Wednesday 11 April 2012

Some facts about the lungs after many years of smoking

o have a better idea of what the smoke does to your lungs, think about an empty bottle, in which smoke is ingested and never comes out, consistently. Sooner or letter the smoke settles into the bottle and blackens the bottle. This is exactly what happens when the smoke is taken into the lungs. Here are some interesting facts about smoking and lungs:
  1. Bronchioles: Simply put, the lungs are the respiratory organs of the body. They are designed to take in oxygen and pass this into the blood stream. The cells lining the air tubes within the lungs, known as the bronchi and the bronchioles are irritated when the person begins smoking.
  2. Lung cancer: Smoking is also said to be one of the major causes of lung cancer. Lung cancer is caused due to the tar and nicotine that is present in the cigarettes.  Lung cancer is the number one reason for deaths by disease in the United States for women as well as men.
  3. Production of mucus: One of the first results of this irritation is the production of mucus. This mucus accumulates on the air tubes, and decreases its diameter. This makes it difficult to breathe for the person, which further leads to overworking of the lungs.
  4. Carbon monoxide: Smoking also accumulates carbon monoxide into your body. This robs the tissues from your entire body and makes it work harder, especially your lungs. The overworking of lungs is harmful for the lungs and then for the entire human body in the long run. The brain and the heart also become a victim of over working because of the accumulation of carbon monoxide into the body on a daily basis. So dangerous is carbon monoxide that if a person inhales a lot of carbon monoxide, he or she can suffocate and die.
  5. Ciala: Smoking also intervenes with the ciala, the hair like projections that are present in the cell lining the lungs and the upper respiratory tract. The ciala can be called the cleaners of the lungs. These ciala beat down any debris and other harmful objects that exist in the lungs. One of the more long term effects of smoking on the lungs is the death of these cells. Once these cells disappear, the cleaning of the lungs no longer takes place. This is one of the foremost reasons of smokers getting prone to respiratory diseases.
  6. Alveoli: The other bad effect that smoking has on the lungs is the destroying of alveoli. The alveoli are little blood vessels that help in the breathing. As soon as the persons start smoking, few these alveoli die. These alveoli cannot be resurrected and they do not re grow. This is the reason why the smokers feel a lot of exertion and respiratory problem when they do mundane things like climbing stairs or even running a brisk run.

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