have the interdisciplinary
foundation necessary to develop targeted education that will assure recruitment
of the required experts. This could also encompass a component for further
education of personnel at Mongstad. HiB and UiB are now collaborating in
developing new study programs based on a continuous analysis of the need for
candidates. Several new programs have been initiated in collaboration with, and
often partly funded by, industrial partners. The most relevant of the available
Bachelor (3 years) and Master (2 years) programs are listed below. Mind that
several important programs in this context, particularly at UiB, are named by
discipline and not by profession or theme.
Bachelor programmes:
♣ Petroleum technology (UiB)
♣ Energy technology (HiB)
♣ Process technology (UiB)
♣ Chemical engineering (HiB)
♣ Chemistry (UiB)
♣ Subsea technology (HiB)
♣ Geophysics (UiB)
♣ Marine Technology (HiB)
♣ Environment and resources (UiB)
♣ Electric power engineering (HiB)
♣ Mathematics (UiB)
♣ Informatics (UiB)
♣ Information technology (HiB)
♣ Control systems (HiB)
♣ Physics (UiB)
♣ Nano technology (UiB)
♣ Biology (UiB)
♣ Geology (UiB)
♣ Metrology and oceanography (UiB)
♣ Mechanical engineering (HiB)
♣ Construction (HiB)
♣ Computer Engineering (HiB)
♣ Electronics (HiB)
♣ Industrial engineering (HiB)
Master programmes:
♣ Petroleum technology/ Reservoir physics, - geophysics, - geology, - chemistry
and - mechanics (UiB)
♣ Process technology/ Multiphase systems, Instrumentation, Chemometry,
Separation, Safety technology (UiB)
♣ Applied and computational mathematics/ Applied analysis,
Hydrodynamics and ocean modelling, Mechanics and dynamical systems,
Environmental mathematics, Reservoir mechanics (UiB)
♣ Geophysics/ Physical and chemical oceanography, Meteorology (UiB)
♣ Earth science/ Geodynamics, Marine geology and Geophysics,
Environment, Petroleum earth science (UiB)
♣ Physics/ Hydro acoustics, Measurement science, Theoretical physics
and modelling (UiB)
♣ Biology/ Diversity, Evolution and Ecology (UiB)
♣ Marine biology (UiB)
♣ Chemistry/ Chemometry, Environment, Molecular modelling, Organic
♣ Applied and computational mathematics/ Applied analysis,
Hydrodynamics and ocean modelling, Mechanics and dynamical systems,
Environmental mathematics, Reservoir mechanics (UiB)
♣ Software development (HiB)
♣ Informatics (UiB)
♣ Computational science (UiB)
♣ Statistics/ Data analysis (UiB)
♣ Water Resources and Coastal Management (UiB)
More and up to date information on all
these programs are available at the student web portals of HiB and UiB. Student
recruitment is a critical issue that already is addressed in many ways. One of
these is TeknoVest, a recruitment network for western Norway run by all the
institutions offering technological higher education in the region. Through
this network the students are given access to an even wider span of programs
than those listed above.
Both HiB and UiB have wide networks of
industrial and R&D partners actively participating in the supervision of
engineering and master students in their 3 and 12 month projects, respectively.
These projects often serve as pilot and feasibility studies which are developed
into full R&D projects with industrial or governmental funding. This includes PhD projects which also are carried out in close
collaboration with industrial partners.
12. Relevant collaborative activities and networks.
A concise and general presentation of HiB,
CMR, Unifob, and UiB is given in the appendix. There are, however,
several centres and network type of projects and activities between the
institutions and some cases also with external partners, which is relevant for
the energy plant. The most relevant are presented in this section. In addition
the different research groups and departments have extensive national and
international networks and collaborations that are not listed here.
The four partners have links and network
involving national and international research activities and technology
providers relevant to CO2. In addition to networks specific to each
partner, research groups or individuals at CMR have been coordinator for
government funded Norwegian CO2 technology research and
demonstration activities (KLIMATEK programme) during 1997-2005 (now the
responsibility of CLIMIT/GASSNOVA) with involvement in a portfolio of national
and international projects and collaborative activities.
