Sunday 6 September 2015

How to Stop a Heart Attack in 1 Minute

How to Stop a Heart Attack in 1 MinuteCayenne is not only considered the most popular type of chili pepper, but is also powerful enough to prevent heart attack in just one minute. A doctor named Richard Schulz never lost a patient over a heart attack and credits cayenne pepper for that. He treated his patients who have been suffering from heart attack with a cup of cayenne pepper tea, and in just a minute they recovered from the attack. This is even more relevant due to the scientists base their theories on their personal experience, not studies done in controlled conditions.

How the cayenne pepper should be used?
This type of pepper has at least 90,000 Scoville units, just like Habanero, African Bird, Thai Chi, Jamaican Hot Pepper, Jalapeno, and Scotch Bonet. If a person is having a heart attack, then just give them a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of water, but the patient needs to be cautious so that this works. If the person is unconscious, then put couple of drops of a cayenne pepper extract under their tongue. This will increase the heart rate carrying blood to all the body parts, balancing circulation. Moreover, cayenne pepper has hemostatic effects as it stops bleeding instantly and help in heart attack recovery.
  • 1-3 fresh cayenne peppers;
  • Cayenne pepper powder;
  • 50% alcohol (you may use vodka);
  • 1 glass bottle of 1 liter;

Instructions: Put the gloves on for safety reasons, then fill a quarter of the glass bottle with cayenne pepper powder and pour alcohol enough to cover the powder. Put the fresh peppers in a blender along with enough alcohol to get a sauce-like consistency and then add the mixture in the glass bottle so that it is filled ¾ of it. Put some alcohol in the bottle so that you may fill it to the top and put a lid on it. Shake it couple of times during the day and let it stay in a dark place for 2 weeks, then strain. Keep the final tincture in a dark bottle and for a stronger tincture, let it infuse 3 months before straining. It will never spoil, thus keep it in a dry and dark place.
Dosage: give this tincture in 5-10 drops to conscious patients who previously suffered from a heart attack and stroke, and another 5-10 drops after 5 minutes repeating the treatment until the condition improves. If in case the patient is unconscious, put 1-3 drops under their tongue and begin CPR repeating the treatment after 5 minutes, and every other 5 minutes until the condition of the patient improves.
Health benefits of the cayenne pepper:
  • It can be used for treating other ailments;
  • It has antifungal properties and can prevent the occurrence of Colletotrichum and Phomopsos;
  • It can treat stomach issues, flu symptoms, migraines, allergies, obesity, arthritis, toothache, and redness;
  • It stimulates the production of gastric juices and relieves gasses, thus it is good for the digestive system;
  • It has anticancer properties and is especially recommended for people with lung cancer and smokers as it is believed that the capsaicin found in cayenne pepper prevents the development of tobacco caused tumors. Similar results have been noticed in patients diagnose with liver cancer.
Cayenne pepper’s nutritional value
This extraordinary pepper consists of 26 different nutrients like zinc, calcium, selenium, magnesium, minerals, vitamin C, A, and many more. This makes it one of the strongest natural spices able to do miracles for the heart.

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