Sunday 17 February 2013

Chlorine (Cl) Element's Properties and Facts

Chlorine (Cl) Element's Properties and Facts

Element Name : Chlorine Chlorine
Symbol : Cl
Presence in:
1. 70 kg Person : 95 g
2. Body : 0.15 %
3. Earth Crust : 0.017 %
4. Earth Ocean : 2 %
5. Universe : 0.0001 %
1. Atomic Number : 17
2. Atomic Weight : 35.453
3. Group : 17
4. Period : 3
5. Block : p
6. Density : 3.214 g/l
7. Melting Point : 171.6 K
8. Boiling Point : 239.11 K
9. Electron Form : [Ne] 3s2 3p5
10. State of matter : Gas
11. Color : Greenish-yellow poisonous gas.
Other Facts:
1. Area of Presence in Body : In Body-liquid, Electrolyte
2. Existence in type of Foods : Butter, Cheddar Cheese, Olives, Table Salt, and Whole Grain Bread
3. Diseases : Deficiency results in muscle spasms and weakness. Overdose can cause breathing difficulties, fluid retention and high blood pressure.
4. Health Uses : Helps in maintaining normal balance of fluids.
5. Adult consumption / day : 750 mg
6. Children consumption / day : 180 mg
7. Natural Form : Halite or rock salt (NaCl), sylvite (KCl), camallite (KCl MgCl 2 ) and sodium chloride in sea water.
8. Other Forms : Nil
9. Source Place : Air
10. Common Uses : Used to purify water and used in paper and pulp industry as a bleach. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) PVC is used to make piping, tubing, flooring, siding, film, coatings, and many other products.

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