Local and national collaboration
The Partners have an extensive
network involving most, if not all, other R&D institutions in Norway
involved in petroleum research. Except for some fundamental research
programs and
activities, all R&D are carried out in close cooperation with
partners. The industrial contact network is extensive and also vital for
activity. The nature of the collaboration depends on the actual project
activity and span from advisory type of functions to full collaboration,
also with bilateral part time positions for key R&D personnel.
Examples on international collaboration and networks
Researchers within mathematics, natural
sciences and technology have with few exceptions collaboration with
international research groups and networks of groups, including short (weeks –
months) and long term (year) mobility schemes. Some examples on partner
institutions and networks are listed here, but this list is far from complete:
♣ The Integrated Ocean Drilling
Program is an international marine research program
that explores the Earth's history and structure as recorded in seafloor
sediments and rocks, and monitors subseafloor environments
♣ Gas hydrates on the Norwegian-Barents Sea-Svalbard margin (GANS)
♣ BasinMaster (focus on sedimentary basins)
♣ ConocoPhillips Research Center in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, USA
♣ Carnegie Institution of Washington, Department of Global Ecology, USA
♣ University of Bern, Climate and Environmental Physics, Germany
♣ Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde, Sektion Meereschemie, Germany
♣ Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, USA
♣ University of Manchester, UK
♣ North Carolina State University, USA
♣ Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
♣ University of Montana, USA
- Project collaboration on EOR
♣ Colorado School of Mines, USA - Fluid flow and faults and mutual student exchange
♣ University of Calgary, Canada - EOR and flow assurance
♣ Total, France
♣ Chevron, USA
♣ ConocoPhillips
♣ Compagnie Générale de Géophysique, France
♣ Schlumberger, UK
♣ University of Tokyo, Japan
♣ Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth, RITE, Japan
♣ National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
(AIST), Japan
♣ Heriot-Watt University, UK
♣ Technical University of Stuttgart, Germany
♣ Princeton University, USA
♣ Tulsa University, USA
♣ University of Erlangen, Germany
♣ China University of Petroleum, China
♣ University of Texas at Austin, USA
♣ University of South Carolina, USA
♣ Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands
♣ University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
♣ Oklahoma University, USA
♣ Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
♣ Stanford University, USA
♣ Texas A&M University, USA
National Laboratory for Monitoring underground CO2
CMR Instrumentation, Unifob Petroleum and
Center for Computational Science are partners in the CO2 Field Laboratory feasibility study project. The CO2 Field Lab project is funded by Gassnova,
coordinated by Sintef Petroleum, and performed as a multidisciplinary
collaboration project by the following Norwegian partners; IFE, IRIS, NGI, NGU,
NIVA, SPR, UiB, Unifob, UiO and CMR. This study evaluates the feasibility of
establishing a field laboratory for monitoring injected CO2 with
focus on investigating migration mechanisms, sensitivity and feasibility of
various monitoring techniques, detection of leakage and seepage and providing a
legal, regulatory and policy framework.
A feasibility study has been performed
during autumn 2006. A project description will be ready by mid January; where
after sponsors for a project will be approached.
Centre for Integrated Petroleum Research (CIPR)
This Centre of Excellence utilizes the
combined strengths of experienced petroleum researchers and more than 40
researchers from the following departments at the UiB:
♣ Mathematics (Math)
The main objective of CIPR is to establish
an internationally re-known, cross-disciplinary unit in petroleum
research. The challenge is to create a research environment where results
from basic research can form the basis for improving the technology, and to
ensure best possible economical development of the resources on the continental
An additional goal is to support project
oriented cross-disciplinary education, and to educate top qualified scientists
as part of the different research programs. CIPR is one of three Centers of
Excellence at the UiB.
The geo-modelling group at CIPR has
extensive experience, academic as well as industrial, in generating digital 3D
models for reservoir evaluation and simulation purposes using both subsurface
and outcrop data sources. Focus areas include capturing heterogeneity of
depositional and tectonic architectures at all scales and performing gas and
fluid-flow simulations to evaluate their effect on reservoir performance and
-integrity. Uncertainty evaluations and risks form an integral part of these
Ongoing projects include a
cross-disciplinary effort aimed at the development of a new method and add-on
software components for industrial-type modelling tools. The new method allows
detailed 3D representation of reservoir fault features at present not included
in standard models, such as fluid flow inside faulted rock volumes, 3D
capillarity seal effects of fault and non-deterministic forecasting
communication between non-juxtaposed parts of the reservoir. These factors have
significant impact when considering reservoir integrity/sealing, estimating
reservoir volume and properties and intra-reservoir flow. Furthermore, the
ability to forecast the extent of fault-induced damage to the reservoir aids
our ability to optimise well emplacement in the reservoirs.
