Monday 9 April 2012

Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development

The world is facing a mounting crisis. In recent years we have experienced a combination of a global financial crisis, a food crisis, volatile oil prices, accelerating ecosystem degradation and an increasing number of climate-induced extreme weather events. These multiple and inter-related crises call into question the ability of a growing human population to live peacefully and sustainably on this planet, and demand the urgent attention governments and citizens around the world.
Earth Summit 2012 will be the fourth Summit of its kind and represents another milestone in ongoing international efforts to accelerate progress towards achieving sustainable development globally. This background section provides information on the following areas

Thought Leadership

As part of the SDG2012 programme Stakeholder Forum wrote and commissioned a series of think pieces on sustainable development governance. The think pieces focus on a range of issues, including:
• The global institutional framework for sustainable development - including the role of the Commission for Sustainable Development, the management of sustainable development across the UN system, the status of sustainable development within ECOSOC, and other issues.
•Reform of International Environmental Governance - the role of UNEP in advancing the environmental pillar of sustainable development globally, the relationship between environment and trade,
•Global finance and sustainable development - the mainstreaming of sustainable development into International Finance Institutions (IFIs), the role of IFIs in advancing environmental objectives
•National, regional and local governance for sustainable development - the role of National Sustainable Development Councils, the role of local governance in advancing sustainable development
•Civil society - the role of civil society in the governance of sustainable development , in enhancing accountability, in monitoring and in implementing
Corporate Accountability for sustainable development - the role of corporate accountability in advancing sustainable development, and the relative merits of voluntary methods vs regulation
•Compliance and Enforcement - the need for global mechanisms to better ensure compliance to global agreements relating to sustainable development

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