Sunday 17 February 2013

Sulfur (S) Element's Properties and Facts

Sulfur (S) Element's Properties and Facts

Element Name : Sulfur Sulfur
Symbol : S
Presence in:
1. 70 kg Person : 140 g
2. Body : 0.25 %
3. Earth Crust : 0.042 %
4. Earth Ocean : 0.093 %
5. Universe : 0.05 %
1. Atomic Number : 16
2. Atomic Weight : 32.065
3. Group : 16
4. Period : 3
5. Block : p
6. Density : 1.96 g/cm3
7. Melting Point : 388.36 K
8. Boiling Point : 717.8 K
9. Electron Form : [Ne] 3s2 3p4
10. State of matter : Solid
11. Color : Yellow
Other Facts:
1. Area of Presence in Body : Proteins
2. Existence in type of Foods : Milk, meat, egg, chicken and legumes.
3. Diseases : Arthritis, circulatory problems, inflammation, nerve disorders and skin problems
4. Health Uses : Important for giving proteins their shapes
5. Adult consumption / day : 800 mg
6. Children consumption / day : Nil
7. Natural Form : Volcanoes, barite or barium sulfate, celestite or strontium sulfate, cinnabar or mercury sulfide, galena or lead sulfide, pyrites or iron sulfide, sphalerite or zinc sulfide, and stibnite or antimony sulfide.
8. Other Forms : Nil
9. Source Place : United States, Canada, China, Russia, Mexico, and Japan
10. Common Uses : Used in vulcanization. It is the process of adding sulfur to rubber to make it stiff and hard. Powdered sulfur is also used as insecticide.

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