CIPR has conducted extensive work on
outcrop studies of on-shore reservoir analogues, using a combination of
detailed fieldwork, geophysical methods and 3D Lidar laser scans. The purpose
has been to generate high-detail models for a range of reservoir types. These
are used for simulation test aimed at identifying critical parameters for
reservoir performance and serve as test cases to optimise implementation of
geological features affecting reservoir response to production and injection.
The centre includes activities on
developing of software for reservoir simulation and inverse techniques. In
relevance to CO2 storage the following is mentioned:
The ATHENA model:
ATHENA is a CIPR in-house reservoir flow
simulator with emphasis on flexibility. It simulates thermal, multi-component,
multi-phase subsurface flow processes, and it can be coupled to a range of
different equations of state (EOS). Black-oil and compositional EOS are
supported, and preliminary work on coupling ATHENA to ACCRETE has also been
carried out. The ATHENA grid structure accepts any polyhedral cells, including
faults and local grid refinements. Fourier and Darcy fluxes are discretized
using either TPFA or MPFA in a control volume framework. The code has been
completely parallelized for reduced run-time, using domain decomposition
The ACCRETE model:
The ACCRETE model:
ACCRETE is a code that is specifically
constructed to solve CO2-water-rock interactions. The code solves dissolution of CO2 into saline
aqueous solutions constrained by temperature, pressure and salinity, speciation
of carbon in the aqueous phase, and mineral reactions constrained by their
thermodynamic and kinetic stability. The code can easily be coupled to
transport codes either using its own equation of state for CO2 and water, or
being used solely as a reaction module solving specified reactions. The
internal mineral database consists of 16 minerals believed to be of
significance during CO2 storage. It is no upper limit for the number of minerals in the
database and new minerals can easily be added.
NCE Subsea
NCE Subsea is one of six Norwegian Centres of Expertise appointed by
Innovation Norway, SIVA and The Research Council of Norway in 2006. The centre
will develop the underwater consortium in Hordaland and strengthen the
competition between enterprises both national and international. The main focus
of the NCE will be on installation, operation and maintenance
of underwater-equipment along with supervision of all sub sea activities. Specifically NCE Subsea will have the
focus on:
The strengthening of education and building
competence and thereby improve the supply of competent working force (manpower)
Improvement of supply on new capital (funds)
Development of new technologies, products,
cooperation-forms and companies
Innovative solutions for
responsible exploitation of the oceans
Integration of the innovation between
petroleum and the remaining maritime and marine environments
This will be implemented through education,
R&D, company development, product development, marketing,
internationalisation and cooperation/network activities.
NCE Subsea’s
industrial partners are: AGR, Aker Kværner, CCB, FMC, Framo,
Norsk Hydro and Statoil. The competence participants are: CMR, Institute
of Marine Research, SINTEF, HiB and Unifob AS., and the regional public
involved are City of Bergen, Fjell municipality, Hordaland County
Council, Sund
municipality and Øygarden municipality.
The Michelsen Centre for Measurement Science and Technology
CMR and UiB are in the process of
establishing The Michelsen Centre of Research based Innovation. This is an
interdisciplinary resource centre for petroleum, fisheries and the environment.
It will be a key player in the expansion of the industrial partners'
technologies and it will participate in the development of innovative
solutions. The Michelsen Centre will actively exploit technological synergies
between petroleum, fisheries and the environment that will lead to better
economic performance and better use of natural resources as well as mutual
understanding in environmentally sensitive areas. The Centre will focus
innovations for:
♣ Oil and gas: Fiscal flow measurement; Multiphase flow measurement;
Process monitoring and fluid analysis; Reservoir monitoring.
♣ Fisheries and aquaculture: Measurement of fish catches, products and
quality and marine instrumentation for environmentally friendly and efficient
fishing and fish farming.
♣ Environmental monitoring: Oceanographic and meteorological
instrumentation; Environmental pollution management.
