Sunday 17 February 2013

Iron (Fe) Element's Properties and Facts

Iron (Fe) Element's Properties and Facts

Element Name : Iron Iron
Symbol : Fe
Presence in:
1. 70 kg Person : 4.2 g
2. Body : 0.006 %
3. Earth Crust : 6.3 %
4. Earth Ocean : 0.0000003 %
5. Universe : 0.11 %
1. Atomic Number : 26
2. Atomic Weight : 55.845
3. Group : 8
4. Period : 4
5. Block : d
6. Density : 7.874 g/cm3
7. Melting Point : 1811 K
8. Boiling Point : 3134 K
9. Electron Form : [Ar] 3d6 4s2
10. State of matter : Solid
11. Color : gray
Other Facts:
1. Area of Presence in Body : Enzymes, Hemoglobin
2. Existence in type of Foods : Vitamin C, Red meat, leafy green vegetables, fish (tuna, salmon), eggs, dried fruits, beans, whole grains, and enriched grains
3. Diseases : Anemia, which causes lethargy, poor concentration, pale skin and shortness of breath
4. Health Uses : Helps in metabolism of almost all living organisms.
5. Adult consumption / day : Woman 15 mg, Men 11 mg
6. Children consumption / day : Nil
7. Natural Form : Hematite or ferric oxide, limonite or ferric oxide, magnetite or iron oxide, and siderite or iron carbonate.
8. Other Forms : Nil
9. Source Place : China, Russia, Brazil, Canada, Australia, and India.
10. Common Uses : Used in automotive, construction, containers, packaging, shipping, machinery and industrial equipment, rail transportation, oil and gas industries, electrical equipment, appliances and utensils.

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