Monday 9 April 2012


I am the wind sweeping across the fields of clover
on a clear spring day,
and the rain clouds that suddenly appear.
I am the cool morning mists,
and the sweltering heat of a summer’s day.
I am the walls that separate you,
and the sparkle of stars
in the open sky of the evening’s calm.
I am the flame of the candle that lights your way,
and the darkness that surrounds you,
I am the magnificent oak tree
shading your picnic,
and the words in the book of poetry
that you are reading to your true love.
I am the love of The Creator,
and the anguish of a broken heart.
I am the big black lab that runs free on the beach,
and the nobility of her spirit
that brings her back home every time.
I am the fear and doubt of the coming day,
and the faith and joy that replaces it
in conscious awareness.
I am your reflection in the mirror,
and what you see when you look within.
I am your first thought upon waking,
and your last thought before sleep.
I am the bliss of a baby’s belly laugh,
and the sorrow of the loss of a loved one.
I am the dread of change,
and the trust that it will bring something greater.
I am what is,
and what isn’t.
I am you,
You are me.
Separation is an illusion
We are complete
We are Creator
We are One
Matthias Dunlop to consider all the aspects, life cycle -love faith hope , peace development

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