Norwegian petroleum industry holds
expertise and experience that will allow it to play an important part in
developing the world’s petroleum resources. More intensive basic research is
however recommended (cfr. OG21) to maintain and develop this position, and new
measurement technologies and techniques are key components in this respect. The
Michelsen Centre will target the primary measurement technology challenges, but
will also take fisheries and the environment into consideration from the very
beginning. This will be achieved by the close integration and cooperation of
R&D environments and industry partners within instrumentation for the
petroleum industry, fisheries and environmental applications. New means for
environmental monitoring may improve not only climate models but also the
ability to develop and manage important fisheries resources. In common with the
fisheries industry, the development of the Norwegian oil and gas industry in
the north depends heavily on environmental monitoring.
The Michelsen
Centre is based on the belief that the co-existence of petroleum and fisheries
industries forms a unique basis for a joint development of these industries. We
foresee significant synergies as well as industrial and social benefits from
combining R&D on measurement innovations for these three application areas.
The primary strategy for exploiting synergies is based on the fact that each of
the activities will highlight unique measurement challenges in different
applications and industries, while the underlying basis in terms of expertise,
measurement science and sensor technology remains a common platform. This
common interdisciplinary platform will aim in particular to promote sharing of
experiences and transfer of expertise and technologies between the more
application-oriented research activities. Sharing of application knowledge and
information between the industrial sectors is also a significant basis for
exploitation of social synergies.
The Michelsen
Centre will have several industrial partners and in addition to HiB, and the
total annual budget will be about 20 MNOK. CMR Instrumentation will host the centre and the main UiB partners are at IFT,
GFI and BIO.
Table of abbreviations and acronyms
Full name
Christian Michelsen Research – 4 business
Instrumentation, Computing, Gexcon and Prototech |
Bergen University College
Energy and Petroleum Research Panel
(Strategiutvalg for energi- og petroleumsrelatert forskning) |
Bergen University Research
Bergen Center for Computational Science
Center for Integrated Petroleum Research
Unifob Natural Sciences
University of Bergen
Department of Biology (Institutt for
Geophysical Institute (Geofysisk institutt)
Department of Earth Sciences (Institutt for
Department of Physics and Technology
(Institutt for fysikk og teknologi) |
Department of Informatics (Institutt for
Department of Chemistry (Kjemisk institutt)
Department of Mathematics (Matematisk
Department of Molecular Biology (Molekylærbiologisk
Faculty of Law (Det juridiske fakultet)
Faculty of Social Sciences (Det
samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet)
Faculty of Arts (Det historisk-filosofiske
The University of Bergen, Bergen University
College, Unifob and Christian Michelsen Research highly appreciate constructive
discussions and support from several partners in carrying out the competence
survey and preparing this document: Hordaland Fylkeskommune, Hordaland Olje og
Gass, Idevekst and last but not least Tel-Tek whom we regard as R&D partner
in several of the CO2 technology challenges presented in this
Appendix - The individual institutions and
Bergen University College (HiB)
Bergen University College is organized in three faculties and the petroleum
related activities are mainly connected to the Faculty of Engineering. The
Engineering education, comprising 135 staff members and 1900 students, is the
largest Engineering faculty in Norway. It offers a wide range of bachelor
graduate programs within all the classical Engineering disciplines as well as
some interdisciplinary programs like Energy Technology, Sub Sea Technology and
Communication Technology.
The Engineering faculty is also chief
organizer for Norwegian Centre of Subsea Expertise,
and it is a collaborator in The Michelsen
Center. It is also important for us to mention a collaboration agreement
with Statoil Mongstad. This agreement includes many activities and connects
several of our graduate student programs to the petroleum industry. We are also
collaborating in an international CO2 measurement network related to
Important fields of competence related to
the Mongstad project are:
♣ Separation, gas-transport and CO2 chemistry.
♣ Instrumentation and measurement.
♣ Development of computer-software and communication technology.
♣ Process simulation.
♣ Energy calculation and optimization.
♣ Sub-sea activities.
♣ Industrial construction Surveying
Christian Michelsen Research (CMR)
CMR provides innovative research-based
solutions for the industry in cooperation with our
customers and research partners in Norway and abroad (industry, governmental
agencies, universities, research labs etc). Our activities are mainly in the
following areas
♣ Energy, primarily petroleum
♣ Marine/maritime
♣ Environment and safety
♣ Space
The activities range from technological research and
development to the construction of prototypes and the commercialization of
complete products using our competence and facilities within instrumentation,
information system integration and visualisation, explosions and process
safety, new energy technology and advanced mechanical design and construction. CMR Computing
CMR Computing has competence on developing
visualization and virtual reality (VR) tools for a number of tasks relevant for
the oil and gas industry. This includes visualization and interpretation of
seismic data, well planning, visualization and manipulation of reservoir models
and simulation results, and visualization of production data. In cooperation
with Norsk Hydro, we have developed a virtual reality system where all these
different data types can be imported and manipulated in one environment. The
system thus supports cross-discipline work, and it can be run in a distributed
mode supporting cooperation between experts at different geographical
In relation to CO2 handling, visualization
tools can aid in the interpretation of simulation output. Advanced
visualization techniques can e.g. be an important part of an effective
hypothesis-testing environment. One idea is to construct a visualization
framework allowing the user to adjust all key parameters from within the VR
environment, run the simulation and view the response to parameter adjustments
in a matter of seconds. Such ‘tinkering’ with the different parameters within a
visualization framework is paramount to understanding how different parameters
influence the simulation.
Another interesting usage of visualization
is for a risk assessment of CO2 sequestration at a given location.
The number of parameters involved in the simulations and the large degree of
uncertainty associated with several of them, especially when leaky wells are
included, necessitate a very large number of simulations. Advanced
visualization techniques are important for the researchers in interpreting the
large amount of complex 3D and 4D data effectively.
CMR Computing has developed FAVE, a virtual
reality framework that has been used in several different contexts such as
visualization of geological data, medical data, city planning and simulation of
gas dispersion and gas explosions. It can serve as a good basis for development
of applications targeted on CO2.
CMR Instrumentation
CMR Instrumentation is active in the
following R&D program areas:
♣ Process Instrumentation
♣ Instrumentation
♣ Environmental monitoring
♣ Multiphase flow measurement
♣ Fiscal oil & gas flow metering
♣ Fisheries and aquaculture
Some selected projects showing the vide
range of expertise are briefly mention below.
CMR Instrumentation has experience with NIR
gas detection through the Zero-Gen project, where monitoring of CO2 and
other potential exhaust gases from a high temperature process (solid oxide fuel
cell integrated with a hydrogen reformation process) are monitored. The aim is
to monitor the gas composition at various stages in the process, which has CO2
capture as a natural consequence.
Uncertainty analysis of metering stations
has been a topic over several years. CMR Instrumentation has developed several
handbooks for the Norwegian Society for Oil and Gas Metering (NFOGM) within
this area ( These
include ultrasonic gas metering stations, orifices gas metering stations and
turbine oil metering stations and are based on more than 20 years of experience
at CMR. In a current project for Statoil Mongstad the uncertainty of the
reported CO2 emission (to SFT) from a considerable amount of
instrumentation in the whole plant is currently being assessed.
Environmental monitoring is another focus
area e.g. covering oceanographic measurement. Further CMR Instrumentation has considerable expertise
within flow metering and gas characterization of gas through flow measurement.
Experience related to subsea oil and gas monitoring range from ultrasound,
electromagnetic and nuclear methods for application within multiphase flow and
level detection. In addition CMR Instrumentation has a
vide range of experience related to downhole measurements. Ongoing project related to downhole measurement cover both
development of an acoustic camera used for drilling operations and a competence building project (KMB) related to
instrumentation under the NFR Petromaks programme partially funded by Norsk Hydro and performed
and a joint venture between CMR Instrumentation and UiB.
CMR Gexcon
CMR GexCon is
developing and selling FLACS, the most widely accepted CFD tool for explosion
consequence calculations worldwide. CMR GexCon consultants do explosion risk
studies in all parts of the world and can offer very competent services in this
CMR GexCon is
developing the commercial CFD-tool FLACS which is a leading and maybe the best
validated CFD tool for the prediction of leaks and dispersion of gases in the
atmosphere. In connection to transport and injection of CO2, significant leaks may occur. Since CO2 is a dense gas, hazardous
concentrations of gas may be seen far away from the leak location. Important
parameters to evaluate the hazard will be topography/ terrain and wind
direction and strength.
CMR Prototech
CMR Prototech is a provider of technical
solutions, product design and manufacturing services with applications ranging
from space exploration to products for the consumer market.
Development of energy systems and fuel cell
technology are core activities. CMR Prototech is engaged in several projects
dealing with development and demonstration of energy systems featuring solid
oxide fuel cell technology (SOFC). CMR Prototech develops technology components
(stacks based on SOFC technology, as well as components and complete fuel cell
CMR Prototech
is involved in several European projects within the next generation energy
solutions in particular the development of fuel cell and hydrogen technologies.
In Norway CMR Prototech has cooperation with UiB, NTNU and IFE within new concepts
for high efficient power generation.
Bergen University Research (Unifob)
Unifob AS was established in 2003 and is University of Bergen’s primary tool and preferred partner
for conducting externally funded research and development projects. Unifob
carries out research and other scholarly tasks within each of UiB’s academic
disciplines. This work is usually performed in close partnership with the
University faculties. Through cooperation with Unifob, clients acquire access
to the entire range of UiB’s academic expertise.
Unifob has a decentralized organizational
structure comprising independent departments that base their operations upon a
broad range of academic areas designed to reflect the needs and demands of
modern society.
Unifob’s research programs are
project-orientated, and sections often collaborate with one another on a
cross-disciplinary basis. Unifob has a professionally run administration and a
knowledgeable staff with experience from the field of externally funded
research programs and project management. Unifob’s collaboration with UiB gives
it access to modern laboratory facilities and the latest scientific equipment.
Unifob’s sections are located within UiB’s premises, and are usually positioned
near to the University faculty that they partner.
Bergen Center for Computational Science (Unifob BCCS)
BCCS currently has a staff of about 50
people, from 13 countries worldwide, in full- and part-time positions. BCCS has
three units. The primary aim of the Computational Biology Unit (CBU) is to
conduct bioinformatics research and to expand the interface between
bioinformatics and experimental biological and biomedical research. The second
group, Parallab, is the high performance computing laboratory of the university,
which operates the supercomputer facilities but also carries out research on
high performance scientific computing, parallel and distributed programming,
and algorithms. The third unit, Computational Mathematics Unit (CMU), currently
focuses on ocean process studies, extreme events in the ocean and modeling of
CO2 behavior in the ocean. CMU and Parallab have well-established
national and international networks within ocean modeling and high performance
Expertise with relevance to Mongstad
♣ CO2 behavior in the ocean; droplets, transport and
♣ Ocean processes, including design currents for marine operations
♣ High performance computing support.
Unifob Natural Sciences (Unifob SAM)
The department is a project organisation
with two different roles:
♣ Carry out external and in some cases multidisciplinary projects in
close co-operation with five different departments at
UiB; Biology, Molecular Biology, Physics and Technology, Chemistry and
Geosciences. The scientific profiles of the Unifob personnel coincide with the
profile of the corresponding UiB department (see separate descriptions of each
♣ Carry out contract R&D-projects for industry and public
administration. This is mainly done within Section
for applied environmental research (SAM). The marine part of SAM is responsible for carrying out environmental studies for oil
companies both in the North Sea and abroad, and observation studies for public
and private enterprise along the coast. Environmental monitoring surveys are
mainly focused on bottom fauna, hydrography, flora and fauna in the tidal zone,
introduced marine species, chemical analysis and monitoring of oil hydro
carbons, heavy metals and PCB in the sediment and mussels. SAM Marine is
accredited according to NS-EN ISO/IEC 17025 by Norwegian Accreditation.
Department for Petroleum Research (Unifob Petroleum)
The department is housing the
Center for
Integrated Petroleum Research, which is one of four Centers of
Excellence in Bergen. The department performs research with focus on
development of technology that
brings the oil recovery for operative and future fields up to its
maximum level. Three main research topics have been defined:
♣ Combine geology, chemistry, physics and mathematics to obtain
improved understanding of multiphase flow phenomena in porous media.
♣ Develop reservoir models that provide faster and more reliable
reservoir simulations, with emphasis on heterogeneous reservoirs.
♣ Contribute to increases oil recovery by improved understanding of
oil recovery mechanisms.
The department
has focused on the need to improve oil recovery from oil reservoirs in which
the communication is influenced by faults. In connection with Enhanced Oil
Recovery (EOR) the department is working with new methods that will improve oil
recovery by microscopic diversion, such as cross linked polymer particles, new
generation polymers, and surfactant flooding targeted at mobilising microscopic
trapped oil.
The department is
also active in developing new and improving existing simulations tools. For
instance better treatment of compositional effects, improved accuracy for
stream line simulations and more efficient methods for coupled
reservoir-geomechanical simulations.
The department
has continuous work on seismic and dynamic reservoir characterisation. Through
inverse modelling a cross disciplinary effort within seismic/rock physics and
reservoir simulation/modelling has lead to very promising results for model
updating with production data and 4D seismic data.
University of Bergen (UiB)
The petroleum related activity at UiB is,
with the exception of aspects related to social sciences, ethics and law, at
the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. This is the largest faculty at
UiB with about 750 faculty and staff members, 1600 undergraduate and 600
graduate students, and 350 PhD students. Research and education have special
focus on marine and fisheries biology, oceanography, climate studies and
petroleum geology, geophysics and technology which all are more or less
relevant to exploitation and utilization of oil and gas. The faculty is
organised in 8 departments that are presented in more detail below. Unlike many
other universities UiB has its technology activities integrated with the basic
disciplines to fully exploit the synergy between these. This also means there
is a considerable increasing interdisciplinary activity with foundations in one
or several of the departments and Unifob and CMR. UiB has a dedicated panel
(SEPF) that plans and coordinates all energy and petroleum activities in
cooperation with Unifob and CMR.
Department of Biology (UiB BIO)
The department conducts research
research based education in a wide range of biological disciplines and
is Norway's largest academic research institution within marine biology.
The research is
organized in 16 research groups focusing on marine microbiology,
and ecology, geomicrobiology, biology and ecology of fish, terrestrial
botanical ecology and palaeoecology. The department has about 140
members and research scientists, 40 research technicians and engineers,
more than 100 PhD and 150 MSc students. Important fields of competence
in this
context are:
♣ Marine and terrestrial ecology
♣ Biogeochemical processes
♣ Environmental monitoring and effect studies
♣ Bioremediation
♣ Ecosystem modeling
Department of Molecular Biology (UiB MBI)
MBI focuses on basic research in
biochemistry/molecular biology of protein structure and function, developmental
biology, functional genomics, and experimental bioinformatics. As part of the
overall research programme at the department, several groups have well
established research projects and expertise in environmental toxicology and the
study of cancer causing agents.
Department of Chemistry (UiB KJ)
The research at Department of Chemistry has
recently been reorganised into three scientific lines: A) Section for petroleum
and process-chemistry, B) Section for bioorganic and pharmaceutical chemistry,
C) Section for nanostructures and modelling, The department has in particular
excellent instrumentation within spectroscopy (high-resolution nuclear magnetic
resonance, NMR; high-resolution mass spectrometry, MS; x-ray diffraction;
infra-red, IR; atomic absorption; dielectric, TDS) and chromatography. The
department has 24 faculty members, 12 engineers and about 30 PhD and 50 MSc
Important fields of competence in this
context are:
♣ Petroleum chemistry
♣ Process chemistry
♣ Catalysis
♣ Optimization (chemometrics)
♣ Renewable fuels
♣ Surfactants and colloid chemistry.
♣ Multiphase technology
♣ Synthesis
♣ Structural chemistry
♣ Thermodynamic systems
♣ Spectroscopic and chromatographic instrumentation for detection and
Department of Earth Science (UiB GEO)
Performs research and education covering a
wide range of geological and geophysical themes and disciplines. Modern
laboratory facilities, national seismological network, modern equipment for
acquisition of marine geological and geophysical data, access to the fleet of
university research vessels. National coordinator for Integrated Ocean Drilling
Program and earth science-based gas hydrate research. Among mother departments
for three national centres of excellence.
The research is organized into five
thematic research groups:
♣ Geodynamics (structural and regional geology, tectonics, earthquake
seismology, petrology, geochemistry)
♣ Petroleum earth science (petroleum geology, petroleum geophysics and
rock physics)
♣ Marine geology and geophysics
♣ Quaternary geology and paleoclimate (including paleomagnetics)
♣ Geomicrobiology (jointly with BIO)
Geophysical Institute (UiB GFI)
Research is performed in 5 groups: coastal
and small scale oceanography, dynamical and large-scale oceanography, chemical
oceanography, meteorology, and climate. Three of the five research groups are
involved in advanced instrumentation. Experimental and theoretical studies of
small-scale turbulence, mixing and transport processes in the atmosphere and
ocean are relevant to environmental aspects of CO2 handling and other emissions.
There is relevant competence in ocean
carbon chemistry in the chemical oceanography group with strong connection to
the Bjerknes Center for Climate Research. The group develops and uses high
precision instrumentation and also has a strong modeling activity. Present
research addresses acidification of the ocean due to CO2 emissions,
but not CO2 handling.
There has however been a long term
engagement in CO2 handling as manifested e.g. by lead authorship of
the 2005 IPCC Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (Peter M.
Haugan) and external collaboration. There is also an increasing activity on
near bottom processes, including methane and oxygen. The Geophysical Institute
has recognized research capability and can educate students within
♣ Small scale ocean physics; modeling and deep sea experiments
♣ Global climate change effects from storage
♣ Acidification
♣ Meteorological aspects of leakage to air
Department of Informatics (UiB II)
Currently the department has 20 permanent
faculty members, 6 adjunct professors, and a technical/administrative staff of
8. The department has approximately 15 postdocs, 40 dr. students, 100 master
students, and 300 undergraduate students. The following research areas are
covered by the department: algorithms and complexity, bioinformatics, coding
theory, cryptography, wireless communication, programming theory, visualization,
and optimization theory.
Most relevant to the Mongstad development
will be the Optimalisation group. Research activities of the group include a broad
range of optimization methods and applications, including linear programming,
integer and combinatorial optimization, and non-linear programming. Recent
applications that have been studied in our research include oil and gas
processing and transportation, vehicle transportation, telecommunications and wireless
networks, medicine, and signal and image processing. Of particular relevance to
the Mongstad energy plant, is a project on optimized regularity of gas
transportation networks, which started very recently. In collaboration with SINTEF/NTNU,
the University of Stavanger, Statoil, Gassco and CognIT, we develop methods and
tools for optimal exploitation of the pipeline system in the North Sea.
Specific tasks assigned to the Optimization Group at II, include the
development of algorithms for computing transportation schedules. The main
challenge in this work is to take into account the computational difficulty offered
by complicated pressure and quality conditions in the gas network.
Department of Mathematics (UiB Math)
Research covers pure mathematics and
statistics in addition to applied and computational mathematics. There are 31
permanent faculty members and approximately 30 PhD students and postdocs.
Research areas include:
Algebra and algebraic geometry, algebraic
topology, mathematical analysis, time series and econometrics, epidemiology,
insurance and finance mathematics, mechanics and modeling, reservoir mechanics,
hydrodynamics, image processing, geometric integration, numerical analysis,
inverse modeling, and computational science.
Department of Mathematics has for several
years been involved in projects studying how CO2 will behave within
geological formations, among others with focus on the possibility of a
migration of CO2 out of the intended formation, including risk
assessment in connection with leaks through bore holes. The institute will advertise a professor position within reservoir
modelling, with emphasis on CO2 migration in geological formations, spring 2007. Researchers at MI have also been involved in ocean sequestration of CO2
for the last 15 years, and lately environmental impacts from a CO2 leak
to oceanic waters. The department has good national and international network
within the field of CO2 handling, with a general overview of all
aspects involved.
Other relevant competences with relevance
to Mongstad include:
♣ Inverse modeling and seismic data analysis,
♣ Time series analysis and extreme event statistics,
♣ Ocean processes and modeling
Department of Physics and Technology (UiB IFT)
Research has a broad profile, ranging from
fundamental problems connected to the contents of the universe to advanced
technology projects within electronics, oil- and gas- related areas, and is
organised in 8 research groups: Acoustics,
Electronics and Measurement Science, Optical Physics, Petroleum and Process
Technology, Space Physics, Science Education and Outreach, and Subatomic
Physics. The department has 35 faculty members, 13 engineers and about 50 PhD
and 100 MSc students. Important fields of competence in this context are:
♣ Reservoir physics
♣ Multiphase technology
♣ Thermodynamic systems
♣ Process safety technology
♣ Electronics, instrumentation and measurement systems based on
optics, ultrasound, nuclear radiation and electromagnetism.
♣ High temperature and high energy technology and processes
♣ Gas turbines and their role in a sustainable and stable energy
distribution network
♣ Process optimization, transport phenomena in multiphase systems,
computational fluid dynamics
♣ Physical gas cleaning from particles
♣ Stability and combustion issues with high energy gas turbines
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